Sunday, June 4, 2006
The Union of Concerned Scientists is sponsoring a cartoon contest, Science Idol:
On issues from air quality to global warming, government science is being censored, manipulated, and distorted on an unprecedented scale. Scientists and citizens alike have helped UCS put the issue of political interference in science squarely on the public agenda. Now here's your chance to show off your artistic and comedic talents in support of independent science—it's said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but what about an editorial cartoon?
This is Science Idol!
The Union of Concerned Scientists is hosting Science Idol: the Scientific Integrity Editorial Cartoon Contest. We're looking for your creative take on the issue of political interference in science. Submit one-panel or multi-panel, print cartoons that address the misuse of science on a specific issue or in general...
Of course, scientists themselves could never be motivated by politics! Perish the thought! They are pure. Celebrity judge #1 will be none other than Philidelphia Inquirer cartoonist Tony Auth, who's work a couple of years back bore an unfortunate resmblance to that of a not-so-bygone era (link goes to original post with side-by-side comparison of prior propaganda):

I'm guessing cartooning of the Cox and Forkum variety is not going to go far in this contest (click photo for larger with original context):