
Sunday, June 4, 2006

A couple of good ones at Augean Stables. First: Arab League Refuses to Condemn Darfur

A piece by Mohamed Buisier, a Libyan-American political activist, in the Wall Street Journal points out what should be obvious to everyone: The Arab League has no moral values...

Second, and an interesting issue on several levels: Sudanese Refugees Want to go to… Israel

The Scotsman has an interesting article on Muslim Sudanese refugees making their way to Israel. (Hat tip: Antidhimmi)

It illustrates a key point that James C. Scott makes in his book Domination and the Arts of Resistance: what people say as part of the public transcript is often contradicted by what they say in private. This recalls what happened when the Phalangist massacres of Palestinian refugees at Sabra and Shatilla started. The Palestinians ran to the Israeli posts for protection, thereby showing that, when the chips are down they knew Israelis don’t massacre, no matter what Arab leaders and media told them. One can find similar examples of the massive gap between what an “honor-shame” propaganda-oriented public sphere continually repeats for the sake of its own self image, and what people know privatley, but won’t contradict publicly...

Much more at the links.


I just hope these refugees don't turn out to be fifth columnists with an Islamist agenda that just doesn't happen to be quite aligned with Khartoum's Islamist agenda.

posted this last week and I commented on it in the thread. He tried to slyly throw out the patronizing Jibe "Jews actually detaining refugees with their experience in WWII"
to which I replied - "Amazing of all teh countries and land mass in Africa, the Middle East - even Europe - and these Black African Muslims wanted to go to Israel for asylum?"
To which he replied -
"This is a good question which I should investigate"

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