Sunday, July 23, 2006
This past Friday, the Muslim American Society held their "Justice for Palestine and Lebanon Protest" at Boston's City Hall Plaza referred to at the end of this post. The Boston Globe has its report here: Muslims, Christians protest bombardment of Lebanon
Participants carried signs such as ``Free All Palestinian and Lebanese Political Prisoners," ``End the Israeli Occupation," and ``Stop Aid and Weapons." At times during the nearly three-hour rally, which included a prayer service and was sponsored by the Muslim American Society, they chanted ``Free, Free Palestine," and then ``Free, Free Lebanon." A police officer at the scene estimated the crowd at 2 p.m. to be 500.
Around 1:30 p.m., hundreds gathered in tidy eastward-facing rows of about 50 people each, to pray to God. Most kneeled on prayer rugs. Others improvised with newspapers. Some took off their shoes. Usually, at that time of the week, they would have gathered in a mosque. Assam Omeish, president of the Muslim American Society, led the prayer.
Caline Jarudi, executive director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee of Massachusetts, said that holding the rally was a big step among Muslims, who often are apprehensive about publicly vocalizing their views because they can face discrimination. ``The rally was about justice and hopefully there is no consequence," she said.
During the rally, many thought of loved ones in Lebanon or the disputed territories in Israel...
"Disputed territories." Very good.
Oh, but that's not the full story. No, no, my friends. You see, freelance operative Seva Brodsky was in the house, camera in hand -- and there was much jostling, grabbing, profanity and threats of violence directed toward our intrepid defender of Israel and America. The remainder of this post is either submitted by, or based on descriptions from, Seva. The pictures and video are his. Any asides from me are placed in brackets, Mr. Brodsky's submission is below in pull-quote format. The description of events is his. Most of the visuals are in video format, with only a few original still-shots, although I have pulled some stills out of the video for illustration (so that is why most of the photos are in a fairly small size). Stick with us, gentle readers, for this shall be worth it. Seva:
Having arrived from Israel several days ago, where I had just spent almost six months, I got right back into my regular Zionist activities. While riding the subway on Thursday, July 20, 2006, I read in the Metro that there was going to be a political rally the very next day (Friday the 21st) at Boston City Hall Plaza. That article, titled Lebanon/Israel cease-fire rally set for tomorrow, by Laura Dannen, could be found in the lower left hand corner of page 2. Following is a short snip:
BOSTON — Calling for an end to the “indiscriminate” loss of life in Lebanon, more than 1,000 members of Boston’s Muslim community are expected to rally on City Hall Plaza tomorrow afternoon.The protest, organized by the Boston branch of the Muslim American Society’s Freedom Foundation, will call for an immediate cease-fire to the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah, now entering its second week, said Omar Abdala, the rally’s organizer.
“It’s unacceptable to indiscriminately kill innocent civilians,” Abdala, 25, said of the Israeli attack on Lebanon. “We’re calling for an immediate end to violence and for Israel to pull back.”
The demonstration, taking place from noon to 3 pm on City Hall Plaza, is part of a larger series of protests around the country this week. More than 2,000 Boston-area Jews and supporters of Israel gathered peacefully in Brookline on Tuesday, demanding peace and security for Israel, an end to terrorism and the safe return of two captured Israeli soldiers...
My interest was piqued, so I decided to check it out. I showed up at City Hall Plaza at about 2 pm, in black dress slacks and striped blue and white shirt, looking like a lawyer on a lunch break. I had a small backpack with the Canon digital photo/video camera in it. As I was approaching the crowd, which appeared to number several hundred people, I took it out and turned the video on.

As I approached the crowd I was confronted by Noah Cohen, [who's Marxist screeds are legend, and who feels Noam Chomsky isn't sufficiently anti-Zionist], who is the husband of Lana Habash [a physician who was quoted as stating that the bombing of Jerusalem Bus#19 was a justifiable act of resistance -- Together, Cohen and Habash run the New England Committee to Defend Palestine, whose goals we have gone over before and which boasts Andover High School's Ron Francis as a booster] and my old nemesis. He tried to harass and intimidate me, but I wouldn't give in. So he tried to impede my video recording by blocking me with his body. As I had a swivel monitor on the camera and was taller than him, I raised the camera above my head and continued filming that way.

However, he is not the type to give up too easily -- being resourceful, he raised a large white banner he had with him on a foam board, thereby creating a new, more formidable obstacle for my probing lens. This precipitated a cat-and-mouse game, which I did not mind engaging in. He was really annoyed by that and started calling for back up. A little crowd started gathering around me, threatening and verbally abusing me.
Some rather short and skinny woman, screaming hysterically at me, grabbed my camera and left arm:

In the ensuing commotion, I suddenly noticed that Noah Cohen grabbed my camera and was quietly trying to break off its swivel monitor. This really stunned me -- I didn't expect he would go to such length and engage in criminally punishable behavior, but I guess, he figured he could afford to do so and get away with it, being surrounded by his comrades-in-arms with no police in sight. At this point, indignant and even outraged, realizing that I was entirely on my own and no help was forthcoming, I yanked the camera from his grip and a scuffle ensued which seemed to cool off his zeal substantially.
More people joined the melee, shouting and threatening me. Unfortunately, by this point my camera was off, so I did not capture what had transpired then. One man told me that the police would not help me, as they were going to hunt me down and kill me (he can be heard on the video repeatedly commanding me not to take pictures):

Eventually the police, a man and a woman, showed up and questioned me, asking me if I wanted to press charges since I knew the name of the perpetrator. I said that I did and they told me where the nearest police station was, so I eventually did proceed there, but not before the Arab "witnesses" were screaming to the cops that I had attacked an innocent woman.
"In the Arab world it is understood that hospitality is given freely to friend and foe alike, that the blessings of family and religion are to be cherished above all else, except possibly money, that what is said is not necessarily what is meant at all because, in the richness and imagery of the Arabic language, style counts more than substance." Pp. xii-xiii of the Introduction to "The Arabs, Journeys Beyond the Mirage"; Vintage, 1988, by David Lamb, an American journalist and author, who is quite sympathetic to the Arabs.
The female officer went to talk to someone, returning several minutes later and telling the male officer that my version of the story got corroborated and checked out in the end.
[Here is the short video, from the time when Seva approached the rally to the point where his camera was grabbed and he stopped filming -- "He's a Zionist! He's profiling people!":]
Upon return from the police station, I continued my video recording activities. More insults and threats followed, and another conversation with the same two police officers, who then suggested I also go to a particular courthouse, as there was still enough time left in the day to also file my complaint there. I got into an interesting discussion with them, and the male cop suggested that I write about the incident to a paper, such as Boston Phoenix, and I replied that I intended to.

[Say, remember micro-Larry Bird? Well he and friend were back, and had a few choice words for Mr. Brodsky (that's his voice -- more of him later -- WARNING: contains profanity):]
[Another encounter with Noah Cohen, another guy who threatens to smash Mr. Brodsky's camera, and a beleaguered -- though it must be said, well-meaning -- Rally Marshall, who informs Mr. Brodsky that he can't guarantee his safety:]
I continued recording the event, moving across the street and observing it from a distance:
[Chanting: "When people are occupied, resistance is justified..."]
[Another encounter: "The Zionists must hate this"...and again with our basketball friend, or as perhaps we should call him, "Gorgeous"...note the Palestine water-bottle accessory:]
All this commotion begs several questions:
1. Why is it that I was the only pro-Israel person who was there out in the open? Where were others? If they were there, did they take notes, pictures, and videos?
2. Was the FBI there? Their field office could have had a field day, and I hope they did -- the proportion of Muslim clerics and Arab as well as hard-core leftist extremists there was quite staggering.
3. Why did the police not come to my rescue right away, and why were there so few of them? I only saw one parked wagon with two cops in it, and the two officers that I talked to. Given the size of the crowd, and the content of speeches, slogans, and banners, I would expect a battalion of security forces there. [This is remarkable. At every pro-Israel event, even family-oriented events, there has been an extensive police presence along with private security. At this event...almost nothing. Draw your own conclusions. -S]
4. Why is it that when we Jews have our demonstrations and rallies, we behave overwhelmingly in a civilized manner in the face of the opposition, and if one of us steps over the line of propriety, the rest admonish such a person? Why do we see such a drastic difference between our behavior and that of our opponents and enemies?
For actions far above and beyond what anyone would ever ask you to do, it is my honor to present you with this award and ribbon to be worn on your uniform [described by you as, "black dress slacks and striped blue and white shirt, looking like a lawyer on a lunch break"] at whatever events you deem appropriate. The Order of the Pest of Zion:

Wear it with pride.
Update: 7/24 7:15am -- Seva is on WRKO Boston right now!
Update 2: Nice job Seva! Thanks to Scott Allen Miller for having Seva on. Also welcome to Michelle Malkin, LGF readers, Freepers and others.
Update 3: Seva will be on the Michael Graham radio show (listen live at the link) at about 3:15 Eastern-- that's a few minutes from now. Done. Great job Seva! You sounded great.
Update 4 7/27: Seva will be on Hannity & Colmes at around 9:20 Eastern tonight to talk about the incident!
Update 5: Video of Seva's H&C appearance can be found here. BTW, for a good web site for keeping in step with the Russian-Jewish community in Boston, try Jewish Russian Telegraph.
Update 6: Part 2 of this story is HERE.
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Noah Cohen is a jerk. I hope you do go through with pressing charges. You immediately lose credentials to being a peace-loving person when you attack someone with a video camera.
wow. impressive work, both of you.
interesting that they should yell "he's profiling." i remember being told that at a talk given by the Israeli consul at BU, there were protesters outside taking pictures of everyone coming out. apparently a) when they take pictures they are profiling, and b) what's sauce for the goose is definitely not sauce for the gander.
My God bless you and bless Isrial.
Thank you for your video. I am an American, a christian and on observer. I understand your beliefs for your land, or shall I say I try to understand. If it were me, I'd give the Palestians the sand, let they eat it and see what they have to fight over then!!! Look at Gaza, what did they do, feed their people, build homes, help each other, no they built up an arsenal and started killing Jews!!! I am pro-Israel. I pray for peace and only God can know what will come.
How soon until Boston becomes Londonistan II? They're building a mosque to Islamists, and now they don't even bother much to protect innocents at pro-terrorist rallies.
This is like the No-Pasaran guys' counter-anti-freedom-of-speech-demonstration in Paris this winter, except on a smaller scale.
Wow Seva I really admire your brave and daring attitude. Long live Israel............
Brave man. And it shouldn't be like that. At the New York Pro-Israel rally, there were those who held signs against Israel and yet none of the Israeli supporters threatened them.
Makes me wonder what all those camera shy people at the Boston rally have to hide.
Order of the Pest of Zion! That is really good. That needs to be trumpetted on the blogosphere.
chilling...but what courage in the face of facism. you are the best example of what makes America great. uncounted millions support you and support Israel. God bless.
I doff my hat. Keep it up.
[This is remarkable. At every pro-Israel event, even family-oriented events, there has been an extensive police presence along with private security. At this event...almost nothing. Draw your own conclusions. -S]
That's not remarkable at all if you consider the likely fact that the police are there not to arrest protesters... free speech is free speech after all. Perhaps the police are there to PROTECT those doing the protesting from those who would try to stop them.
Thus, you might surmise that they are less worried about people trying to blow up a group of Hezbollah supporters and more worried about those same supporters trying to blow up a pro-Israel rally.
Just a thought.
I am awed and humbled by your courage. God bless you for standing up to the invaders of our peace and freedom, and God bless Israel.
Press charges. Do not relent, this is a critical thing to do to preserve our freedom of speech.
I think the lack of police may actually be on purpose. I sincerely hope that the reason no police were there is becuase they didn't want to "tamper with" the natural remarks etc. that the speakers made. The FBI were probably there in plain clothes. I know they go to ALL the rallies we in Dearborn Michigan. They get to know who are the BIGGEST trouble makers are. And I do mean trouble. Thanks for all you do.
I greatly admire your nerve I'm sure I would not have had the nerve to do whay you did. However, even though I'm 63 years old well past my prime if I had been there I would have aided you in some manner.
Thank you for your courage.
Good for you but please be careful. These people a more than willing to commit violence. If pressing charges goes anywhere please keep us informed.
Brilliant. Exposing anti-Zionists events as gatherings of extreme fringe Left, ethnic street thugs and welfare abusers should get some results.
I think it is wonderful that pro-Israel rallies are well-protected, they are family events, and some thinkinig should go into ways of making them attractive to non-Jewish families. After all, the message of those rallies is to respect peaceful family life of citisens of Israel. Do you think there is a chance to get a sympathetic Christian preacher or a Black Conservative with a message family life, work and dedication to raising healthy, educated and well-adapted children, to one of these rallies? It is of urgent importance to position pro-Zionism as a position of people living normal civilised lives.
I'm heartened that they knew better than to go further than mild intimidation. It's a sign that American law and justice still works. They're afraid to do more than whisper a threat, unlike stories I hear from Europe where even judges are afraid and often give in to intimidation.
Great stuff, impressive, commendable, obviously so.
I wish more people could see that video. It really opens your eyes to the "tolerance" of the religion of peace. You are a brave man.
Thanks so much for posting this. It's really important to get word out about this kind of intimidation, by these 5th columnists. I "digged" it. Man, I love the blogosphere.
Yep. Islam. The "religion of peace."
>I said that I did and they told me where the
>nearest police station was, so I eventually did
>proceed there, but not before the Arab
>"witnesses" were screaming to the cops that I had
>attacked an innocent woman.
>Was the FBI there? Their field office could have
>had a field day, and I hope they did -- the
>proportion of Muslim clerics and Arab as well as
>hard-core leftist extremists there was quite
Sorry, but you lost credibility in my eyes with comments like these. Why, in the first comment, do you psecifically mention Arab witnesses, particularly when you're discussing the obnoxious behavior of non-Arabs like Noah Cohen and the "grabber" woman who looked to be white from the picture? If someone had written this about trying to film last Tuesday's rally and Kehillath Israel and had referred to "Jew witnesses," we would all be justifiably outraged.
And then you ask if the FBI was there--because there was a high "proportion of Muslim clerics and Arab" [sic]? Seva, being Arab or a Muslim cleric is not cause for FBI monitoring. Illegal activity is cause for FBI monitoring. And the only person you accuse of illegal activity here is not Muslim or Arab.
As a Jew, I'm ashamed to see another Jew's activism so tainted by anti-Arab racism.
I liked the courage of the kid threatening with the water bottle. When that didn't work, he tried to get the three women to do the job. Good work. Peace to Israel.
It just shows how afraid Mr. Cohen and his ilk are when they have to get physical to silence the opposition. I hope you throw the book at 'em!
Who was the little junior at the end waving the water bottle around? Looked a little pale to me to be an Arab Paleostinian. Another white suburban teeny something lefty "revolutionary" I suppose, no dog in this fight but that's never good enough for these types of brats.
He probably has permanent indentations of Playstation controllers on his thumbs and plenty of Dorito dust -- but nary a single callous on his hands to signify any sacrifice for anything, ever, in his short life.
"Seva, being Arab or a Muslim cleric is not cause for FBI monitoring. Illegal activity is cause for FBI monitoring. "
Uh, being a Muslim cleric at a rally where the speakers are calling for the destruction of Israel is cause for FBI monitoring, or at least it should be.
Disappointed, read between the lines, buddy. If you weren't there you really can't comment. However, even if you weren't there and you actually paid attention the the video you'd see what he was talking about. I'd say anyone at a rally supporting Hezbollah warrants FBI monitoring, at the very least...
oh my god, there were arabs present! better call the FBI!!!
"Illegal activity is cause for FBI monitoring. And the only person you accuse of illegal activity here is not Muslim or Arab."
Not quite.
Illegal activity is cause for investigation, arrest, and indictment. Law enforcement does not sit idly by and "monitor" illegal activity. What is cause for "monitoring" is the LIKELIHOOD of illegal activity and, as unfortunate as it is to say, when there are a large number of Arabs and radical leftists at an anti-Israeli rally, the likelihood of illegal activity (as was demonstrated at length in this video) is high... and, thus, a perfect opportunity for monitoring.
This is not "racism" as much as it is "statistical inference" based on past experience which could easily be supported by empirical data, should such become available.
"And then you ask if the FBI was there--because there was a high "proportion of Muslim clerics and Arab" [sic]? Seva, being Arab or a Muslim cleric is not cause for FBI monitoring. Illegal activity is cause for FBI monitoring. And the only person you accuse of illegal activity here is not Muslim or Arab.
As a Jew, I'm ashamed to see another Jew's activism so tainted by anti-Arab racism.
It's quite a stretch to call him a rascist; ask him in what context he meant those words, before you judge him.
And yes, being a muslim at a rally in favor of Hezzbollah IS cause for monitoring them, even in the case where they have commited no crime so long as the monitoring is not done on anyone's private property without their permission or contrary to their liberty.
GO ISRAEL! Vanquish the H & H scum; the sooner the better!
What a mass of human debris. You should have threatened that one asshole with a trip to Club Gitmo. That goes for you, too, Baghwan.
"Damned right I'm a zionist. I am a jew and a zionist. And an American."
Hehe. Boy that was fun to watch. More power to you. I'm not Jewish, but I share your support for Israel. I'm also a BIG fan of Lebanon and hope you or they destroy Hezbollah forever!
"All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke
Seva, you are a good man!
All those Islamofascists and Progressive Mental Illness types who are against "occupation", should end their own occupation of North America, Native American land.
"F", "F", PaleSWINE.
"Yes, and why is the crowd so murderous? Why is that?"
"I'll take an inaccurate Katusha anyday over being in this crowd"
The camera guy is killing me :)
All those Islamofascists and Progressive Mental Illness types who are against "occupation", should end their own occupation of North America, Native American land.
"F", "F", PaleSWINE.
God Bless....Nice Work
Myself and my "good ol boy buddies" from Bama and GA. wish we were there.....for support
"Disappointed," you are what we call a "useful idiot." And by the way, there would be nothing at all wrong with referring to Jewish witnesses as "Jewish witnesses." So your accusation of racism because Seva referred to "Arab witnesses" is irrational at base.
Self-hating Jews who turn on their own people and side with the enemy are the greatest threat to Jewish survival.
American Jewess, it's good to know what you call me. I personally don't like name-calling too much--something about L'shon hara. But I gues that doesn't mean too much in a discussion where people use terms like "Paleswine."
I have trouble believing that you don't think that it would be objectionable if a non-Jew who described a scene like this at the rally at KI last week referred to "Jew witnesses." Do you also think that it's okay for Mearshimer and Walt to scream about the alleged influence of the "Israel lobby"? For other political commentators to decry "Jewish neocons" in the Bush administration? I'd call all of these anti-Semitic. And I trust that others here would too. I even have to guess that you would, if it didn't conflict with your effort to denounce me here.
I am a proud Jew--not self-hating in the least, though I appreciate your concern for my self-esteem. I'm curious what I said that you classify as "siding with the enemy." What I did was criticize another Jew for what I consider racist language. Last I checked, our tradition was largely based on discussion and argument--take a look at the Talmud lately? If criticizing others in the community makes me self-hating, then at least I'm in pretty good company.
One note to those who've said that presence at a pro-Hezbollah rally is enough to merit FBI surveillance--do you HONESTLY believe that any more than a tiny fraction of those who attended this rally were pro-Hezbollah? Do you think that Lebanese Christians and Sunnis wre there to support a Shiite fundadmentalist militia that has ravaged their country? Did you see anyone explicitly supporting Hezbollah besides a handful of white folks who are neither Arabs nor Muslims?
What evil people. Surely demon possessed. You can see it in their wild-eyed look. I have seen the same in mental wards.
Dear Disappointed,
I DO believe that more than "a tiny fraction" of the attendees of this rally ARE pro-Hezbullah, pro-Hamas, pro-Al Qada.
Lebanon has been HIJACKED just as 4 commercial airliners were hijacked on 9/11.
Lebanon was first hijacked by the PLO. Then Lebanon was hijacked by Syria. Now Lebanon has been hijacked by Iranian Hezbullah. Lebanon is too weak to remove the foreign forces and foreign troops that dominate its government.
BTW Disappointed are you disappointed by Noah Cohen who was trying to censor the video taping by a citizen of a demonstration in a PUBLIC SPACE?
"F", "F", PaleSWINE. Get it?
I am Christian. I recently was playing the piano at a Jewish temple service, when the rabbi said we were going to pray for peace in Israel. The prayer included asking God to send "PEACE to our ENEMIES" and so on. I wonder if there are any Islamic prayers that include peace for Jews...
Well, Eddie, if you read my first comment, you'll note that I referred to Cohen's behavior as boht obnoxious and illegal. So yes, I think that makes clear that I'm disappointed by it, like most everyone posting here. I didn't focus on it because I'm not too interested in repeating what others have already said--makes reading comments pretty tedious when they all say the same thing.
>"F", "F", PaleSWINE. Get it?
Yeah--there's actually not much subtlety or cleverness to "get." Honestly, it makes you sound like a middle school student, and doesn't lend you much credibility.
@Disappointed, if i were to protest in an anti-war demonstration and I see people abusing this demonstration carrying pro-Hezbollah or anti-semitic signs, I'm out.
All those who are against Israel should also be against Pakistan, a country carved out of India designed to have a Muslim majority.
In Israel there is a group called "Peace Now".
Is there an Arab/Muslim equivalent?
Is there a "Salaam Now"? An Arab/Muslim grassroots organization that demonstrates against Hamas, Hezbullah, PLO, PFLP, Islamic Jihad?
If not why?
Disappointed, are you disappointed that a man other than Noah threatened the life of the man taking the video?
The FBI, NSA, and Homeland security had better be monitoring all of these terrorists groups and that's exactly what they are. Time to arrest the ones with the phony citizen claims for treason or supporting terrorism, and deport any Nut from the middle east that is not a citizen. Protest like that should be grounds to cancel any citizenship applications for anyone there. None of them are to be trusted. Why do people do business with them or hire them? Are they that greedy for the dollar? I wouldn't buy a pill from any of them if I was having a heart attack. It would probably be poison.
Suzanne, you made an excellent point.
The anti-war "Protest Organizer" had issues with the videographer but NO PROBLEM with pro-Hezbuallah posters.
BTW, Hezbullah has been categorized as a Terrorist organization by the State Department.
Joey, I'd like to see you say that to my face, Zionist coward.
Fuck off and die, terrorist.
Eddie, this is a bit tiresome. Yes, I condemn the fact that someone threatened the cameraman. And I condemn the woman who tried to grab the camera. Would you like to go through and ask if I object to every unacceptable thing said one done at this rally? I didn't address each one because in blog comments, one tends to just make one or two short points, not write a comprehencsive piece. That's why i haven't replied to each separate point you've made, and why I didn't object to every point Seva laid out in his post.
And actually, there are Muslim peace groups in Israel and elsewhere. And joint Jewish-Muslim peace groups, too. A bit of simple web research would find them. Or is it easier to say "F, F Paleswine" than do that research?
Disappointed, I'm afraid reason does not work well with partisan wingnuts. This board is likely full of Republican Zionists who think with their hearts and not their brains.
Wow, sounds like Eddie and Bagwhan might get along--both discussing things at about the same level of discourse.
Pro-Israel supporters needed in internet forum to refute anti-Israeli lies. Please click link.
Dear Disappointed,
I ask you, I challenge you, when and where was the last Arab/Muslim "Salaam Now" (sic) demonstration AGAINST Hamas, Hezbullah, Islamic Jihad?
Any in the US? Any in the PaleSTINIAN Authority? Any in the United Kingdom? Any in Europe?
Bagwhan, I wrote the post above before I saw that you'd directed a comment at me. But I have to say, writing "fuck off and die" strikes me as little different than "F, F Paleswine" or "None of them are to be trusted." I suppose you get a bit of credit for your childish attack being aimed at one person, rather than a whole group, but I object to it nonetheless.
I hope the F.B.I. WAS there taking names and taping comments by the terrorists/pro-terrorists. After all, these are the brothers (whatever their ethnicity) of the scum who perpetrated 9/11 and would like to do another one.
Raghwan, I hear that Islamofascists issued a fatwah against "reason".
Remember the fatwah against Salman Rushdie for writing a book of fiction? Rushdie took it seriously and was in hiding for a number of years.
Oh, Eddie, I'm going to bed. I'd suggest you do the same before you get too worked up with "challenging" me.
You want an example of a protest against Hezbollah? Lord, man, do you read the papers? How about a year ago when Beiruit was paralyzed by demonstrations after the assassination of Rafik Hariri. Those were mostly aimed at Syria--and Hezbollah, the Syrian regime's main backers in Lebanon. Many in Lebanon have strongly condemned Hezbollah's attacks on Israel and the destruction they've brought. You'd do well not to lump all Lebanese togethher.
For others, try the Muslim Peace Fellowship in the US, Muslim WakeUp, and the Progressive Muslim Union of North America. Try Neve al Shalom/Wahat al Salaam in Israel, or the Parents Circle. There are other examples, but those five should be enough to start. Enjoy your research.
And goodnight.
Of course I believe that more than a tiny fraction of those people were pro-Hezbollah. The pro-Lebanon crowd (in which I include myself) is very happy that Lebanon is about to have a chance to be truly free, with no more control by Syria/Iran's Hezbollah. We are sad that Israel is killing some Lebanese civilians, but believe it is worth it to get rid of Hezbollah once and for all. Only supporters of the death cult Hezbollah are protesting (+ angry aging hippies, but I didn't see any of those in the video).
I would guess that every single person there was pro-Hezbollah. Except for the camera guy of course.
It is long past the time of telling Israel to have patience or to back off. Israel did not start this, she is simply defending herself. (Can you say Castle Doctrine?)
I am sick to death of the talking heads on tv & politicians-for-life (please go out & get a real job before you speak again!) asking Israel to make concessions. Those two entities will never admit just how much (& strong is the) support for Israel.
If Israel has to turn Lebanon, Iran & Syria into parking lots, well so be it. The others should be the ones making concessions. A lot of them! It should never again be Israel making concessions when she is attacked; been there, done that.
Obviously did not work.
May God be with you in this struggle against these terrorists.
I looked up some of your examples of Arab/Muslim "Salaam Now" organizations.
Muslim Peace Fellowship
Guest faculty include:
Elizabeth Cook-Lynn, Crow Creek Sioux poet, essayist and fiction writer
Rabia Terri Harris, founder of the Muslim Peace Fellowship and translator of several classic Sufi texts
Micheline Aharonian Marcom, author of two novels about the early 20th century Armenian genocide and displacement
Hozan Alan Senauke, Zen priest and past director of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship
Sandy Tolan, radio journalist and author of The Lemon Tree: An Arab, A Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East (just released).
Funny but I don't see any traditional Arab names. Fails my test.
Muslim Wakeup
I didn't see anything remotely chastizing actions of Hamas, Hezbuallh, Islamic Jihad etc. I did see a post mentioning Israel. "I Was Israels Dupe" - Tom Hayden.
Fails the test.
Progressive Muslim Union of North America
I did see posts condeming the genocide happening in Muslim Sudan, against the bombing of the Al-Askari mosque in Iraq.
I saw no posts condeming violence against Israelis. This organization fails the test too.
Neve al Shalom/Wahat al Salaam
I see no mention of when their last protest of Arab terrorist organizations in the Palestinian Authority happened. No pictures, reports of such a protest.
Failed the test.
Compare all your examples of an Arab/Muslim "Salaam Now" organization with "Peace Now".
1. Peace Now respects the Palestinian people's democratic decision
Show me a website from an Arab/Muslim "Salaam Now" that respects the Israeli people's democratic decision, that denounces suicide bombing attacks, that recognizes Israel.
And now - a demonstration of the lack of intelligence of the opposition.
Baghwan J. says, oh my god, there were arabs present! better call the FBI!!!
...and then menacingly says...
Joey, I'd like to see you say that to my face, Zionist coward.
Fuck off and die, terrorist.
And then - get this - he has the temerity to actually follow that up with this -
Disappointed, I'm afraid reason does not work well with partisan wingnuts. This board is likely full of Republican Zionists who think with their hearts and not their brains.
Hahahaha! Are you a friggin' joke Baghwan J.? You're a caricature of all that you claim to hate.
Well, least I know you'll never give me an intellectual run for the money. Instead, I can expect juvenile insults and hypocrisy from you. Congrats on your lack of success!
Am I the only one who sees a problem with the fact that the only claim the Jews have to Israel is the Bible? And that pushing, at gun point, Palestinian families off their rightfully owned land is morally wrong in both Christian and Judaic moral codes?
I don't object to anything you've said on this thread. I wonder though -- do you think Islam is a religion like the other great religions? Or do you recognize the totalitarian threads that run right through the core of the Quran? Do you know that all the main schools of Islamic law prescribe death for apostasy? Are you aware of the canonical hadith (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) and what Muhammad is recorded as saying and doing in those hadith? Do you think it not particularly related to Islam that Freedom House records the group of countries with Muslim majorities to be the most backward in the world in terms of civil liberties and political rights? Do you know about the violent verses in Chapter 9 of the Quran, and why Muslim scholars say those violent verses abrogate the earlier verses of toleration? Do you know what the Quran's verses of "abrogation" are?
Did you know that when the Muslims ruled Spain, most non-Muslims there lived under a Jim Crow like social system involving many kinds of social discrimination? For example, non-Muslims had to wear special identifying clothes and pay a protection tax levied only on non-Muslims? The United States got rid of Jim Crow, but the second-class status of non-Muslims under Islam is taken to be based on the verbatim word of Allah in Islam. This is not something that can be amended -- not without a reformation of Islam far more radical than the one Luther worked on Christianity. Every living system has conservative and progressive elements -- but some systems have such a preponderance of one or the other as to be incapable of evolution, i.e., essentially totalitarian. In my view, Islam is such a system, and I am dead set against it.
Of course one can find commonalities between any two social systems and any two religions, because nothing is perfectly pure. But the question is about the overall pattern and trend. Muslim leadership, and the Quran and hadith, constitute a totalitarian system (in which many Muslims acquiesce) that seeks to take over Europe by demographic means (since Western arms cannot be defeated directly) in the coming decades. This is not a matter of merely spiritual persuasion, but of political domination.
I'm going to write an internet letter and post it on a site where people can copy it and easily send it to their politicians. The letter will document the various factual, historical and Quranic reasons Islam is a threat to non-Muslims and to liberal societies, and will urge politicians to require the following of all Muslim would-be immigrants: 1) that they sign an agreement renouncing the Jihad aspect of Islam, 2) that they renounce any attempt to bring Sharia (Islamic law) into the host country, 3) that they renounce any support for the supremacist aspect of Islam (it's intention to politically and legally subordinate non-Muslims). Then the letter will urge that any Muslims who in a court of law are proved to have violated their agreement will be subject to loss of citizenship.
I would put it in the form of a public petition instead of a letter to send privately to politicians, but I think too many people would be afraid to sign name and address to a public Islam-critical petition. Already a climate of fear in the U.S. has diminished the degree of objectivity of the U.S. press on the subject of Islam. Many journalists are afraid to say anything critical. Public opinion is already mildly anesthetized in a way that is largely invisible, not because journalists conspire to be hush-hush about Islam, but because a spontaneous journalistic order emerges out of the actions of countless cautious individuals acting independently to play it safe.
In Britain, a series of polls of British Muslims concluded that some 16,000 of them would be willing or even eager to engage in terrorism in Britain. Something approaching half of all British Muslims wanted to see Sharia (Islamic law) in Britain. Some 40% of all British Muslims said Western society was decadent and that Muslims should seek to bring it to an end -- most of that 40% said this should happen by non-violent means -- specifically, 32% of British Muslims said non-violent means should bring about the end of Western society in Britain, and 7% of British Muslims said violent means could be used.
If, on verifying these numbers, a Westerner does not realize that drastic change needs to take place on immigration questions, in my view that Westerner has his head and his whole body in the sand -- or might as well, since he is preparing the burial of his own liberal culture in the century to come.
Muslim Europeans reproduce very quickly as part of demographic jihad, much more quickly than traditional Europeans reproduce -- in fact the latter population is reproducing well below replacement rate. That reproduction differential, together with the fact that most of the world's refugees are apparently Muslims, may spell the end of European liberal civilization within a couple of generations.
I believe Mircea Eliade (the great historian of relgions) referred to this outcome in his memoirs. I read the reference some 30 years ago when i was a teenager, and had no idea what Eliade was referring to at the time, since he didn't mention Muslims (I think), and as I recall said only that he looked with melancholy on the prospect of his imaginings: that a third-world people would eventually dominate Europe and that the adventure of liberal European culture would be snuffed out. The whole adventure of the Renaissance and Reformation and Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment and so on and on, and all the writers and artists he loved would be forgotten and replaced by a static culture. In retrospect, I think now Eliade must have been referring to Muslims, because even when he wrote the passage in question, the Europeans had instituted a policy involving extensive immigration by Muslims to Europe. Eliade was perhaps the twentieth century's preeminent historian of religions, and a lover of liberal European civilization. He would have known very well about the anti-liberal elements dominating the core of Islam, just as he knew that there was an inherent link between the Judeo-Christian tradition and the discovery of the basis of liberal civilizations: I mean the discovery of the non-cyclical attitude to time (see Eliade's Cosmos and History), a discovery of linear history and therefore of the personal history without which the individual is not recognized. But probably you have heard all of this before, Disappointed, and simply disagree. Well, if so, we'll have to agree to disagree then. :)
Actually I think there were a few "Protest Warriors" in the crowd. These are people on the Right who show up and crash the protests, mainly with signs that resemble the Leftists, but are really counter-protesters. In your video's there is a guy with a sign on a stick that runs across the street and joins the crowd, then you pan over to a cameraman snapping shots...I think they are Protest Warriors!!!
Keep up the good work, and never let these people intimidate you!
Baghwan J
I can say it to your face, islamonazi.
Just give me your address and phone number.
Stephen said...
"Am I the only one who sees a problem with the fact that the only claim the Jews have to Israel is the Bible?"
Yup, you are. Claims from as far back as the bible or Koran are bogus. Israelis purchased much of their land, and then conquered the rest, 60 years ago. That they are giving back some of the conquered land to the PLO and Hamas is strange, but I support it for reasons unrelated to this post.
Every time Israel gets attacked, they conquer more land. Luckily for the people of Lebanon, only Hezbollah attacked, not the Lebanese army. Otherwise Israel would have grown again. Don't help Israel grow by attacking it anymore. Otherwise you will end up with an Israel the size of the arabian peninsula.
Free Lebanon now! Hezbollah, get out of Lebanon, and allow the Lebanese people to be free and at peace! Peace and freedom for Lebanon forever! I apologize for all of the exclamation points, but Hezbollah has got to go, and go now!
Great Job Seva!
It's important for American Jews to stand up to the wanna-be anti-semite bullies. They are brave when they outnumber you 100-1 but 1 on 1 they are mostly cowards.
The issue is more complicated than that, the claim is better established, and the accusation you make is in at least some respects innacurate. If you can't answer the arguments and facts offered in The Case for Israel by Alan Dershowitz, then you should remain diffident about your position (in my opinion).
And besides Dershowitz I would add this: Israel certainly makes mistakes and should be criticized when it does, but the essential problem in Palestine is not Israel -- it is the totalitarian, uncompromising culture of Islam. The Palestinians would have had a state long ago if they had been able to conceive a non-violent approach and if they had the capacity to compromise and live with non-Muslims on terms of equality. But Islam seeks to dominate and teaches Muslims to dominate non-Muslims, not to compromise with them. If Islam compromises with non-Muslims, it is generally a tactical move.
Of course many individual Muslims do not seek to dominate -- but then many Muslims do not know what the Quran says and have only ever recited it in its original ancient Arabic, a language that even many modern Arabs do not fully understand. And of course most of the world's Muslims are not even Arabs, so understand even less of Quran recitations than does the average Arab. But the leadership of Islam understands that Islam is intended to subordinate the whole world, though that leadership will sometimes hide from Westerners the nature of the Quran and hadith and Islamic law.
But it is curious to me that people focus so much attention on Israel's alleged injustices and seem so uninterested in Sudan's Khartoum government, where Muslims have long been carrying out a true genocide, one responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, mass rape and enslavement. And why do people pay so little attention to the huge crimes of the Chinese government and the Iranian government and other truly brutal dictatorships? In Iran, a judge recently himself put the noose around the neck of a sixteen-year old girl before she was hung from a crane. Her crime? She was raped. For this she was prosecuted, because in Islam if there are not four witnesses to a rape, it can't be proved as a rape. Therefore she was guilty of sex outside of wedlock, which is a very serious offense in Iran. During the trial at one point she ripped off her hijab (a head cover or veil) and yelled at the judge that instead of prosecuting her he should be going after the man who raped her. The judge replied that for this outburst she would be hung and he would put the noose on her neck himself. And he did.
The disproportionate attention on Israel, which is an exemplary democratic state especially given the fact that it is surrounded by a collection of fascist states looking forward to the end of Israel, smacks to me of anti-semitism. I think anti-semitism, and Arab oil, and the lies of Middle Eastern dictatorships slandering Israel and the Jews, and some naive Westerners who cannot imagine that Muslim culture might not be as good or humane as their own, altogether combine to create an absurdly exaggerated focus on Israel's alleged injustices. Israel is one of the least unjust states in the world. With Israel's survival at stake, its supreme court nevertheless outlawed even the infliction of the sort of discomfort the United States sometimes permits or used to permit in interrogations of enemy combatants (being made to sit in an uncomfortable position, loud music, etc.) Palestinian Israeli citizens of Israel-proper have more rights and freedoms than peoples in the states all around Israel. The problem is not Israel. It is the 1400 year old Islamic jihad's totalitarian ethos.
I plan on creating a bumper sticker stating: "DUARDO FOR PRESIDENT"
Wow, all of my posts appear to have been deleted! Is this the work of Hezbollah?
I am astounded by the lack of police presence at something such as this. If this had been New York City, there wouldve been tons of police, uniform and plain clothes. That scuffle with the camera wouldve been attended to immediately. Can someone please answer the Boston Police procedure as to the lack of presence? BTW You're a pretty gutsy guy to have been there on your own like that. Kudos to you. If I were you I would not do that again, as they may keep you in mind at the next rally, go with some people next time.
I always find it amusing how the word "hate" rolls off leftist tongues. especially disturbing was the adolescent male child in the last clip who seemed comfortable using the phrase, "i hate zionists". bloody hitler youth.
i am a liberal and its very embarrasing to see people who i am supposedly aligned with acting in such a manner. i certainly dont chant for israels death nor for hizbollahs victory and i dont understand those, especially those that do not come from the region, believing such things.
DUARDO: Excellent posts.
As well, my compliments to those who engaged in a civil debate.
This is a very interesting slant on the rally I believe I was at on Friday in Boston. Perhaps there are two places in Boston that look exactly alike? The rally was long and peaceful, dare I say, boring, and there were a number of Jewish people these, one group of whom I was standing with - interestingly enough you seem to have missed them entirely. So you filmed a minor disagreement you had with one person, who was upset because you were essentially crshing the peace rally and filming people with negative intent, as is obvious in every sentence of your above writing. The situation was in part escalated by your own rudeness. You will notice most of the crowd in the first clip is just standing there calmly listening to the speaker - hardly the massive violent Muslim Israel haters who are frothing at the mouth image you would like to convey. Maybe to complete your slanted coverage of this rally, you should have left that bit out.
I support you and commend you on your efforts to show the truth about these fanatics, good job!
If you need back up at any of these rallies/mobs please feel free to contact me. Credentials provided upon request.
you're a brave man and I applaud your courage and jewish pride
Thanks for sharing this information. It is disgusting how these pro-Hizbollah folks can get away with hate speech and the media just turn their heads and pretend not to see anything.
Keep up your good work at exposing these hatemongers.
nice work, I would of lost my cool and fought back. Good job showing them for what they really are hatefull.
Chilling just chilling! I watched the videos over and over because I just could not understand or face the fact that here in America these people who hate are under our noses. If I were there with you believe me I would have stood up with you and I am like you, where the heck was one single American? Scared? In our own land they are scared? God bless you.
I love the picture of the Green-Rainbow party goon. Check out this slight modification of his sign
Gaby, I'm not a Muslim, and I'm not giving you my address. Give me YOUR address.
I'm not surprised at this happening in Boston. Sadly, we have more than our share of nut-jobs looking for the issue de jour. You see the same people at every event. Minimum wage rallies, illegal immigrant rallies, anti-war, legalize pot, save the whatevers.
Seva, You should have joined us in Sharon, Mass. on Wed. July 19 for a pro-Israel rally. I was driving by and decided to stop and show my support. Incidently, I'm Catholic.
How is marching against war a "nutjob" activity?
When the people you're supporting are murderous thugs who have been given every chance for peace, but only know how to kill.
Great work!. This country needs more like you.
Excellent work! Shows the true colors of the anti-Zionist radicals amongst us for those who have been unable (or unwilling) to see it before.
This country will need internment camps when the war on terror inevitably heats up. So many people showing at the most benign, sympathy for terrorists, and at the most malevolent support for terrorists. Will they support hezballah when their sleepers in the USA get activated from tehran?
Thank You.
Excellent work! Expose these people for who they really are ..... RACISTS! That kid in your last video is a wannabe nazi.
So-called palestinians and assorted other ishmaelites aren't fighting Israel over land so much as they are fighting Israel becaused they have a visceral hatred on the Jewish people.
Fight the good fight. Force is the only language these people understand.
Seditious leftists allied with Muslim hate-mongers in Boston or anywhere else pose more than free speech issues. Absent police protection for "dissenters from dissent", plus security-force surveillance of violent demonstrators to prevent intimidation and record the worst inciters, how can anyone contend that these are not Brown Shirts out of uniform?
Our naive solution would be to visit Boston's local FBI Headquarters, beard the city's municipal Director in his den, and demand answers regarding who/what/where/when/why our vaunted Bureau --expert at targeting Branch Davidians-- cringes and quails at monitoring self-described terrorist sympathizers bent on demoralizing citizens in wartime?
Denials, shocked disbelief that anyone would question J. Edgar's heirs, finally harassment of the questioner, are entirely predictable. Our putative defenders/protectors are in fact so politicized, so riddled with PCBS (as it is called), that your Director would most likely faint away if called upon to render "value judgements"-- such as, that packs of demonstrators have legal as well as moral obligations to respect the rights of others.
My personal experience with chanting dolts goes back to 1965, when Uncle Ho was much in vogue. Now it's Hezbollah, and the "Ya, Allah" crowd. Uniformly of the same totalitarian persuasion... where political will is lacking to oppose such creeps, from Boston's malfeasant FBI on down, they will be emboldened to the point where Brown Battalions swing to the Horst Wessel Lied again. Islamofascists have not found a Fuhrer yet, but give 'em time.
Ally isolationism with collectivist Statism on a salad-bed of Salafist propaganda with terrorist croutons-- probably won't take more than three to five years at this rate. And where are we while this wave rears up? Like Godot, waiting for the Boston police, the FBI, for anybody. When no-one shows, will Paul Revere ride again?
Beyond a certain point, even in Massachusetts we could see "one if by land" redux. When government shrinks to merely "of the people", and terrorists pose stark threats, a new and markedly more realist generation may act to save itself. Their fathers did.
I do not go to rallies (being that I am in Japan) so I do not know the legalities of them. Since they are taking place in public areas (outside) are you not allowed to chronical the event? Since they have to right to free speach, do you not have the right to yours? Seems a bit hypocritical.
What a bunch of losers; no arguments, no thoughts-- only name-calling and abuse. You must have needed a long shower after standing so close to them!
I don't understand the point. Being extremist leads nowhere. Israel has no right to kill innocent people, as Hezbollah has no right to do so either. Violence leads to violence, haven't you read the Torah/Bible ? "YOU SHOULDN'T KILL"
Datter, I agree with you. My first thought was that there were more police at the pro-Israel rallies because more police were needed. Perhaps more are generally requested.
As for Disappointed: I really don't see his/her point. I think, first of all, that he/she stacked the decks by equating saying "Arab witnesses" with saying "Jew witnesses," as if it were a racist comment. It was the equivalent of saying "Jewish witnesses," and there is nothing racist about that. I think Disappointed was gratuitously adding nuances of racist meaning that were not there. Also, Solomon spent tons of time talking about the misbahavior of non-Arab demonstrators, including that Cohen fellow and the "grabber." He gave equal time to both.
Solomon mentioned the word "Arab" twice, once in reference to a representative of an Arab-American association, and the second time when he referred to the Arab witnesses who "were screaming to the cops that [his correspondent] had attacked an innocent woman."
This was a clearly ugly thing they were doing, incredibly ugly. What Solomon then did was attribute this action to their culture, quoting an Arabist scholar to the effect that "In the Arab world...what is said is not necessarily what is meant at all because, in the richness and imagery of the Arabic language, style counts more than substance." This attribution of the demonstrators' accusations to Arab culture may be painting with a very broad brush, and it is very debatable and probably very unfair. But he certainly wasn't focusing on the actions of Arab demonstrators while ignoring or downplaying those of non-Arab demonstrators. That's just plain nonsense.
Speaking of racism, I could have done without the "PaleSWINE" comment. I'm sure that commentator thought himself very clever. But the term is unfunny, racist, embarrasingly stupid, and does the pro-Israel side no credit. Comments like these are a gift to the other side, providing "proof" of Zionist "racism."
However much I disagree with your stances on the Isreali conflict I must say that it is a disgraceful way in which some of the protesters go about trying to impede your business.
The demonstration was a legal demonstration; as far as I could tell, most of the people there were peaceful and docile - and a few were angered in a way that they could not curtail.
I would like to point out that what I am about to say in no way is an excuse for such behaviour nor that I support their ways of enforcing their views; it is merely a possible explanation.
Every day, at least dozens of people are killed in a seemingly never-ending conflict in the middle east. The angry men in the video might have family there that have been hurt or killed by the IDF and therefore have a lot of anger towards 'the Israeli'.
I know that both sides suffer grievous losses at the hand of the other side, but some of the facts are simple pertaining to this;
* The IDF is heavily supported by US funds
* Israel has consistently made sure that they take *at least* an eye for an eye - every time.
* Hatred leads to more hatred
Violence never solves anything and every day I hope that this will end - but it never does.
Wow, Solomonon, you're over the 100 mark in posts. That puts in you into Sandmonkey and LGF territory! :-)
Now, on to the point of THIS post. TZ said "I don't understand the point. Being extremist leads nowhere. Israel has no right to kill innocent people, as Hezbollah has no right to do so either. Violence leads to violence, haven't you read the Torah/Bible ? "YOU SHOULDN'T KILL""
TZ, respectfully, you are falling into the same moral equivalency trap that the MSM and Europe constantly sets for us. There is a huge difference between civilians who are killed because terrorists are hiding behind them (sometimes with the tacit acceptance of those same "civilians"), and civilians who are just sitting in their homes, or who are just working at their jobs. Just ask those who have been killed in Haifa and Nazareth.
This conflict is an existential one for Israel. It may now become one for Hezbollah.........unless the anti-Semitic UN, Western Europe, Syria or Iran manage to intervene in time to save the terrorist organization.
Oops, who's this Solomonon to whom I made reference? I meant SOLOMON, of course! :-)
Thank you Seva for posting about what happened. You are very brave.
Israel is doing the right thing and I am so very proud of Israel and the IDF.
I also trackbacked to your post from my blog. Thank you again for all you do. You have a fantastic blog!
Jews built three different thriving, decent nations where they built today's thriving Israel over thousands of years. There has never been an Arab nation in that spot. Jews built Tel Aviv out of swamp over a century ago.
Look past the decades of spin at the reality of the nations surrounding free Israel. Compare the population sizes, the size of the land they occupy, the oil and oil $$$, and who allows the other to participate in their nation - through trade, voting, worshipping freely, education, hospitals?
When Saudi Arabia allows churches and synogogues next to their mosques the ME will deserve the respect they demand from their free, braver neighbors.
"At some point we have to face down a culture in which not only the mob in the street but the highest judges and academics talk like crazies. Abdul Rahman embodies the question at the heart of this struggle: If Islam is a religion one can only convert to, not from, then in the long run it is a threat to every free person on the planet." - Mark Steyn
Oh my, what kind of a cat have I let out of the bag?
OK, here is my combined response to several comments:
"Sorry, but you lost credibility in my eyes with comments like these."
D, my heart is bleeding -- oh my Lord, have I just lost a potential friend? I think I'll go kill myself now. But do read on, as I'll attempt to explain a few things to you:
"Why, in the first comment, do you psecifically [sic] mention Arab witnesses, particularly when you're discussing the obnoxious behavior of non-Arabs like Noah Cohen and the 'grabber' woman who looked to be white from the picture? If someone had written this about trying to film last Tuesday's rally and Kehillath Israel and had referred to 'Jew witnesses,' we would all be justifiably outraged."
D, this makes me wonder just how carefully you read my description. Let me repeat:
"in the richness and imagery of the Arabic language, style counts more than substance."
Can you read between the lines? OK, let me spell it out for you -- those creeps were lying -- get it now? As for the term "Arab witnesses" -- sure, I could have also used "Arabic witnesses" or any number of synonyms -- thing is, D, "Arab" is both a noun AND an adjective -- even a dumb foreigner such as myself knows that. We say "Arabic" when we refer mainly to the Arabic language, whereas when it has to do with nationality, we use the adjective "Arab", as in "Arab nationalism", "Arab media", "Arab terrorism", etc. Now, if one were to describe witnesses who happened to be Jews, then one would have to use "Jewish witnesses", ne ce pas? This, D, is because in the richness of the English language there is a noun "Jew" and an adjective "Jewish". I hope you can rest in peace now, at least on my use of grammar.
"And then you ask if the FBI was there--because there was a high 'proportion of Muslim clerics and Arab' [sic]? Seva, being Arab or a Muslim cleric is not cause for FBI monitoring. Illegal activity is cause for FBI monitoring. And the only person you accuse of illegal activity here is not Muslim or Arab."
Again, D, I am now in serious doubt as to your attention to details -- let me repeat:
One man told me that the police would not help me, as they were going to hunt me down and kill me (he can be heard on the video repeatedly commanding me not to take pictures): [photo]
If you watch the video, you will hear this guy speaking with thick Arabic accent. So, we have at least one Arab who threatened my life. Alas, he was not the only one -- it's just that I got him good, and made it a point to make a picture of him. Besides, D, you weren't there -- how the hell would you know, anyway? It was really scary, OK? I was surrounded by an ever-growing crowd of screaming Arabs, islamo-fascists, and their left-wing enablers and cronies. They were threatening me, and then they attacked me. Now, if this is not a good enough reason for the police and the FBI to have been there, then I do not know what is. I bet you that if one were to start tracing these people, one would discover all sorts of interesting connections. I know this -- I've done it before. So don't you tell me, from the safe comfort of your chair in front of a computer screen, what I should think, feel, and say, OK?
"As a Jew, I'm ashamed to see another Jew's activism so tainted by anti-Arab racism."
Anti-Arab racism? Why not "anti-Arabic racism" :-) ? D, this has nothing to do with racism, believe me -- I have a number of Arab friends, both here in the U.S. and in Israel -- some are Christian, some are Muslim, some are atheists. Some even have converted to Judaism (oh, what apostasy! relax, there aren't many of these) after rubbing shoulders with Jews long enough.
This comment betrays you for who you are -- a bleeding-heart leftist "liberal" Jew, who wants to see peace on Earth, love for all, sing kumbaya and hug trees. Well, believe it or not, I want most of that too (except for the kumbaya bit). Moreover, I feel very anguished about the Lebanese people, who are between the proverbial rock and the hard place. However, I do believe in Israel's right to exist, prosper, and defend herself. And if the kind Lebanese people were able to kick Syria out, they can do the same with the Hizbullah. Incidentally -- unfortunately, I had run out of memory card by then -- one of "them" crossed the street just to yell at me, and told me (with thick Arabic accent) that Hizbullah was there to stay. So I asked him whether the Lebanese people deserved a right to democratically elect whom they wanted -- his response was "Hizbullah is Lebanon, and Lebanon is Hizbullah". Now, I do not claim to know just how accurate that representation was, but it should give one food for thought, no?
"One note to those who've said that presence at a pro-Hezbollah rally is enough to merit FBI surveillance--do you HONESTLY believe that any more than a tiny fraction of those who attended this rally were pro-Hezbollah? Do you think that Lebanese Christians and Sunnis wre [sic] there to support a Shiite fundadmentalist militia that has ravaged their country? Did you see anyone explicitly supporting Hezbollah besides a handful of white folks who are neither Arabs nor Muslims?"
Dear wishful-thinking D, the answer to all three questions is, unfortunately, YES. To wit, a large proportion of those who attended this rally were pro-Hezbollah, at least according to my own rough estimate. Further, quite a number of Lebanese Christians and Sunnis side with Hizbullah as opposed to with Israel in this particular conflict -- do your own homework. And finally, yes, quite a number of people explicitly supported Hezbollah -- I am not saying they were the majority (I wouldn't know that) -- but I saw them with my own three eyes (my two plus the camera lens), and heard them with my own four ears (two on my body, and two stereo microphones on my camera).
"I personally don't like name-calling too much--something about L'shon hara."
Dear kind-hearted D, you have engaged in "L'shon hara" yourself, so you should not be the one to cast the first stone. You have called me a racist and a liar, and did not do so bravely in my face, but sneakily behind my back. And you did it anonymously, too. Why don't you use your real name? Are you afraid? So you don't "like name-calling too much", huh? Why then did you single me out for such preferential treatment? Or should I take it as a compliment and feel flattered? Am I not supposed to have a warm and gentle soul just like yours? Have you thought that your name-calling might make me cry, as I am a very sensitive person? Look at yourself in the mirror before accusing others of sins that you are guilty of, duh ...
"I am a proud Jew--not self-hating in the least"
Sure, sure. "I don't have a drinking habit", "I am not a liar", etc.
D, when was the last time YOU took "a look at the Talmud"? Just how selective are you about your readings?
"If criticizing others in the community makes me self-hating, then at least I'm in pretty good company."
Sorry, D, I got bad news for you -- you are indeed in pretty bad company.
"[A]actually, there are Muslim peace groups in Israel and elsewhere. And joint Jewish-Muslim peace groups, too. A bit of simple web research would find them. ... [T]ry the Muslim Peace Fellowship in the US, Muslim WakeUp, and the Progressive Muslim Union of North America. Try Neve al Shalom/Wahat al Salaam in Israel, or the Parents Circle. There are other examples, but those five should be enough to start."
Dear compassionate peace-loving D, I have more bad news for you -- I happen to know something about Neve Shalom, and other such "noble" endeavors -- these are are non-representative kumbaya fronts that have very little to do with reality. In fact, such seemingly wonderful efforts are being used for Arab and leftist anti-Israel propaganda -- these are what is commonly known as "Potemkin villages". So don't delude yourself, OK?
You want another "Potemkin village"? Check out the Al-Quds University website (there is an English version), and immerse yourself in parallel virtual reality, sponsored by the soft-spoken Sari Nusseibeh. This should make your hair stand up.
Now, on to our dear sarcastic Baghwan:
"oh my god, there were arabs present! better call the FBI!!!
Joey, I'd like to see you say that to my face, Zionist coward.
Fuck off and die, terrorist.
Disappointed, I'm afraid reason does not work well with partisan wingnuts. This board is likely full of Republican Zionists who think with their hearts and not their brains."
My sweet Baghwan -- yes, there were Arabs there. There were also Arab extremists there. There were many supporters of Hizbullah there as well -- last I checked they were still considered a banned terrorist group by most of the civilized world. There were also Arabs there who threatened to kill me. There were also leftists there who wanted to hurt me (and kill me too). So yes, Baghwan, it would have been nice to call the FBI, but I was too busy filming, sorry. Reason does not reside with the likes of you -- most people reading this blog are ordinary American citizens who engage in free expression of their opinions -- if you don't like it, don't read it. If you don't like this country -- leave it. Also, I have some homework for you -- read the U.S. Constitution, OK? Attaboy! And finally, I am more than willing, able, and even happy to say quite a few things in your face, honey -- just call me up at 617-921-6129, and make an appointment with me -- I'll try to squeeze you into my very busy schedule, OK? Do we have a deal? Or, if you prefer, you can write to me at Seva(dot)Brodsky(at)gmail(dot)com -- I welcome your feedback.
BTW, folks, did you notice how Disappointed started pussy-footing when he realized he may have offended our (presumably Arab and/or Muslim) friend Baghwan? If this is not the perfect expression of political correctness and self-deprecation, then I don't know what is. Grow up, D, and start being a proud and brave Jew, why don't you? Don't be such a self-hating Jew -- oops, "L'shon hara" on my part. Oh well, I guess I am going straight to hell, ain't I, D?
On to brother Kevin:
"Of course I believe that more than a tiny fraction of those people were pro-Hezbollah."
Right on!
"I would guess that every single person there was pro-Hezbollah."
This, however, may be a stretch -- I simply don't have the facts to be able to make such a strong pronouncement, sorry.
A note to Duardo -- man, we gotta meet and talk, brother. Please call me or e-mail me (see my contact info above). Have I got things to share with you ... Someone from Israel just wrote the following to me:
"Hi Seva, I read most of it (including the comments others made). I also saw that you were on the radio with this story. Are you "duardo"? He sounds a lot like you."
Could it be that we know each other already? ;-)
A response to BlackOps:
"If I were you I would not do that again, as they may keep you in mind at the next rally, go with some people next time."
Thanks, this is a good piece of advice, and I'll try to follow it. It's just that this time I had no choice -- I just arrived from Israel after six months there, had (still do) a ton of important and urgent matters to attend to, and thus had no time to organize a back-up. I will try to be more prudent next time around -- yes, you Jew-haters out there, I will be out there the next time, and time again, for as long as I live.
I know you would like to change that last part, so be warned -- "he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword". This ain't no Middle East, you scumbags. This is the U.S., and this is Israel, so run for cover, you cowards! You are all too brave to stab people in the back, to mistreat and abuse women, to cut innocent heads off, to use human shields, to commit premeditated and purposeful mass murder of unarmed civilians, etc. But when it comes to face-to-face combat, you run like rats, trying to hide behind women's skirts and baby carriages, crying for a cease-fire, and screaming "foul". Meet me on even terms, you filth, and then we'll see which one of you has the balls.
"i am a liberal and its very embarrasing to see people who i am supposedly aligned with acting in such a manner. i certainly dontchant for israels death nor for hizbollahs victory and i dont understand those, especially those that do not come from the region, believing such things."
Well, dear Lowkey, if you want to understand "such things", then I suggest you read "The New Anti-Semitism" by Phyllis Chessler. With all due respect to that author, however, this is nothing new -- there was once a book out with the same identical title (!) by another author, about 20 or so years ago. Google and Amazon are your friends :-)
Dear Raven's Star,
"This is a very interesting slant on the rally I believe I was at on Friday in Boston. Perhaps there are two places in Boston that look exactly alike? The rally was long and peaceful, dare I say, boring, and there were a number of Jewish people these, one group of whom I was standing with - interestingly enough you seem to have missed them entirely."
No, buddy, we've been to the same rally alright. It sure was long (I missed the first half of it as I showed up at 2 pm), but it sure as hell was not boring. Not to me, anyway -- I had my share of fun and games, much more than I was prepared for. The "Jewish" people out there were our "fifth column" -- they are the ones we call "self-hating Jews", and we have very little love lost for them. Neturei Karta, anyone?
"So you filmed a minor disagreement you had with one person, who was upset because you were essentially crshing the peace rally and filming people with negative intent, as is obvious in every sentence of your above writing. The situation was in part escalated by your own rudeness."
A "minor disagreement"? With just "one person"? Dude, have you even watched the videos or read my account? They were out for my blood, and they certainly were more than one in number, much more! "Crashing a peace rally"? OK, let analyze this statement: (a) I was not crashing -- I was merely observing and recording; (b) "peace" rally my foot -- it may have appeared thus to the Boston Globe, but certainly not to some of us on the ground. Do not let your eyes betray you, brave Raven's Star -- read my account, watch the video, and listen to the audio, OK? THEN and ONLY then we'll talk about it.
"You will notice most of the crowd in the first clip is just standing there calmly listening to the speaker - hardly the massive violent Muslim Israel haters who are frothing at the mouth image you would like to convey."
Oh boy, there was sure a mass of them, and they were definitely frothing at the mouth when they attacked me en masse.
"Maybe to complete your slanted coverage of this rally, you should have left that bit out."
Sorry, pal (or is it Pal?) -- you lost me on this one. Care to run it by me again? That is, AFTER you partake of the complete coverage by yours truly?
Folks, what we have here is typical example of Arab propaganda -- I should know, for I grew up on propaganda in the bad old USSR. You may be interested in looking up the terms of "teqqiya" and "kittman" (spelling?). These are doctrinal concepts within Islam -- ask our own Duardo for more on this. Also, Google for "Hugh Fitzgerald" and these terms, and you'll end up on the Jihad Watch website with a rather complete description of how such tactics are routinely used by our enemies. They unfortunately do manage to mislead a number of people in the well-meaning and trusting West, but not all. Beware! Finally, look up "Augean Stables" (spelling?) and "The Second Draft" for more on this and other related matters.
"Seva, I support you and commend you on your efforts to show the truth about these fanatics, good job!"
Thank you for your kind words, Jay!
"If you need back up at any of these rallies/mobs please feel free to contact me. Credentials provided upon request."
Yes, Jay, I guess I do need back up after all -- I am taking you up on the offer. Please contact me at the above phone # or e-mail address, and I'll try to find you via the link you have so kindly provided.
In conclusion, I would like to thank (almost) everyone who posted their comments on this wonderful blog, and especially want to express my deep gratitude to those of you who offered their brave souls and bodies to help me next time. I am sorry I could not respond to each one of you personally -- please don't hold it against me -- I love you all. Well, almost all :-)
We shall overcome. Some day. Soon, I hope.
Seva Brodsky, a Russian American Jew
First, let me just say thanks for posting this video. It helps immensely to shine the spotlight of truth on these so-called "Peace activists", and exposes them for who they really are. Here are some thoughts on the questions that you had posted.
1. While there are some Conservative-minded protestors and film makers (, etc), who film protests such as this to expose them for what they are, for the most part, many people who support Israel have jobs, families, and ultimately better things to do with their time than march up and down public streets clashing with the rag-tag Communists, Drug addicts, and Anti-Semites that make up the terrorist-supporting "Street" Left and their Islamic counterparts. That's not to say they don't lobby strongly for Israel, but this is done in a far more effective and sophisticated manner, such as contributions to AIPAC and similar Interest Groups and Lobbying Organizations.
2. For all of our sakes in the United States, I hope that law enforcement agencies such as the FBI were there, if nothing else in an undercover capacity. 9/11 went a great ways to wake up the government as to it's naivete about Islam's presence in the United States. It is dangerously naive to assume that people who give ideological support to terrorists groups such as Hezbollah do not provide them with material support as well.
3. While I can only speculate as to why the police didn't help you sooner, I suspect that that the underling chaos of this event simply concealed what was going on going on in the eyes of the police. The police, given their likely past experience with marches like this, probably expect people like this to act like animals, and will tolerate an amount of rowdiness that civilized people such as yourself would find abhorrent, so as not to infringe on these peoples' 1st amendment rights. I sincerely believe (hope) that this was not motivated by any ideological bias on the part of the police. Remember, the police presence was likely very light because so few people will attempt to oppose or question Islamic Groups or the Street Left for reasons mentioned above, and actual conflicts such as these are therefore rare. The large police presence at Pro-Israeli rallies, however, speaks volumes to the tactics of vicious intimidation used by Islamic and Street Left organizations.
4. I think this ultimately speaks to the clash of values of Jews and Christian Pro-Israeli individuals, and the values of Islamic and Street Left oriented individuals. Normative and cultural differences also go a long way to explain the radical differences between our behavior and that of our adversaries. However, personally, I don't buy into the argument that we need to somehow be "better" than our enemies. I simply don't believe that being sheepish and respectful in our demonstrations gives us some kind of "moral superiority". Rather, this simply projects an image of weakness to irrational cultures (both the Street Left and the Islamic cultures) that center 100% of their worldview on strength vs. weakness, and verifies our perceived weakness in their eyes. When weakness is demonstrated to these groups, it only serves to embolden them and exacerbate the problems that give rise to these marches in the first place, namely Israel's decisions to surrender legitimately owned land for worthless promises of peace from terrorist organizations run by homicidal maniacs with an unquenchable thirst for innocent blood.
Just some thoughts, again keep up the great work and keep on doing what you're doing, hopefully you will inspire more righteous individuals to follow your example. From one pro-Israeli, Zionist Jew to another, Shalom!
I am a former law enforcement officer/member of the U.S. military who now works as an investigative reporter in Washington, D.C. Two points:
1. I would like to interview you about your encounter. Please contact me via email.
2. I teach a one-day workshop for journalists - usually videographers - about their legal rights to self-defense and how to forcefully defend themselves when they are threatened or attacked while lawfully videotaping. It normally costs $199, but your admission ticket is FREE! I've taught dozens of photogs how to verbally diffuse similar situations and how to put someone down and out when they cross the line. The woman who grabbed your camera should have immediately been on the ground trying to figure out how her shoulder got dislocated and Mr. Cohen should have been crying like a baby and wiping the pepper spray out of his eyes as soon as he touched you. They both should be in jail for assault and under investigation by the FBI for violating your civil rights.
To anyone reading this who cares, take note: I know Seva is not technically a journalist, but he was performing a journalistic function. No one EVER has the right to threaten, intimidate or attack a journalist - who is lawfully present at a location - because they don't want their photo taken or the event documented. If they do so with the intent of stopping the journalist from exercising his/her First Amendment rights, they are committing a FEDERAL CRIME! If they make ANY PHYSICAL CONTACT with the journalist and the journalist feels threatened, he/she has the right to respond with a sufficient level of force to stop the assault and render the attacker incapable of continuing it. They have NO LEGAL DUTY to retreat from the assault as long as they are legally present in the location, as was Seva.
I know this is slightly off-topic, but I am REALLY passionate about this. I want the word to get out far and wide that - if you try to intimidate a journalist - you will go to jail! If you assault a journalist, you will go to jail AFTER you are released from the hospital! I don't care if you're a Hezbollah supporter or a corrupt local elected official who doesn't want to be on the news. I want you to FEAR "messing with the press." And I want local stations and networks to start airing the video when their photogs or reporters are assaulted and respond by legally taking the attackers down. It would send the message! (Sermon concluded-thanks for letting me vent!)
Seva, email me: wakeupdc (4+) yahoo (d0+) com.
Word. Keep up the good work.
Welcome back, Seva, and fantastic job there! Sol, excellent write-up.
Well done, Seva!
Greetings from Norway.
For anyone who's still on the fence about recognising the true agenda of these "protestors":
That's footage from a San Francisco "human rights" rally, and the parallells to your footage are almost eerie.
Also, if you doubt these maniacs' capacity for intimidation and violence, this one is a must-see:
Both of these videos are must-sees. Thanks and enjoy!
And I totally forgot, Seva, that was an awesome report. You are an articulate and passionate advocate on behalf of Israel, and I wish that there were many, many more just like you..............
You know, there is no need to label anyone who is against this war, against this boodshed as a "terrorist". The US at least pretends to be all about freedom of speech, you know.
And if you're such a dedicated Zionist, why don't you go back to Israel?
Fascinating work and kudos to you. This is my first occasion to see this site thanks to links via and You are showing reality sans interpretation. Listening to the message in the background is as appalling as the attack on the videographer. Why is this not as upsetting to the American public as a Pro-Nazi or KKK rally? God Bless Israel!
This is a great report!
Those people kinda remind me of the Klan.
Baghwan J.,
How is marching against war a "nutjob" activity?
It's not. Pacifism, the desire to solve conflicts without resorting to arms or violence is, I think, the very highest of human ideals. Marching in support of these ideals is, in my opinion, naive, but certainly not the act of a "nutjob."
However, this was not an anti-war march but an anti-Israel, pro-Hezbollah march.
Are you aware that Hezbollah is restricting the movement of civilians away from the area of conflict? Certainly you are aware that Hezbollah aimlessly launches missiles into Israeli neighbourhoods from occupied apartment buildings and schooltops. Are you not at all troubled by this behaviour?
These are the actions of the most vile, monstrous lunatics humankind has ever produced. To hold Hezbollah to a lower standard is singularly unfair; to rally in their support can most charitably be described as the act of a nutjob.
The US at least pretends to be all about freedom of speech, you know.
And if you're such a dedicated Zionist, why don't you go back to Israel?
One's head swims in the face of such rapidfire hypocrisy. The USA is about free speech so I'll say what I want but I don't like what you're saying so screw off.
I wait in LAX's security checkpoint line for upwards of 30mins while useful idiots like this feel free to openly threaten law-abiding citizens.
The DHS is fucking joke.
Thanks for exposing the hyprocrisy I have seen so often; you should see what happens on the streets of London! For "Liberals" the Extreme Left seems so very intolerant of others' views; rather curious. What is supposed to be a rally for peace is, in fact, a veneer for anti-Israel vehemence. And going one step farther, anti-Israel hatred is only a proxy for hatred of Jews. Noah Cohen and others of his self-hating ilk are truly the greatest enemies of the Jewish People. So many of these rallies seem to hinge on the credibility of a rogue Jewish lunatic who knows absolutely nothing about Israel or the Middle East.
Thanks again for your important work; and I enjoyed your writing. I'd be proud to join you!
Might I make a suggestion for future rallies? I would to see people joining the rally holding signs: "Support terrorist murderers--free Palestinian prisoners," "Help us kill the dirty Jews," "Help us wipe Israel off the map," "A dead Jew is a good Jew," "Free the jailed terrorists so they may kill again," "Help Hezballah make this a better Islamic world". I think this would be rather hilarious. Fact is, I don't think that anyone at the rally would even notice. What do you think?
I hope the next time you videotape such a spectacle that you not go unaccompanied. Your personal safety would be less at risk and a tandem camera would also capture anyone who might assault you from off-camera. I salute your courage and your convictions.
These people are opportunistic parasites enjoying our freedoms while hating us and most likely planning their next hit here or abroad. What happened to the immigrants that came here for the American way of life and a dream, to honor and to respect this great country. You my friend are a courageous individual that understands what's at stake, l salute you....
This reminds me of the KKK agiators that go to anti-racism rallies. You go there and video people and bang into them just looking for an argument. You threaten to 'rip your f**king face off' and you are suprised that people are upset by that?
> Violence never solves anything
It solved WWII. And slavery.
Defending yourself against genocidal thugs is not wanton violence, it is human nature. FYI My best friend is christian Lebanese and even though he's no fan of Israel (he grew up in occupied lebanon) he hopes they wipe out the Hezbos once and for all so his country can be free.
That 'grabber' woman is the stuff of nightmares. *shudder*
The US should stay out of this war. let them have at it... why does the us protect the jews?
Gee I wonder. is it because they own 1/2 the us?
A friend sent me a link to your Boston Protest blog. Excellent Coverage! I will be including a link to it in my blog (, which I just started. Keep up the great work.
I'll keep checking out your blog from Jerusalem, Israel.
Like I said...just started....
Blogging from Israel about Israel/U.S. issues at
My Heart Aches to watch these clips. I am a Christian and a supporter of Israel. watching the clips grips me with saddness and fear at the same time. I will be posting an article about this on my blog and link this url to it. Praises to you and blessings for being so brave to walk through that crowd.
Genesis 12:3 "I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse' and all peoples on earth will be Blessed through You."
I admire your courage. One would think that In this nation one could without fear, express one's opinion. It is that freedom, above all others that separates us from all other nations! That we are free to express our thoughts and ideas, peacefully. The exercise of my rights, insofar as that exercise does not infringe upon your liberty.
Young men and women are dying this night to assure that we can retain that precious freedom!
Peace Be With You,
One thing: In response to the idea of going to events and intentionally instigating trouble... I'm totally against that idea. Just go and show the truth. Don't try to create it. Believe me, that'll be plenty.
Shame on you for that anti-Semitic comment, John. You are no better than those who attack all Muslims.
God is in control. That's all that matters. Pitty these fools. I, my family and friends ALL support Israel. Also, let's not forget the history of 'Islam'. One of Muhammed's 'brides' was 9 years old... . Ask a muslim about that one!
TZ should start with the book of leviticus. Let us know what it saying about "YOU SHOULDN'T KILL". (In the Hebrew it says "thou shalt not Murder", there is a difference between murdering and killing, many times it prescribes taking the lives of those who have killed or done evil. This is not because the Jews don't appreciate life, the contrary, the Jews appreciate life so much that they defend the innocent by killing those who would do evil to them). Enough with the Moral Equivalency. Israel Targets terrorists who purposefully dwell among civilian areas. Military targets then magically become civilian targets fully exploited by the media. Hezballah intentionally targets Israeli and Arab population centers (Haifa/Safed/Nablus/Nazareth)for the purpose of killing civilians. yep, sounds like apples and oranges to me.
/sarc off
I don't understand the point. Being extremist leads nowhere. Israel has no right to kill innocent people, as Hezbollah has no right to do so either. Violence leads to violence, haven't you read the Torah/Bible ? "YOU SHOULDN'T KILL"
Posted by: TZ at July 24, 2006 10:17 AM
Well, I finally watched the video. I'd say the crowd was peaceful but that there were three or four people who were out of line. I would say the videographer's rights may have been violated, but he shouldn't paint all Lebanon/Hezbollah supporters as terror supporters.
I support Hezbollah inasmuch as I am rooting for them to defeat Israel militarily. I do not support their terrorist actions any more than I support Israel's terror bombing of Lebanese cities.
"I support Hezbollah inasmuch as I am rooting for them to defeat Israel militarily. I do not support their terrorist actions any more than I support Israel's terror bombing of Lebanese cities....but he shouldn't paint all Lebanon/Hezbollah supporters as terror supporters."
I'm trying to process this, Baghwan, really I am.
Point one: If you support Hezbollah to defeat Israel, you are advocating genocide.
Point two: the only methods Hezbollah has used to date are terror attacks on innocent civilians and on Israeli soldiers across a peaceful international border.
Point three: to support Hezbollah is to support terrorism directed at innocent civilians.
so, what you are really saying is that you support terrorism and genocide, but you don't want anyont to point htis out. Have I got that straight?
You are setting up a strawman in order to set me up to look like a terror supporter. If you want to "point this out," you are free to do so. But as I said, we should be wise not to paint all Hezbollah supporters as terror supporters or terrorists.
Alex wrote:
Might I make a suggestion for future rallies? I would to see people joining the rally holding signs: "Support terrorist murderers--free Palestinian prisoners," "Help us kill the dirty Jews," "Help us wipe Israel off the map," "A dead Jew is a good Jew," "Free the jailed terrorists so they may kill again," "Help Hezballah make this a better Islamic world".
Wow, Alex--in other words, you propopse deceiving and slandering people. Very ethical. Should we also wonder if the few "victory to Hezbollah" signs were held not by anyone who thought that, but by people of your ilk?
That is a tactic commonly used by the Protest Warriors, a violent, anti-American Zionist group.
Baghwan -- I believe you said you are not Muslim in one of your posts? Are you Indian? Did you know that in the centuries since the Muslims invaded India, they have killed tens of millions of Indians -- by some counts, seventy million Indians?
Have you read The Case for Israel? I am assuming you are open-minded.
To both Baghwan and TZ : No, Baghwan, marching against war is not necessarily a "nutjob" activity. But sometimes pacifism is actually immoral. A great fictional dialog on this question was written by Vladimir Solovyev: War, Progress and the End of History. Five imaginary people at a little party talk about the subjects in the book's title. One of the two main characters represents Solovyev's views, and the other main character represents Tolstoy in his pacifist phase.
Let me add to Solovyev my own comment on this subject: passive and non-violent resistence can work in societies that are at least quasi-open societies. That is why Gandhi could succeed against the British (who among themselves at least were relatively pluralistic), why Martin Luther King, Jr. could succeed against Jim Crow and the racist south of the U.S. in his time, and why Nelson Mandela could succeed in South Africa. (Even though South Africa was a dictatorship for black Africans, among whites it was pluralist, and that was enough to permit success.) Passive resistance and pacifism can't work against a Hitler or a Stalin -- or at least are extremely likely to fail and get your activists killed and tortured -- didn't work in Tianenmen Square, won't work against dictatorial cultures or a fascistic ethos like that of Hezbollah and the Quran, particularly Quran Chapter 9 and the theocratic, fascistic example set by the life of Muhammad, as recorded in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, the canonical hadith.
I am in Iraq right now working in the fight against the Islamist satanic arabs and their persian allies. I support you and your fight against those evil islamist types who threaten civillization itself. This is a fight against a evil that is far greater than what the nazis ever tried. We need to stand strong and fight. The tree of liberty from time to time needs to be watered with the blood of tyrants.
A bit of diversion on the question of pacifism:
Speaker A:
I'm glad we've all collected here
In order to discuss
The gnarled and troubled countenance
The world contorts at us.
Against fanatic enemies
We spend young lives and treasure
While Left and Right verbosely fight
And lose all sense of measure.
Just what the best defense might be
Makes men so loudly disagree,
They court fanatic certainty,
That mad vice of our enemy.
May I then start in with my case?
For though I know you yield slight place
To pacifism's soft approach,
Yet let me merely try to broach
Its virtues for you all to test
And see whether they aren't the best?
Speaker C:
You'd like to fire the day's first shot?
Why not, please do, please run us through
With sword-like speech so sharp and quick
We'll fall before we see wrist flick!
Speaker D:
Your martial word-play serves your wit
And tweaks this pacifist a bit,
For leaping first into the fray
Of argument, prepared to slay.
I am, it's true, too loud at times
In arguing that wars are crimes
And fear I terrorize my friends
When I push peaceful means and ends.
A friend one time I all but strangled
And visualized him badly mangled
Because he would not see that war
Is always wrong, whatever for.
Speaker A:
Your honesty refreshes me.
As for the rest, I can't agree.
At times brute force can't be avoided
Though 'twould be sad if one enjoyed it.
Non-violence is a mighty thing
As Gandhi said, and Dr. King.
They needed no brute force to bring
And end to British rule's persistence
And segregation's cruel existence.
Speaker D:
Could soft ways beat the Nazis too?
Could King defeat a terror crew?
Could a would-be Gandhi in Iraq
Resist Saddam or dare talk back?
Would not Saddam's police appear
To slice that Gandhi ear to ear?
And would the Reverend King endear
Harsh North Korea's Kim Jong Il
If King should try great marches there?
No, Jong would no doubt band a gong
And after cutting out King's tongue,
Command the righteous man be hung.
Speaker E (to the Pacifist):
I think you fail to realize
That King's non-violent path relies
On freedom of an active press
To help one seek some just redress
And only States of that variety
Such lands already partly free,
Permit a man like King to be.
Yet even here, he was gunned down
But not before King earned his crown
Through fearless love in deed and word,
The word the nation, awestruck, heard.
I take my stand on love's demand to turn the other cheek
And I recall that blessings fall above all on the meek.
All well and good to turn the cheek when your own cheek is struck.
But standing by with gentle eye as innocents or children die
Is just to pass the buck.
Duardo, yes I am Indian-American. But not a nationalist nor a religious person. What's done is done and can't be undone, so no use worrying about it. It's not fair to paint a whole religion or race just because of the deeds of some bad actors in the past.
Should we be remembered as the only nation to commit terror bombings of civilians using nuclear weapons? Sure, but that's not all we should be remembered for -- and that action is something very few of us support anyway.
Same with terrorism done in the name of Islam. A miniscule fraction of Muslims support terror. Probably a smaller percentage than those American Christians who condone our terror bombings of Hiroshima/Nagasaki, if you will.
I wish Israel hits this terrorists' demonstration. Awful thought? NO!!! Much more awful is to get the terrorists living near you, in your own country! And they have freedom to do all this bullshit propaganda all the time? Bastards!!
Using their methods, it would be very effective to get rid of a lot of terrorists happily gathered in one focused point. Just shift one crazy trigger in the head of their own suicider with bomb sitting inside their own crowd.
I sick and tired of their "peaceful religion" already!
[This is remarkable. At every pro-Israel event, even family-oriented events, there has been an extensive police presence along with private security. At this event...almost nothing. Draw your own conclusions. -S]
I am pretty sure pro Israeli events have extensive police and private security to protect the participants.
What those people did towards Seva is more than pitiful. Especially the organizer guy in uniform.
it is a sick statement of yours. Yes islamonazism needs to be fought, but not using their own methods.
Who are you?
Are you a Christian from some muslim country or just a troll intending to foul this site? Or is it sarcasm?
I really appreciate your efforts in exposing the Islamo Facist Hatefest in Boston. This is about what I expect from the big leftist cities of the Northeast and West Coast. Most people where I am, here in the South, would not accept that kind of crap. Most down here at least have a clue as to what we are up against in this war. Those in Lebanon should either pick up arms against Hezbollah or accept their fate with them.
No offence: but you went looking to be agressive and pick a fight and then got upset when you weren't warmly received. You deliberately took the time to go and harass others who were exercising their free speech (so interfering with their right to free speech too some might argue). You wanted something a bit racey to post on this site (you took a camera along) and you got it. The question I have is "why are you complaining"?
True: you should never have to fear for your safety, but also there is COMMON SENSE. It's like someone waling into a biker bar and proclaiming you like running over motorcyclists with your SUV.. Or going up to some mean guy and calling him an *rsehole just for the hell of it. Sure he shouldn't punch you, but nor should you go around trying to provoke people.
Proclaiming you're a zionist (when that to me sounds like you're of the belief that Jews are supreme and can do whatever they like to recover whatever their homeland is).
Can I just say: Jews are NOT the supreme beings of the world, there is no race/religion/group that can or should say or think that, we are all just people. Thinking you're better than everyone in the world is an arrogant and un-worldly stance to have.
Now I'm not really into the whole being ultra religious thing (I come from Australia and we have very little in the way of religious tension because it's a fairly non-religious place) but a bit of a "chill out a bit" might be in order.
Looking from the outside it seems to me that the US is the only nation who has backed Israel in what's generally regarded as ongoing genocide against the palestinians (The record of UN vetos is proof enough of that). I do think it is a bit of a sad irony that a group who has come through the tragedy of WWII mass killings would appear to have no qualms about killing others. I would have thought being on the receiving end of such agression would have galvanised a strictly non violent, caring attitude by the Jewish people, but instead we have this situation with palestine on the receiving end.
Perhaps take your experience today as a lesson in common sense and whining about assault charges just makes you seem petty.
Your question about Jews behaving orderly: have you seen what your fellow Jews are doing in this little dispute? Lobbing shells into homes and bombing busses trying to escape the bloodshed.. Sure there have been deaths on both sides, but that doesn't justify excessive force OR further bloodshed. Nor is force going to solve this (the US iraq thing should be proof enough of that).
For the record I'm not jewish, muslim, christian or any religion.. Just giving you my thoughts on your actions and on the situation. The fact you're talking about some nemesis indicates that this wasn't your first time harassing or getting harassed by the thugs, so you're hardly on a higher moral ground than them.
A huge thank you to Seva Brodsky for his brave encounter with a pro-IslamoTerror mob-squad.
I've added it to my rally call to all freedom-loving people, here:
Keep up the good work Solomonia and Seva! And may we free-loving people the world over prevail over this Islamofascist Fourth Reich.
The "nutjobs" are not whackadoos for marching against the war, they are nutjobs for being a-historic, factless, delusionary fantasists, supporting forces that were HISTORICALLY aligned with Germany in WW2 in order to defeat the forces that won, in order to commit jews to the Gas Chambers (or have you NOT seen the letters from the palestinian govt to the Hungarians and Bulgarian begging them to allow transhipment of jews to death camps - THEY DID SO, BTW - which is one reason why Haj Amin Al Husseini was sought as a war criminal).
If this is new information for people who are marching against Israel's 6,000,000 defending their state against 250,000,000 surrounding people who HAVE NOT GIVEN UP these ideas just search on Al-Manar, at MEMRI.ORG
But what's the diff?
In the middle east, since the forces against Israel either DO ACT for the stated goal of KILLING the jewish state, or if they are at peace, TEACH THEIR CHILDREN these goals are worthy via racism...there remains today LITTLE TO DISCUSS, if anything. It's not a poltical problem, it's a religous one, for as both HAMAS and Hizballah agree, man cannot negotiate away what god has given the arabs.
Arab League Secretary Azzam Pasha on September 16, 1947. Pasha told the jews bluntly:
The Arab world is not in a compromising mood. It's likely, Mr. Horowitz, that your plan is rational and logical, but the fate of nations is not decided by rational logic. Nations never concede; they fight. You won't get anything by peaceful means or compromise. You can, perhaps, get something, but only by the force of your arms. We shall try to defeat you. I am not sure we'll succeed, but we'll try. We were able to drive out the Crusaders, but on the other hand we lost Spain and Persia. It may be that we shall lose Palestine. But it's too late to talk of peaceful solutions.
Nothing has been different since the day the jews invited the arabs to have their children be educated alongside theirs in 1919, which sparked the Abu Musa riots in Jerusalem.
Well this is the result of religious war against political and religious refugees.
islam, due to its faux religious cloak, has hung around for 1400 years too many. It's all about stealing, killing, hating and the people in these videos are part of that group. It's rather depressing we have such hateful/evil people in our midst. Just as we did with communism and fascism, we should do to islam. Our leaders should marginalize it, mock it and our authorities should make it damned hard to follow it (the koran should be held with the same regard as mein kampf the tuner diaries. Barnes and Noble should push books about islam to the bottom shelves (except those that expose it's true nature.)
Good video. I wonder if most of these clowns know that most Christians would consider themselves Zionists? I do. Call me one.
Right on Seva Brodsky! People who cannot witness these events firsthand need to see what is going on on our streets! ChillWinston, so what if he spoke up when attacked? Why not have a camera? The right to free speech comes with the right to be questioned on what you say. He wasn't interfering with the rally's SPEAKER mind you, just a few rather threatening fools in the audience.
Next Boston Tea Party, we'll know what to throw in, eh? There's something filthy in Boston again, and it's not just the taxes anymore.
Baggie sayz:
"we should be wise not to paint all Hezbollah supporters as terror supporters or terrorists."
So by this logic then, not all Al-Qaeda supporters are terrorist supporters? give me a break, and when will the arabs realize that they cannot defeat Israel militarily?
I removed James's message. There are limits, wide, but limits.
[quote]3. Why did the police not come to my rescue right away, and why were there so few of them? I only saw one parked wagon with two cops in it, and the two officers that I talked to. Given the size of the crowd, and the content of speeches, slogans, and banners, I would expect a battalion of security forces there. [This is remarkable. At every pro-Israel event, even family-oriented events, there has been an extensive police presence along with private security. At this event...almost nothing. Draw your own conclusions. [/quote]
Because during the pro-Israel rallies/events police know that ralliers need to be protected by the anti-Israelis however on these types of events, the people most likely to hurt others are the ralliers themselves. It's best to just leave the nutjobs alone and they'll disperse eventually.
Ah, there's the pictures i heard about...
Sad - and equally strange - sight to see.
To all my brave anonymous detractors:
As I am studying law with the hope of becoming a lawyer some day, I am very concerned about the facts, corroborated evidence, propriety of my actions, and truthfulness of my statements. Therefore, I am meticulously honest and straightforward -- not that I would lie otherwise, but by now I think about every word that leaves my mouth or is typed on the computer for public consumption.
Thus, I shall concern myself ONLY with allegations that have to do with facts, and nothing else -- I leave ideology, philosophy, and politics to others -- quite a few of the folks here seem to be doing an excellent job of it, so I need not spend any of my time on it, thank you very much.
Baghwan, ChillWinston, et al.,
I went there NOT "looking to be agressive and pick a fight" -- how would you know that in the first place, anyway? Were you there, you brave anonymous soul? I went there out of curiosity, as I happen to like Lebanon -- it is a beautiful small country, with a rich diverse history, known (formerly) as the pearl of the Mediterranean. Moreover, I have a number of Lebanese friends. Yes, Arab Lebanese friends. As a matter of fact, I am a very sociable person, who has many friends and acquaintances, numbering in the hundreds. They include Arabs (Christian, Muslim, Druze, and atheists), Egyptian Copts, Assyrians, Sudanese, Buddhists, Shintoists, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Indonesians, Turks, Europeans, Latin Americans, Russians, Americans, Israelis, Indians, Africans, and pretty much everybody else under the sun. I have had girlfriends from Europe, the Caribbean, Algiers, U.S., Africa, Russia, Israel, Morocco, etc. So ease off, OK?
Being of a curious and inquisitive nature, as many people who know me can attest to -- maybe this is one of the reasons I want to become a lawyer -- I was interested in what people would say about the current sad state of affairs in Lebanon, where the people find themselves (again) between the proverbial rock and the hard place. So I went there with an open mind after a very important meeting -- this is why I was dressed the way I was -- I usually wear a T-shirt, shorts, and sandals. As for my relatively new $500 digital photo/video camera (Canon S2 IS), which was so unexpectedly, mercilessly and brutally attacked -- I tend to ALWAYS carry it around, no matter where I go -- I like taking pictures, and so does my younger brother -- we inherited that affliction from our dad, who is also an amateur photographer. As a matter of fact, my brother, who lives in Jerusalem, does some freelance work for The Jerusalem Post.
Now, Baghwan, there were many more than mere "three or four people who were out of line" -- you weren't there, and not everything was captured on the video, as my camera went OFF after I got attacked. So, please, do not make up fake evidence, OK? There are enough people doing this already -- I doubt they need your help. Those kind people were out there to make a political statement for the whole world to see and hear. Well, I was there to comply with their wishes. I was but one of many with a camera, recording and photographing the event (I pray the FBI undercover agents were doing the same). The only reason the whole altercation started was because Noah Cohen recognized me and did not like my presence there. That gave him, or anyone else, no right to harass me.
My dear ChillWinston, the same applies to you -- stop making up facts, OK? YOU were NOT there, you have NOT seen all the footage I shot -- I got about 40 minutes of it, and you can see only a couple minutes of excerpts on -- we did not want to inundate people with too much stuff. Sol the blogger is a very cool and understated sort of guy, and does not like excesses, so he did a superb editing job, cutting down all that rather lengthy footage to a mere fraction -- I think he is very professional about what he does.
I was NOT looking to be "aggressive and pick up a fight" for two very simple reasons -- I am a peaceful sort of guy (that's why I have so many friends and acquaintances), and I am NOT suicidal. There were about 500 people there, most of whom would like neither my politics -- I am (mostly) a Libertarian Zionist -- nor my very Jewish face (there was a typo in -- it should have said "face" instead of "faith", but it amounted pretty much to the same thing -- blame it on the technical imperfections of a telephone interview). Now, why would I want to pick a fight with ~250 men -- assuming 50% male ratio (not taking into account Arab/Muslim polygamy), although, as one can see on the video, I was also attacked by a woman?
I never look for a fight, but I also do not shy away from it, when it is imposed on me. I've had enough bullying while growing up in Russia: I was a small and weak boy (second smallest in the class) until about 15 or 16, when I finally started growing. So my early years have been tormented on account of being Jewish, of being an A-student, of being small, weak, and unable to stand up for myself. My childhood has been marred by constant humiliation and regular beatings by the bullies and anti-Semites (which were usually the same people). So when I finally grew up, I had decided that I've had enough and would no longer put up with that crap. My unpleasant experiences also taught me to be compassionate and to defend the weak and the oppressed -- this is another reason I want to become a lawyer when I grow up.
So, while I do not look for a fight, neither do I shy away from it. I was not expecting a warm reception, nor was I expecting a hostile one -- I was actually hoping to be simply ignored, so as to be able to capture the event on video, as it was of a particular interest to me. This camera is the very first digital one in my life, and I bought it so that I could also make videos -- I've used a borrowed digital photo camera before, but never made videos. I got hooked on making short documentaries with it while living in Israel for the past half year -- this has become yet another affliction.
I did NOT go there to "harass others", nor did I come to be harassed. Why do reporters, journalists, and documentary makers do what they do? It's a higher calling, which needs no logical explanation, although I am sure quite a number of such can be given (see for a poignant illustration). The demonstrators were indeed free to exercise their free speech -- which, for your information, trumps hate speech in the U.S., the only country to allow so. I did NOT interfere with their Constitutional right to such free speech, yet I hoped that my free speech rights would be respected as well. My free speech rights in that particular case were the right to attend a public rally and to make a record of it without having to fear reprisals and physical assault.
Not intending to post anything anywhere, as I do not seek publicity -- I was driven by my curiosity -- I was involuntarily thrust into quite an ordeal. I take pictures and videos just because I am interested in the world around me -- this is, I suppose, laterally related to voyeurism, except it isn't as perverted. You, my brave anonymous ChillWinston, for some unknown to me reason(s) -- although, as you can imagine, I have a hunch or two -- chose to apply double standard in this situation. Well, this is also your free speech right. However, in such a case, please do not lay claim to neutrality, impartiality, and objectivity -- I find that offensive. Moreover, don't expect to be taken seriously thereafter.
I responded to the attackers ONLY after I was attacked, and I issued a stern warning to the white kid, who was threatening me in all sorts of obscene and aggressive ways, only AFTER I've had enough of him.
Your interpretation of what a "Zionist" means is no concern of mine, except that your projections and foregone conclusions are completely wrong, and show you for what you are -- anyone cares to guess?
You know what you can do with your misguided, sanctimonious, and pompous attempt to teach me about common sense, so I'll spare you the details for the benefit of the more sensitive readers. BTW, you can do the same with your "thoughts on [my] actions and on the situation". You wanted to vent your venom -- you have that right, both according to our Constitution as well as yours. You may now rest in peace.
As for my "nemesis" (Noah Cohen) -- I (as well as many others) have been verbally assaulted by him (a number of Jews have been physically assaulted by his deported buddy Amer Jubran) numerous times before at pro-Israel events, where he made a point to be present and to express his First Amendment rights (admittedly, in a very uncivilized manner) -- "indicates that this wasn't [my] first time ... getting harassed by the thugs", so I'll let the others decide about the height of my "moral ground". You are ill-qualified to pass such judgment.
Enough said.
With none of undue respect,
Seva Brodsky
Seeing comments like these is an excellent reminder that some people out there are really living in their own world that they've created. How else would people really believe that a simple rally in Boston, where such things are common, is truly some meeting ground for dangerous terrorists who need to be monitored by the FBI.
Solomonia, i've not read your entire post yet. I was directed here by Jihad Watch and judging by the video it's clear the man was acting threateningly and the woman shoved herself into you. It's too bad you didn't have a partner there filming so you could have captured the physical assault more clearly, and hopefully have charges brought up against these people. If I lived in Boston, I would love to have been your extra camera man. If they don't want people there photographing the signs, what is the purpose of a rally if not to attract publicity??!!
Anyway, keep up the good work and don't let these demonstarors for "peace" (haha), who like to attack counter-demonstrators, stop you from exposing their hatred and illogic.
Please given an instance of the Protest Warriors' actions or words being anti-american.
Of course, I'm spinning my wheels, you can't do either of these things, because you, like most lefty idiots, excel only at rectophonics (talking out of your ass), but I sure want to see you flop around like a fish while you try.
Well done brother
I have seen lots of evidence that the Protest Warriors engage in violence and direct provocation of peaceful demonstrations.
From a couple of your posts, I get the impression you are a decent guy who means well. All the more reason I feel the need to challenge you about Islam having only a tiny minority of extremists, and about its atrocities being only in the past. (Baghwan, if you want the citations and sources for any statements I make in this post, I'd be happy to get them for you.)
As to the first issue:
In an earlier post I mentioned results of polls of British Muslims. I'll just give a highlight: Some fifty percent of British Muslims want Islamic law to rule Britain. Some thirty-two percent of British Muslims think non-violent means should be used to bring Western society to an end and replace it with Islamic rule (i.e., theocratic, with severely diminished civil liberties and political rights, especially for non-Muslims). Some seven percent of British Muslims -- seven percent is well over one hundred thousand people -- say its okay to use violence to bring Western society in Britain to an end. About one percent -- one percent of British Muslims is about sixteen thousand people -- are "willing or even eager" to engage in terrorist violence to help bring down Western society in Britain. These figures are not the "tiny minority of Muslims" that provincial Westerners frequently refer to. (I say "provincial," because the "tiny minority" idea is in this case a projection of our own cultural norms and experiences onto Islamic culture, which is in fact fairly distinct from our own.) I believe that these poll numbers, and the numbers cited in one of my other posts here, are approximately representative not just of British Muslim opinion, but of European Muslims in general. I'm sorry, but there is nothing like that mindset today among Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, or Jews.
Perhaps more to the point, when people practicing these other major religions commit atrocities, they cannot look to a central holy text and find there numerous justifications to use violence, deception and other measures to dominate other religions and slowly eliminate them. Muslims can look to the Quran and Hadith for such justifications. Because Islam cannot defeat Europe by force of arms, Islam in Europe is engaged in a demographic population growth jihad that trends toward domination of all Europe before the end of this century and parts of Europe by 2050. Among major relgions, only Islam has an institution like Jihad (coupled with a doctrine of world domination), which is often considered the sixth pillar of Islam. Among major religions, only Islam has as its main exemplar a theocratic Caesar and warlord who ordered executions of poets who criticized him (Muhammad). Only the relgion of Islam had as its leader a man who took women as "booty" from war. (One chapter of the Quran is actually titled "booty" or "spoils.") I am not saying that Muhammad had no good qualities. But a violent, totalitarian theocratic poet warlord should not be a society's highest, eternal exemplar, nor should a book he channeled be trusted as the verbatim word of God, especially since the book and the man command Islamic world domination. According to the Muslims' own traditions, Muhammad did a number of things we would consider nasty, including ordering the execution of all the post-pubescent males of a whole Jewish tribe (several hundred males were executed.) He also said, according to Muslims, that no two religions could exist in Arabia. (Thus today it is illegal in Saudi Arabia to practice any non-Muslim religion, even in the privacy of your own home. Bibles are confiscated at the border.) It is reported of Muhammad in quite a few canonical hadith that he ordered that the death penalty was the proper punishment for leaving Islam.
A great many Muslims are moderate and fine people -- generally they don't even know what the Quran says. But it is also a disturbing fact that Muslim public support for terrorist groups is substantially larger than Muslim public protest against Muslim terror. You can bet that if some self-described Christian groups started blowing up women and children in pizza parlors all over the world, and then started claiming the New Testament justified the violence, Christians everywhere would be loudly denouncing the terror and fighting it. But moderate Muslims are mostly silent after terror attacks. Remember how hundreds of people who had nothing to do with the Muhammad cartoons were murdered by Muslims because of those cartoons? Yet what did Muslims start huge protest movements about and get outraged about? Not the hundreds who were murdered over some lousy cartoons, no. That wasn't sufficiently offensive to Muslims to cause them to issue hardly a peep or march at all. The big boycotts and demonstrations and protests were directed at the cartoonists, urging them to be fired, or killed (fatwas have been issued for their deaths and funds been appropriated to pay the assassins). To Muslims, the cartoons were a much bigger outrage than were the fatwas against the cartoonists. You simply cannot equate Islam with the other major religions. Sad to say, but there is nothing in heaven or earth that logically or otherwise compels a major religion to be fundamentally humane. Nor is there any cosmic law that tells us a totalitarian cult could not gather a billion people into its fold and last 1400 years and counting. The most the "cosmic" law can tell us is that totalitarianism must lose out "in the long run." But that's saying almost nothing, because the long run means only "less than infinite time," nor is it specified to what totalitarianism loses. It may lose to freedom, but it may also snuff out freedom and evolution all over the earth, and be defeated only by its own entropy.
As to the issue about Muslim atrocities (against Indians and others) being only in the past, and the comparison with U.S. atom-bombing Japan. First, you will have heard of Sudan. The Muslim government in Khartoum is currently engaging in and responsible for a true genocide in Sudan. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in recent years by that government or agents of that government. And you and I are partly responsible for that genocide, because we have done too little to stop it. And don't forget that Muslim violence, justified by the Quran and the Prophet, have happened not just in India and not just centuries ago (what with the recent murder of hundreds in India in the last month) but also in Thailand (where Muslims have recently innovated by learning to put bombs in fishcans, and go around murdering school teachers), in the Philippines, in Russia, in Bali, in Italy, in France, in Britain, in Israel, in the U.S., in fact globally, and wherever the Muslims' borders meet non-Muslims' borders. Holland's artists and politicians must now be uncritical of Islam or else be under 24-hour high security guard, even living in prisons. Even now, Iran is clearly preparing to use a nuke to kill several million Jews in Israel.
To help yourself understand the Quran and Islam, have a look at The Legacy of Jihad and the Fate of Non-Muslims by Andrew Bostom. Read the Indian scholars who have recorded the history of Islam in India (make sure to read at least one who is unafraid to be critical of that history). Read something by Robert Spencer -- Spencer may be wrong sometimes, but if you are honest and thorough, you will find it difficult to refute the points he makes, and you will see that he means well. His website is The comments left there by visitors are of course as moronic as any comments you will find on any open website, and I don't love the second host of the website (Hugh Fitzgerald) but Robert Spencer is humanitarian in spirit, avoids using an overly broad brush to tar all Muslims, and always ties his statements to specific factual and logical bases. He periodically urges Muslims to try to reform Islam.
My earlier post had some additional reasons why I consider Islam totalitarian in its ideals and practice and unlike the other major religions. I could give more reasons, and back them up with the Quran, Hadith, polls of Muslims, and the totalitarian politics of almost all Muslim-majority nations today. Did you know all the main schools of Islamic law prescribe the death penalty for Muslims who give up Islam?
As to the a-bombing of Japan, if you read a variety of sources, you will see that the arguments -- both 'ethical' and strategic -- for bombing Japan may be wrong, but they are not all weak arguments, and many of them are made by conscientious, ethically concerned, intelligent scholars. Good and intelligent people can disagree about the issue. But what is indisputable is that that Japan attacked the U.S. first, at Pearl Harbor, whereas most of the atrocities and aggression committed by Islam during its fourteen hundred year history have been completely unprovoked. Within a century of Muhammad's death, Islam had dominated its way all across north Africa to Spain and all across the Middle East to India. Islam did not achieve this by persuasion, but by force of arms, religious fanaticism, and the drive for spoils of war, including slaves.
To Solomon -- thanks very much, I will send you an email. I would have recognized the uncanny resemblence between us (perhaps exaggerated), but my computer is so slow lately I haven't been able to examine all the details of your site.
We Jews must be willing to fight and lose our lives like the Muslims. We need to ban together!
God bless Israel! Jews don't strap bombs to women and children! Arabs are cowards!All the Arabs surrounding Israel and those cowards can't take us out.
If Islam is so bad, then why aren't American Muslims killing us heathen American infidels?
Apparently, reading English is not your strong suite. I'll give it one more try, I'm one of those who will hit his thumb with the hammer and yet STILL keep trying to build that damned fence.
Please give me an example of any anti-Americanism or violence by the Protest Warriors. Surely, if such evidence exists, a cerebral giant such as yourself will be able to use it to show the board what an ass I am.
Just for kicks, check out the first part of my request. It says, "give me an example." It does not say, "Repeat your same unsubstantiated and untrue claim." Note the differences between those two statements; they are not subtle differences. You should have no trouble understanding it, I have faith in you!
Seva, it's fairly easy to show that you're fibbing:
By "go there and pick a fight" does not mean go to pick a physical fight it means you wanted confrontation. The fact that after your run in with certain people there that prompted you to go report an assault "Upon return from the police station, I continued my video recording activities.".
So you weren't looking for confrontation yet you went back to where you were (supposedly) assaulted. What part of common sense didn't you learn. Right or wrong that you went back, ignored friendly advice from an organiser (and no doubt the police).
Also let's look at what you said when the guy came up to you:
Him: "stop taking pictures of people"
You: "do something about it why don't you!"
Now what part of your IMMEDIATE response wasn't confrontational?
You then said "You touch me you're going to get hurt"
He made no threats at you, did not do anything to you yet you made a threat at him.
Later in the short clip I think it is your voice saying "give me more!" then after you came back to confront people again: "I'm going to rip your face off". Then when the marshall suggests that you stop walking through the crowd doing your obvious attempts to hang around people that weren't happy to see you you ignore that advice and say you want the police to save you.
You said that you don't go looking for a fight, but nor do you shy away from one. Wrong: you did go looking for a fight.
By assault I'm sure you're blowing that out of proportion: were you actually hit? Where's the pics of your black eye, bloody face or whatever.. Nowhere because by "assault" you're probably objecting to someone standing in your way and then you running into them.
As for your story about childhood bullying: big f##king deal mate, I was bullied too for the same sorts of reasons although not for being a jew, but cos my mum was a teacher at the school (I'd say I got it a lot worse than you), I was "the smart kid in the class" and because I might have been smaller or less agressive than some of the morons who bullied. News for you: nearly everyone gets bullied at school, don't try and use it as an excuse for you turning out to be an agressive pick a fight kinda guy. Bullying is not restricted to jews you know, looking at your behaviour on the video I would say that it was cos you were just a little smartarse who would try to pick fights. Perhaps you'd like to think that that was the sole reason, but perhaps it was just cos kids bully kids for any reason at all. Being the smart kid was more than enough to warrant a beating from future rednecks so kindly leave "I'm a jew and that's why I was bullied" out of any rebuttal thanks.. You were probably bullied cos noone liked your personality plain and simple. Going off the video footage, your agressive antagonistic approach and your subsequent comment I think that's highly likely.
Running around shouting "I'm a jew, I'm a zionist" at a rally talking about (in the background if you were actually trying to observe and not interrupt) how children were getting killed by israeli bombing doesn't sound like you were there to observe.
"I was actually hoping to be simply ignored" - garbage.
Judging by the look of other stuff on this site (e.g. ) there's definitely truth in what the guy said "he's profiling people.. putting up pictures on a website". I have more and more sympathy for him trying to stop you taking pictures of people to put up details about them.
Again doesn't sound at all like you were going to take a documentary, so don't compare yourself to documentary makers. So once again you're trying to legitimise behaviour that were it anti-israel protesters (see previous link) then you'd be just as pissed off. Documentary makers would be quiet, observing things and not weaving through the crowd trying to stir sh*t. You were there to try and rile people up.. Your attire probably had "death to palestine" on it and wearing a jewish cap and a big neon sign saying "bomb arab children, they deserve it" for all we know.
As for implying the whole crowd were violent: crap, there were 3 people by the looks of it who took offence, one who you new before seemed quite polite really given he knew what you were there for. You were making verbal threats a number of times in your own recorded videos.
Your comments about FBI should be watching these people: WTF?? You're just plain racist. These people were at an organised legitimate gathering, why would that warrant them being spied upon? Because they're protesting a war??? Or because they're protesting against Israel invading and killing people?? Step back and think about just how biased you are. My comment about "jews are not the supreme race, no race is" must have really got to you because you obviously completely believe that.
You said "I responded to the attackers ONLY after I was attacked". That's just plain bullsh*t as your first video showed: you were the one yelling stuff out, making threats at that first guy BEFORE any "attack" took place. What exactly was the "attack" anyhow? People trying to stop you filming them? Maybe they wanted privacy?
As for your doubting my impartial unbiased view on this matter and then resorting immediately to what I can only assume is an implication that I am anti-semetic is pathetic. ("and show you for what you are -- anyone cares to guess?") Or perhaps I'm showing that I'm capable of viewing this thing from a balanced point of view (which is that Israel is being excessive plain and simple).
Because I am calling into question YOUR motives and YOUR method I am anti-semetic??? Grow up mate, just cos I think you are in the wrong doesn't make me anti-semetic, it makes me anti-your methods in this case, that's all. I think you're just quite happy to take a pro-Israeli line regardless what reality seems to show. I can rant about how i've got jewish friends (thankfully they are friendly people to be around unlike yourself..)
Anyhow, I'm not going to waste anymore time on you as you have your blind supporters here who are not going to realise that regardless of your race you're an agressive sh*tstirrer who thinks that Israel can do no evil. Check out if you really need proof that you need to realise the situation is not black and white. I think both sides of the situation need to stop fighting, but the current balance is that Israel is way out of line and killing way more people.
The world knows it's not a fair thing and the US blindly veto-ing the UN's attempts to call for a stop is pathetic.
Next time you gatecrash a protest to stir sh*t, at least admit it and don't try to make out like you were set upon. YOU were making threats, YOU were trying to interrupt, YOU were gathering pics to put up and profile the people.
That you have the hide to say you were acting on behalf of all jews would offend a hell of a lot of them to think that you were somehow associated with them when you use your methods.
You are ill-qualified to make any comment about anything as I've just shown you flat out lie.
Baghwan J said:
"If Islam is so bad, then why aren't American Muslims killing us heathen American infidels?"
Mr. Baghwan:
I would say there are two reasons. 1) Those who live here are by and large moderate Muslims who immigrated to the US to get away from the radicals, and 2) the Patriot Act helped law enforcement clean-up those who would do us harm.
John D. Infidel
Thanks Seva for a great report.American State Department has allowed a group of people who dispise their own host country. This is insane. This is one Jewish man who is a non-liberal, and armed to the teeth. To deny that Islamic radicals is crazy, but our governemt gives them safe haven! This needs to stop.
Here in Atlanta the illegal aliens did the same thing. Where was the ICE agaents here? When will Americans rise up and take to the streets and demand the expulsion to these people who support fundamentally terroist groups. Why doesn't our country demand compliance to the Bush Doctrine on our soverign soil? What is more shocking is that our own State Department seems to want to make nice with a group that slaughters Americans and Jews alike that have total disregard for human life.
The liberal so called protesting Jews have forgotten that Communists of the Russian Revolution were composed of agnostick Jews who for some reason demonize their religion. I supect they had a bad experience in Hebrew school, and have retained their distain to their religion. These people have forgotten that the same people who they support would slice their throat in a heartbeat even draped in the Palestinian and Hezbollah Flags and would be accused of being Zionist spies.
Islamic facists who support violent ends and the end of Israel should be deported asap. The freedoms they enjoy here would get them shot in Countries they deem to support. The American press, especially the Boston Globe that gave a fool hardy report is complicit in aiding these monsters, and is part of the problem and not part of the solution!
Baggie Sayz:
"If Islam is so bad, then why aren't American Muslims killing us heathen American infidels?"
Just for starters, Do the names John Muhammed and lee malvo ring a bell? Joel Henry Hinrichs III? How about Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar? Does he ring any bells with you?
Or were you not paying attention?
Most Muslims in Iran, Iraq etc are uneducated individuals who have been completely brain washed into believing that the US and Israel are the reason for their suffering. Tell me one single country that is Muslim ran that does not subdue its people and instead creates a society of poverty and suffering when they, the government of that country, sits high on its throne and feeds its fat face with the money given to it by the very same countries they teach there slaves to hate. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria all could do so much more to educate and teach the people of their country so that they could better themselves and create a prosperous society...shame that it will take the US military to free them from the grips of stupidity.
Anyone from Australia who is against "occupation" by Israel should be against the occupation of the "Land Down Under" by European Ausholes from the UK.
Progressive Mental Illness and Progressive Blindness are the dominant cults in the UK. After Londons 7/7, supporting Islamofascism in the UK is a sure sign of Mentall Illness or subversion.
What right do those protesters have to tell you not to take pictures when they are meeting in public on American soil showing the world their hate for Israel. You have the consititutional right to be there observing and taking pictures as you please as a private American citizen. God bless you and continue to give you courage.
typical liberal crybabies. They are so spoiled they cant handle anyone disagreeing with them so they throw tantrums.
WOW! Seva Brodsky, UD the MAN!
GREAT info.
Thanks for hanging in there & standing up against these dirty, wacko, left-wing nuts.
How do you manage to resist the urge to break the noses of these anti-American, cowardly terrorist protesters?
Seva, you need help.
To all peace loving, legal American Citizens: Shame on you for not standing up to these evil anti-American, terrorist loving Marxist, Fascists Muslim fanatics!
Dear ChillWinston,
Let me run this by you once again, for the last time, rather briefly, yet slowly and painfully patiently, at which point I'll stop paying attention to your lies, slander, projections, misinterpretations, selective vision (and hearing), inter- and extrapolations, etc., as I got better things to do with my time than waste it on the likes of you. Are you with me so far? Good! Let me know if I should repeat the facts more than once for you so as to help you absorb them properly. I am writing this especially slowly so as to enable you to keep up with the pace, get it?
1. I did NOT want a confrontation, as I am not a suicidal masochist. Can't vouch for the future, though, as I got the taste of it.
2. If you need a definition of "assault" -- please do your own homework and look it up.
3. I returned back to the rally because I am stubborn, NOT because I wanted to pick up a fight -- I wanted to record as much of it as I could, as I have that First Amendment right, and because by then I was more than simply curious -- I was quite mad, and wanted those creeps to realize that they can't bully everyone into submission. Wrong place, wrong time, wrong guy.
4. I do not think you understand the nature of the First Amendment in the U.S. Constitution -- look it up. It applies to both sides, get it? No? Well, then I give up on this one. I'll just point out that you are guilty of using a double standard -- I wonder why? Any guesses, anyone?
5. When someone is trying to violate my First Amendment rights, I get very annoyed, especially when that someone is physically touching and pushing me, as was the "polite" Noah Cohen.
6. I threatened the obnoxious kid only AFTER I've had enough of his threats to my safety, well-being, and even my life.
7. As for the story of my childhood (yes, I know you don't consider it a "big f##king deal" -- neither do I, btw -- I was merely trying to give some background by way of illustration) -- re-read it, if you didn't get it all the first time around -- do you also suffer from short attention span? Then may I suggest Ritalin? In short, as I have ALREADY explained once, I was repeatedly beaten up during my early years for all of the following reasons: (a) being a Jew, ALSO for (b) being small and weak, and ALSO for (c) being an (almost) straight "A" student -- it may surprise you to find out that you were not the only "smart" kid on the block. No, neither of my parents was a teacher -- both were engineers. My mom, however, wanted to become a pediatrician, but despite the fact that she graduated from high school summa cum laude (with a golden medal), she was cut down on the entrance examinations to medical college. Why? Because she was a Jew. I suggest you look up the terms "anti-Semtism" and "USSR" and "Soviet" all on the same line in Google. BTW, do you read books at all? No need to reply -- see my closing statements below.
8. Not everything was caught on the video, as the camera shut off after I was attacked and the camera got damaged (not fatally, though, I'm happy to report). Still, I managed to get about 40 minutes of footage, not all of which made it into the blog -- only several minutes did, for a whole variety of reasons. Thus, much of what had transpired can only be taken at my word. Now, if you have doubts as to my truthfulness, and think me a liar, there is not much I can do about that. But that, my sanctimonious duplicitous ChillWinston, is really NOT my problem -- it is entirely YOURS.
9. I would suggest you re-read an earlier posting (see above) by a former cop turned journalist -- he lays it out quite simply -- maybe you'll be able to understand that, if you still fail to understand me. And if you don't understand that either -- well, then you are in for some unpleasant surprises later in your life, as the reality will bite you in your butt eventually, and sooner than you'd like. Get ready for the rectal cranial inversion, as my friend Elaine says.
10. My comments about the FBI had to do with the support for Hezbullah coming from much of the crowd -- you saw the pictures and videos with your own eyes -- or are your eyes and ears betraying you too -- do you also need a recommendation for an optometrist and hearing specialist? I would be all too happy to oblige. Last I heard, Hezbullah was still on the U.S. government's list of banned terrorist organizations, so naturally, the FBI would be the perfect entity to deal with such a threat, ne ce pas?
Having spent entirely much time on you (for the last time, I promise), I have no further desire or intention to continue our futile dialogue -- as I said, I was only addressing FACTUAL items of what had transpired -- not the ideology, politics, history, or the war itself. If you can't even reconcile yourself with the uncomfortable facts on the ground as reported by my first-hand account (no, I was not wearing a provocative T-shirt or a cap -- yes, I was wearing the blue and white striped "lawyer" shirt and black dress slacks -- ask you pro-Hezbullah buddies from Boston, who took many pictures of me, for some samples), then you are probably beyond hope.
Moreover, I am beginning to wonder if we even live on the same planet, my not-so-dear anonymously brave ChillWinston ... You only see what you want to see, even when it is NOT there. This, too, is your First Amendment right, but let me repeat -- do not expect to be taken seriously. If you would like me to, I can ask my Australian friends (is that where you live?) to help you find a psychotherapist -- you never know, you just might get better. I might even be consider sharing the financial burden this may inflict upon your pocket, as poor as I am.
Be well, but please be gone. And please do not write to me, as I have no more time or patience left for you. You are free, however, to rant into the ether, as this is your First Amendment right. But should you want to talk mano-a-mano, feel free to call me at +1-617-921-6129 -- I am a slow and lazy typist, so I would much rather give you a piece of my mind verbally. Also, feel free to drop in on me in Boston, and say whatever you are saying so bravely (yet anonymously) here, but instead do so in my face, like a man, you brave and proud Australian.
You are a very brave man to go into that hostile crowd. I watched the video with absolute anger about how those monsters treated you. The threats and violence toward an unarmed man with a camera is simply revolting.
I am praying for you, your family and all of Israel. May God be with you all during this really difficult time.
God Bless,
Death before Dhimmitude!
May our God protect the IDF and bless them with victory.
Hezzbollah is soaked in the blood of Americans and Israelis. Anyone who kills U.S. Marines is an enemy of mine.
Duardo, you walking encyclopaedia you, what is it about Hugh Fitzgerald's writings that you don't like? I find his writings very thoughtful, extremely knowledgeable, very scholarly, etc.
Just curious. Please write to me at Seva(period)Brodsky(at)gmail(period)come, if you don't mind.
Christopher, thank you for your kind and warm wards -- my baby brother is living in Israel, and I worry about his being called up for active duty from the reserves and for his subsequent safety. So your words hit literally close to home.
Thanks to all, including my detractors, as they allow for the rays of truth to illuminate the stenchy dark rat holes, where they are hiding out from reality.
Many liberals are the most strident supporters of Zionism (to their discredit). Israel's strong arm tactics have not succeeded in bringing stability to the region and their shortsightedness is impacting US interests. The Israeli police state model is being pushed for the US. Our Zionist Occupied Government just may bring it about. Zionism is racism and will eventually go the way of the old South African apartheid regime. Israel can try to get along with its neighbors by being a GOOD neighbor.
MURDER as cover for THEFT is *not* SELF-DEFENSE!
That's my $.02
I didn't hear anything about this rally. I never knew that that woman (Lana Habash) was actually "palestinian." I always see her counterprotesting any pro-Israel event with her scarf on etc. Thankfully, I didn't see much of a counter-demonstration in Brookline last week
Notice I didn't say there was nothing good in Islam, and I acknowledged that many Muslims are fine people, especially those who do not know the Quran and Hadith. What I said was that on the whole, Islam is a totalitarian and destructive religion that cuts off human evolution, and that it is not to be equated with the other major religions, such as Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism or Judaism.
Among the major religions, Islam is particularly inhospitable to pluralism and freedom, due both to Muhammad's example recorded in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim (the canonical hadith) and due to the Quran's violent theocratic template and the Quran's doctrine of abrogation. The latter doctrine for many Muslim scholars cancels out the tolerant verses within the Quran.
You ask me, if Islam is "so bad," why aren't Muslims killing Americans. I know you are aware of 9/11, so by your question you must mean something slightly below the surface of what you asked. In other words, I guess you meant to ask something like, "If Islam is so bad, why isn't the average Muslim killing Americans?"
But that question doesn't make a great deal of sense either. As I said, many Muslims are fine people who do not contemplate killing anyone and do not know the Quran or Hadith very well. Furthermore, if the average Muslim did go around killing Americans, that would be a terrible strategy for making Islam win and dominate, don't you think? If the average Muslim went around killing Americans, Americans would rid themselves of Muslims extremely quickly. So Islam is often patient, deceptive, quiet and thoughtful about its methods of establishing domination and totalitarianism. There is no need for a single organizing conspiracy, because the Quran and Hadith tell any activist Muslim the kinds of things he needs to do (not just terror) to establish Islam's dominion, so many Muslims spontaneously cooperate.
As to the quite, deceptive methods often used, notice that some Muslim scholars have complained about Islamic terrorism, because these Muslim scholars say that such terrorism has awakened the West to the demographic jihad. If the terrorists had just refrained, so these Muslim scholars say, Muslim populations would have quietly taken over Europe within a couple of generations, because non-Muslim Europeans are reproducing below replacement rate, while Muslims are reproducing extremely quickly and pouring into Europe as refugees from all over the world. Now this demographic jihad may be endangered because terror has caused many (still not enough) Europeans to educate themselves about the character and intentions of Islam.
Also, notice I didn't say Islam is a hyper-homicidal religion, either. I said it was fundamentally totalitarian. It doesn't just go around killing left and right for the sake of killing, like some crazy rabid dog. When it does kill, it generally does so on behalf of an often subtle, many pronged, totalitarian strategy of world domination.
There are one or two Muslim-majority countries that manage an approximation to religious pluralism and freedom, at least at present. I am thinking of Mali and Senegal. Indonesia, too, though not quite democratic and pluralist, and though under threat by Muslim fundamentalists, cannot be described as totalitarian. Turkey, whose democratic status is also in question because of a resurgence of Islam there, is not totalitarian, but not quite pluralist yet either, especially in terms of religion. But even including these four quasi-exceptions -- three of which, notice, are geographically distant from the central geographic nucleus and origin of Islam -- even including these four semi-exceptions, the non-partisan Freedom House, which tracks every nation in the world, year by year, and for each country produces detailed ratings of civil liberties and political rights, finds the Muslim-majority world behind every other region in terms of political rights and civil liberties.
Thus everything more or less dovetails: polls of Muslims, governing style of Islam around the world, totalitarian global domination urged in the Quran, and the example and statements of Muhammad in the Hadith. Can Islam be reformed? Nothing is impossible, but I think it unlikely. Some things are inherently too rigid to grow or change, and thus can only be broken or else can break other things. The obstacles to an Islamic Reformation are much greater and more deeply rooted than the obstacles faced by Luther when he brought the Reformation to Christianity.
Still, I think we have to at least hope for two things: 1) that Muslims leave Islam and join other religions or become atheists and 2) that Muslims reform Islam to get rid of the central elements of Jihad, Islamic supremacism toward other religions, and the political core of Islam: Sharia law.
Thanks again, Seva.
About Fitzgerald, I do often admire his writing. He's often brilliant. But I guess there is just something about his style that sometimes runs against the grain of my temperament.
Seva, I sent you an email. - duardo
you are very brave, i was shaking in my boots watching your clips. you are in a democracy, and some stupid punk who shares my surname orders you to switch off and leave??? then all those hateful thugs?? crazy.
i live in south africa, when shimon peres visited here muslim anti-israel demonstrators, or should i say attack forces pelted people attending a speech by shimon with rocks, they injured a number of people. The police forcefully subdued the rioters. it was a nightmare. peres's helicopter never landed and instead turned around and left the scene, a thousand people who had arrived to hear him were terrorised and left without doing so.
Big up to freedom!!!!
am yisrael chai!!!!
peace on earth and in heaven.
United Nations & Hezbollah flags flying side by side at the Lebanese Observation post where four UN "observers" from Ghana were reportedly killed by someone.
As a former US Army Officer, and a patriotic American who believes in the Constitution, I can only weep. After working with so many Jewish FRIENDS in my field (information technology) I can only say that I am ashamed of the behavior of my countrymen and the blatant anti-semitism. I am sorry you experienced this. I am even more sorry that the left has hijacked the minds of our youth and nurtured the moral decay that will eventually lead to the destruction of our nation.
As I wrote my own father today who was deriding Jews, when is the last time a Jew walked into a restaurant with a bomb strapped to his chest in an effort to kill as many women and children of the Christian faith as possible???
These people are fanatics bent on our destruction, and the left, in some fit of elitist superiority don't even realize that they are signing their own death warrant. Ignorance is bliss. Thank you Public EdumaKation.
God Bless you.
Seva: You've answered none of my direct questions, and I'm beginning to think you're just a child with your repetitive non-answers.
Try answering some direct questions without evasion:
1) Why did you make a verbal threat in response to the first verbal contact anyone at that rally made with you? For your reference the line was "do something about it why don't you!".
2) Why did you make a subsequent threat "You touch me you're going to get hurt" if you were "there to be ignored" and were attempting to diffuse any aggression and just observe.
3) What part of documentary making have you observed that would entail being vocal and running around shouting "I'm a zionist" and "I'm a jew" at an anti-israeli war rally when you were supposed to be there to observe? I must have missed the part where David Attenborough lets loose with an airhorn while observing wildlife in the amazon..
4) If you believe you have the right to photograph anyone you like and that is "protected", do you not respect that they also have the right to prevent you taking pictures as part of their expression?
5) What exactly is a "blue and white lawyer shirt"?? (I ask because lawyers and other professionals elswhere in the world wear business shirts and suits). Was it something like israeli flag colours by any chance?
6) You do realise that the US constitution and bill of rights only applies in the US don't you? I ask because despite me saying I'm Australian, you appear to think it applies everywhere in the world and to other countries.
7) What *exactly* occurred that you consider "assault"? (telling me to look up assualt is not an answer and childish). Were you punched, kicked, hit with a baseball bat, stabbed, shot (thanks to the wonderful US constitution you keep referring to guns are A-OK)? Did you suffer any bruises, wounds or any other visible signs of an assault? (and no: wounded pride does not count).
8) Why did you go back to the event and approach the same group of people again if you were not looking for a fight?
9) Are you a teenager? Or still at school or something? I ask because I get the growing impression when you say you want to be a lawyer "when [you] grow up". Making comments about psychiatrists is just childish, I have done nothing more than call into question parts of the story that you have avoided answering.
Also the whole "put your name on the internet blah blah" banter is something I'd advise against anyone doing, so if you can get the administrators to remove your number i'd recommend it. Although via a quick google search I see you like putting your details out (that's your mobile right?).
No I'm not going to call you to harass you or put my details on the web as I value my privacy and seriously doubt the ability of many on this discussion thread to be anything other than closeminded about any dissenting voice. That and spammers trawl the web for such information.
I also suspect that any details you gleam would be posted as some sort of anti-semetic when I'm actually nothing of the sort.
You (and others in this thread) should learn to accept that criticism of Israel or *a* Jew (such as yourself) does not mean someone is racist and worthy of the "Anti-semite" label that is thrown around excessively. If you weren't so angry (due to your bullying and alleged discriminiation) then perhaps you might find the world a bit less against you and more with you. I think that the only one who's shown racism between the two of us is you with your assumption that anyone at that rally should be watched by the FBI.
As an aside I think you'll probably make a fine lawyer: argumentative, agressive, able to answer-yet-not-answer, ability to switch off certain evidence in order to argue a case and well skilled at embelishing certain parts of the story while overlooking others.
Politics aside: this war is worth protesting against. Where are the jewish people staging mass rallies against this war that's killing kids? Pushing non-violence and anti-war should be the goal of any decent human being.
How about you going to go and "observe" some pro-Israeli rallies and act in the same way but in support of the palestinians? Guess you'd be able to file two "assualt" charges in the one week if you did.
A few links that came across just today:
Although I guess Israel is in good company on that side of things with the US.
I just hope that with time you learn the skill of diffusing a situation rather than antagonising is the more sensible of the two. Hence the name I posted on here "chill winston.." was a line from a movie.
ChillWinston, you moronic Aushole, why don't you end your occupation of Aborigine land in the "Land Down Under" and return to your ancestral prison cell in the United Kingdom.
What crime did your ancestor commit to get exiled to the "Land Down Under"?
19Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men.
20For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain.
21Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?
22I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.
23Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
24And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
(Psalm 139:19-24)
1 Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God.
2For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.
3They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.
4They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
5For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:
6The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes;
7Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre;
8Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. Selah.
9Do unto them as unto the Midianites; as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the brook of Kison:
10Which perished at Endor: they became as dung for the earth.
11Make their nobles like Oreb, and like Zeeb: yea, all their princes as Zebah, and as Zalmunna:
12Who said, Let us take to ourselves the houses of God in possession.
13O my God, make them like a wheel; as the stubble before the wind.
14As the fire burneth a wood, and as the flame setteth the mountains on fire;
15So persecute them with thy tempest, and make them afraid with thy storm.
16Fill their faces with shame; that they may seek thy name, O LORD.
17Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish:
18That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.
(Psalm 83: 1-18)
Oh, return Jeshua, Prince of Peace………Maranatha!!
Eddie: about the same time the US ends its occupation and return it in its entirety to the native aborigines of your country? (that's "Native Americans" if you don't remember who was there first). We can tack it onto pretty much every current country in the world which has been influenced by takeovers in their history.
So I guess we'll see each other in England then? But wait, that was taken over multiple times back in history.. Whereever shall we go?
If you knew about the history: Australia WAS the prison they sent people to you twit because there was no room in the ones in England. Just like there was no room for a bunch of psycho-christians that fled to the US where they could continue burning witches and keeping the women folk in line (since we're going for such accurate descriptions it seems).
Your assertion that I must be a decendant of criminals is incorrect. Look up some history on the current makeup of Australia before you blurt out garbage. Is it ok for me to make the assumption that you're a descendent of a slave owner (as that was widespread in the US, but never in Australia)?
But wait, that'd be you just being racist wouldn't it (as in attacking a race of people and making negative assumptions based on my race alone). Are you saying that racism is permitted, so long as it's not against your race?
But I see your level of intellect is pretty much summed up by
Eddie: ""F", "F", PaleSWINE. Get it?"
Which is about as clever as one could expect from a 10 year old. No I don't get it cos it's just stupid, why you repeat this so many times is beyond me.
Nice how you complain about any form of criticism of the actions of israel, yet blurt out racist attacks on other people's race with no trouble whatsoever.
> Caline Jarudi, executive director of
> the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination
> Committee of Massachusetts
Hmmmm.... Is this a chapter of Hussain Ibish's outfit? Does anyone know what Mr. Ibish was doing a decade ago at UMass Amherst -- violent building takeovers while funded by Massachusetts taxpayers.
From the Hamas Chapter in the graduate dorm to the Mumia Fan Club, UMass Amherst is an out-of-control bastion of radicalism that is now drifting to Boston. WHEN will the people of the Commonwealth address the real issue - mob violence?
Chillwinston blathers,
"I think that the only one who's shown racism between the two of us is you with your assumption that anyone at that rally should be watched by the FBI.
I'm getting quite tired of seeing the same rhetorical smears of "racism" whenever anybody suggests the value of racial profiling. Its not about racism, its about the statistical chance that your average Arab crowd has in committing violence. That's all. Why cant you people just take our word for this and insist on seeing some kind of ulterior motives that arent there?
Great post, thanks for posting those pictures. Maybe people will finally "see" things for what they are. You just have to sit back in amazement at all this. The founding fathers would be so proud that our free speech was about cheering on terrorist groups. Oy vey. Hey I linked to your story about the rally, hope you don't mind, I think others should read it too! Keep up the great work here.
Your infantile comments are laughable. For example...
>Can I just say: Jews are NOT the supreme beings of the world, there is no race/religion/group that can or should say or think that, we are all just people. Thinking you're better than everyone in the world is an arrogant and un-worldly stance to have.
Ah, more RACIST blather from a criminal occupier of the Land Down Under.
ChillWinston, let me remind you: the British and their criminal mutations in the Land Down Under are NOT the supreme beings of the world.
Athiests are NOT the supreme beings of the world.
Islamofascists are NOT the supreme beings of the world.
Mohammed WAS the supreme being of the world, ONLY TO MUSLIMS.
The British and their fellow Union Jack flying lackeys are as arrogant as the French.
What really bugs racists like you is that Israel is NOT the unarmed Jews of WW2 nazi vermin infested Europe.
The so called PaleSWINIANS and their fellow Islamofascists AND Euro nazis who openly admire hitler make no bones about wishing to "complete" hitler "job".
Have you seen the pictures of Hezbollah doing outstretched nazi salutes? Gee, I wonder who they are emulating???
It's a tad difficult to kill Jews when Israelis have F-16s. What a Nakbah (catastrophe) if you are a genocidal Islamofascist!!!
The Islamofascists even gave hitler an honorary arabic name, "abu ali". How quaint.
The UN has been HIJACKED by Islamofascism. A year back the UN elected CURRENT DAY SLAVER Muslim Sudan to the UN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION!!! How many UN resolutions condeming Sudan???
On May 4, 2004, United States ambassador Sichan Siv walked out of the commission following the uncontested election of Sudan to the commission, calling it an “absurdityâ€, pointing out Sudan’s problems with ethnic cleansing in the Darfur region.
Not only are Islamofascists and their enablers killing Jews, Islamofascists are killing Christians, Hindus, Buddhists.
A few years back India and Muslim Pakistan almost had a nuclear exchange over disputed Kashmir. The recent bombings in Mumbai by Islamofascists was another example of "the religion of peace" at its finest.
Read the news for the past year. Muslims killing Muslims IN Iraq. Everyday tens of Muslims die in Iraq due to car bombs, shootings.
Criminal Racists like you ChillWinston are upset that Muslims are dying instead of Jews. Thats another Nakbah - for you.
BTW ChillWinston, taking pictures in a PUBLIC SPACE is NOT ILLEGAL in the US.
The Islamofascists at the demonstration want to censor the activty of others in a Public Space. Thats a big NO-NO. I bet its a No-No even in your occupied Land Down Under.
To a genetic criminal like you ChillWinston, taking a video is "aggressive" but pushing, covering the lense of a camera, grabbing a camera, threatening to kill the videographer is NOT aggressive. Things are certainly upside down, in occupied Land Down Under.
>I have more and more sympathy for him trying to stop you taking pictures of people to put up details about them.
Censorship. Trying to hide something? Criminals ALWAYS have sympathy for fellow criminals. That explains your "sympathy".
>Your attire probably had "death to palestine" on it and wearing a jewish cap and a big neon sign saying "bomb arab children, they deserve it" for all we know.
You were in occupied Land Down Under, not at the "anti-war" rally in Boston. So how many Fosters did you drink to dream that one up criminal ChillWinston?
BTW, the "anti-war" rally had the same right to record as well.
>I think you're just quite happy to take a pro-Israeli line regardless what reality seems to show.
ChillWinston, you're quite happy to take an anti-Israeli, anti-Jewish line regardless what reality seems to show.
Those pesky Jews are the cause of ALL the problems? What a Nakbah!!!
ChillWinston, you as a "superior" being, not foolish to belong to any "superstition", are very accomodating to fundamental Islam which has a poor record treating women. Women are property. Women can't drive a car in Saudi Arabia. Women can't vote in SA. Non-Muslims can't worship in SA. That doesn't bother you a wit, you exiled criminal Brit Twit.
ChillWinston, why don't you curtsey to the Queen? The only throne your Prince Charles will ever sit on will be the porcelain one.
Well done. GREAT photos! The thing I am sure of is that 10 years from now many of these people, especially young ones, will be trying to hide the fact they were ever involved in such activities. Besides risking having your camera broken you could have been assaulted by their soft, damp, flailing, poorly aimed clenched socialist fists. Definatly use the legal system to get those that you can identify. If nothing else you will be making their lives a little difficult.
Seva, great job!!!
Footage such as the one you presented proves once again that there are terrorists in our midst to those who are blind to that fact.
Keep up the good work.
If you're ever in New York and need backup or help, let me know. signetv at excite dot com
Jon (another Russian American Jew)
Thanks for showing us firsthand the true nature of this "peace" rally and exposing the real face of Islam.
As I recall someone saying, "There will be no peace until Muslims love their children more than they hate Israel." This was in reference to Muslim parents expressing their pride in (and approval of) their children's death as a "homicide" bomber and the killing of innocent men, women and children.
This rally is just more evidence that Islam is truly a religion of hate and needs to be exposed. One only has to read the headlines to confirm that the "true fruits" of Islam are hate, death and destruction. That's the common denominator in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Palestine, Lebanon, Sudan, Indonesia, and the list goes on and on ...
God bless and protect Israel and the USA!
Fantastic show of bravery. What bowls me over is how afraid these people are of having their gathering and speech recorded. If their cause is so just, why worry about secrecy?
Why did that rally closely resemble Nazi brainwashing methods conducted in German death camps of WWII? The constant repetion over the megaphone was very creepy.
Fuck Communism and Fuck the UN
Why wasn't protestwarrior there? Maybe they didn't know about the event. Please fwd anything else you find to them so they have a chance to organize. Here in the Bay Area CA the Islamists don't do shit without pw'ers and cameras all over their asses.
Hi all, if you want to see more rabid US Islamists in action, check out some of the shit they do here in the Bay Area:
Yet another whining apologist for the terrorist aparthied state of Israel. You will change my boy, when a 500 pound bomb falls on YOUR family.
Dear Subhadeep,
Bombs in fact ARE falling on my family as we speak -- I have a brother, a bunch of cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. living in Israel, so the hundreds and thousands of Katyushas and Qassams falling from the sky, courtesy of Hezbullah, are hitting THEM right now.
So yes, my boy, I have changed indeed.
THANK YOU! We should all be as brave as you are...I don’t believe my eyes...this is all so real...keep up the good work and please be care full.
May Hashem be with you! and with eretz israel!
* If the Arabs put down their weapons, there would be no more violence
*If the Jews put down their weapons there would be no more Israel!
Pakis in the UK bombed the bus and underground, killing 52 people.
How peaceful of islam...
The Finsbury mosque celebrated the 9/11 sneak attack on the US by calling their fellow swine, "The Magnificent 19".
How peaceful of islam....
Pakistan even has a city called IslamIsBad.
How honest of islam...
Due to recent events I would like to update my last post
{Baggie Sayz:
"If Islam is so bad, then why aren't American Muslims killing us heathen American infidels?"
Just for starters, Do the names John Muhammed and lee malvo ring a bell? Joel Henry Hinrichs III? How about Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar? Does he ring any bells with you?
Or were you not paying attention?}
Due to the events of yesterday, I would like to add the name of Naveed Afzal Haq.
Psa 83:1-17 Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee: The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes; Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. (ALL ARABS)
Psa 83:9-18 Do unto them as unto the Midianites; as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the brook of Kison:
Which perished at Endor: they became as dung for the earth. Make their nobles like Oreb, and like Zeeb: yea, all their princes as Zebah, and as Zalmunna: Who said, Let us take to ourselves the houses of God in possession. O my God, make them like a wheel; as the stubble before the wind. As the fire burneth a wood, and as the flame setteth the mountains on fire; So persecute them with thy tempest, and make them afraid with thy storm.
Fill their faces with shame; that they may seek thy name, O LORD. Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish: That men may know that thou, whose name alone is LORD, art the most high over all the earth.
Keep up the good work and do not let the Arab Terrorists push you around. They should really go back to their own countries since they hate democracy so much. According to Psalms 83 the Arab's time has come and they will all be destroyed shortly by God so keep filming and educating the public until the enemy has been destroyed.
"Pakistan even has a city called IslamIsBad"
Gee, Eddie, how clever! That one's almost up there with your standard chant of "F, F, Paleswine." Are you TRYING to sound like you're ten years old?
Dearly Disappointed,
It's nice to see that you get your panties in a knot over IslamIsBad but not over the shooting of six women (one died) in Seattle by a Paki follower of "peaceful islam".
P.S. "F", "F", PaleSWINE.
You're implying that pro-Israeli demonstrations are "civilized" However, we didn't see anything in your videos showing the pro-Lebanese demonstrators as acting "uncivilized" Like you said, this is America...they can protest as well.
-- FreeCyprus
Dear FreeCyprus,
"You're implying that pro-Israeli demonstrations are 'civilized'. However, we didn't see anything in your videos showing the pro-Lebanese demonstrators as acting 'uncivilized'. Like you said, this is America...they can protest as well."
Three points:
1. Your nom de guerre (FreeCyprus) smells of ethnic cleansing.
2. Like I said, this is America -- they can protest as they have that right.
3. Are you serious that you "didn't see anything in [my] videos showing the pro-Lebanese demonstrators as acting 'uncivilized'"? Are you merely blind or just plain stupid? Or only see what you want to see, which would make you both of the above, in addition to being evil?
Stay tuned, as yet more of such uncivilized behavior is about to be shown in this blog in a very short time -- we are working on it right now. Consider this a fair advance notice.
This is the Islamic religion I see.
Islam the religion of terrorist. Islam the religion of genocide. Islam the religion of mass murders. Islam the religion of serail killers. Islam the religion of rapist. Islam the religion of female genital mutilation. Islam the religion of female degradation. Islam the religion of child abuse. Islam the religion of authoritarian rule. Islam the religion for humans not allowed to think for them selves. Islam the religion that most in the civilized world consider to be medieval and barbaric. Islam the religion that has its followers kill other innocent humans because they are not Islamic or leave Islam. Islam the religion with an ultimate goal of universal Islamic law for the entire world. Islam the religion of lies and liars. Islam the religion of EVIL. Islam the religion that worships Mohamad the so-called profit of Islam who committed and promoted evil crimes. Islam the religion that is consider a cult. Islam the religion is to evil to be considered a religion of peace. Islam the religion should be made illegal by world courts. Islam the religious (cult) for Muslims. Islam, the religious nightmare for the entire world.
The problem with Jews is that they do not understand that they do not have an unassailable right to exist in the MiddleEast and that the Persian's do. Israel should re-locate to America, Texas probably, and allow the Arab MiddleEast to resume life. I'd expect a peaceful time ahead if this was achieved.
Anyway Israel has completely blown its self out in the world of public opinion and they have already signalled then end of the Israeli's just many years away but it is coming with the hatred which has been bred from history.....which Isreal just can't stop repeating. Talk about an un-intelligent breed.
Not-so-dear Simon,
Give me a call at +1-617-921-6129, and I'll give you a piece of my mind. Hell, I'll even meet you face-to-face to say as much.
Common, you brave anonymous anti-Semite, show us you ARE brave -- and even if you happen to be an "ethnic" Jew (after all, "Simon" IS a Jewish name -- don't you just hate that?), you are still an anti-Semite.
I hereby promise to "Talk about an un-intelligent breed" with you -- I guarantee you will be enlightened. However, I can't promise to make you more intelligent -- I ain't no God, and if He made you stupid, well, that's just too bad, ain't it?
Be not well,
You won't be meeting him any time soon. He's in the UK.
"Anyway Israel has completely blown its self out in the world of public opinion and they have already signalled [the] end of the Israeli's just many years away but it is coming with the hatred which has been bred from history.....which Isreal just can't stop repeating." Simon
Actually, the "public opinion" you're referring to Simon was pre-existent, simply waiting for (yet another) rationale to leverage, to justify your own and similar levels of vilification, libels and slanders. Essentially, a more malignant and malicious form of anti-Semitic contempt would be difficult to find as it infuses some of the most mendacious ahistorical tropes with the worst types of eliminationist strategic interests.
Put differently, Simon's is a simpleton's, a dullard's malicious approach to all the issues involved, but it's a malignancy, and far too common malignancy, nonetheless. There were many simpletons and dullards among fascist, Soviet and other apparatchiks as well: following orders, forming habits of mind, i.e. of mindlessness, and not asking more probative questions until it was too late, if at all.
Charlie says:
"I'm getting quite tired of seeing the same rhetorical smears of "racism" whenever anybody suggests the value of racial profiling. Its not about racism, its about the statistical chance that your average Arab crowd has in committing violence. That's all. Why cant you people just take our word for this and insist on seeing some kind of ulterior motives that arent there?"
Well the assumption that because a crowd is arab that there will be violence IS racist I'm afraid. Statistically more likely? Well you're just assuming that based on racial prejudice rather than any real facts there. The same garbage approach was used to profile black people in the past (sure I can say that you should stop and search that black guy cos "statistically" there's more chance he's a criminal.. whether that's right or wrong statistics is irrelevant as there's the right to being presumed innocent).
There are a lot of negative views of Jewish people that someone could easily say were statistically more likely to be true.. Yet that doesn't make it fine to yell them from the rooftops.
I'm getting tired of accusations of anti-semitism getting thrown around whenever someone questions this Israeli military campaign or the legitimacy of Israeli agression and killing.
Eddie: you are obviously a f@#$ moron, stop posting and further confirming that. Just how many wrong stereotypes can you dredge up repeatedly? Fosters - well NOONE drinks that in Australia if you had a clue. Next you'll be going on about "shrimps on the babie" which is another american phrase that no local would say.
Seva: what is it with you and posting your phone number everywhere? You still haven't answered the relatively easy questions about the assault and other motivations.. I'm assuming because to do so would expose the dodgy approach you took and the non-assaulting nature of the "assault".
you occuiper of Aborigine land,
why don't you set an example for your fellow exiled criminal wankers in the "Land Down Under" and start packing and set sail for your ancestral home, a deep, dark dungeon in Great Britain.
What crime did your ancestor commit to be exiled from the United Kingdom?
For a description of the same event, from the opposite point of view:
I just found this, and have one thing to say...
You rock. I always find two things fascinating; That the very people here who are complaining of mis-treatment absolutely flip out when the other side wants to exercise their constitutional rights as well. "You can't be here" "He's video-taping" What the hell are they so afraid people will see?
The other thing I love, is that at some point the anti-semitism always comes out. They claim they are there because people are being mistreated... but the same old comments come out: "We hate you", as it was so eloquently stated by the obviously well educated youth in his requisite black, concert t-shirt.
Keep up the good work Seva!
P.S. Who the hell is Noah Cohen? What an asshole.
great job! I wish I could have been there with you. Please post when these 'events' occur so that we could have a better response. I try to let as many non Jews as I can understand the true story of what is going on. They need to be aware that Israel is not only fighting it's own battle but is helping to stop Iran from it's global progression. The media makes this a very hard battle since most so anti-Israel. Yasher Koach for your great work.
Awesome job, Seva. To ChillWilson, the Aussie, you are a condescending, ignoramous who refuses to see the truth and ask questions, like,
1. Why did Arafat refuse a generous offer in 2000, which gave him 97.5 of the requested land, including East Jerusalem.
2. Who keeps on trying to make Peace, even though it's neighbors don't want Peace.
3. Are you familiar with the history of the land? It was ruled by the Turks until England won WW-I.
4. Why was Sadat murdered.
5. Check out two Muslims who speak the truth, which you probably won't because you are outright ignorant, and they are Walid, who wrote book on Why he left Jihad (google him) and
6. Taping the rally was legal.
7. Hezbollah are dirty-fighting PUNKS and anyone with a half-brain should know it, the fact they hide behind women in children. If they weren't PUNKS, they'd play by the book.
8. All those left-wingers who are unabashadly anti-Israel and one-sided like yourself, ChillWilson, are HOMOSEXUALS because you are subversive and warped.
Am Yisroel Chai.
Awesome job, Seva. To ChillWilson, the Aussie, you are a condescending, ignoramous who refuses to see the truth and ask questions, like,
1. Why did Arafat refuse a generous offer in 2000, which gave him 97.5 of the requested land, including East Jerusalem.
2. Who keeps on trying to make Peace, even though it's neighbors don't want Peace.
3. Are you familiar with the history of the land? It was ruled by the Turks until England won WW-I.
4. Why was Sadat murdered.
5. Check out two Muslims who speak the truth, which you probably won't because you are outright ignorant, and they are Walid, who wrote book on Why he left Jihad (google him) and
6. Taping the rally was legal.
7. Hezbollah are dirty-fighting PUNKS and anyone with a half-brain should know it, the fact they hide behind women in children. If they weren't PUNKS, they'd play by the book.
8. All those left-wingers who are unabashadly anti-Israel and one-sided like yourself, ChillWilson, are HOMOSEXUALS because you are subversive and warped.
Am Yisroel Chai.
Seva Brodsky said...
1. Your nom de guerre (FreeCyprus) smells of ethnic cleansing.
-- Ethnic Cleansing? You've got to be joking right? hehe...As a supporter of Israel, do you really want to get into a discussion about "ETHNIC CLEANSING" ??
FreeCyprus just means that part of Cyprus that's FREE, not the part that Turkey illegally occupied about 30yrs ago and is still there.
Do you know any other country that ILLEGALLY occupied a piece of land and is still on that illegally occupied piece of land?
3. Are you serious that you "didn't see anything in [my] videos showing the pro-Lebanese demonstrators as acting 'uncivilized'"? Are you merely blind or just plain stupid? Or only see what you want to see, which would make you both of the above, in addition to being evil?
So I didn't see the Pro-Lebanese demonstrators doing anything uncivilized...I didn't agree with you and your opinions...and now you're calling me "evil"
Isn't that what dictators and fascists call their opponents who don't think exactly like they way they think?
Seems Greece had a problem with one such dictator back in 1939...
Goyim ask youself a simple question: Would a jew free world be happier?
SHITler head FEMALESKI, still crying your side lost WW2?
To settle your nerves, I recommend you take a bottle of sleeping pills and wash it down with a wódka chaser.
It will take at least a century for a liberated white Christian Europe; to make our glorious continent: jew, moslem, sikh, hindu, free et al. What a joy will it be to be alive in 2108!
Fair Christian Europe is getting there. I ask the civilized world one simple question: Where would you rather live: Destructive whitish Asian Israel or violent blackish African Southern Rhodesia?