
Friday, July 28, 2006

He's posing for photographers now I guess.


Maybe the "art community" needs to develop some ethics, but then I suppose nothing can stand between an artist and...themselves.

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At first I thought Gerard must be doing his own Photoshop, mocking The Atlantic's anti-McCain bias. But he isn't. John McCain sat for a photo-shoot at the studio of Beverly Hills photographer Jill Greenberg for The Atlantic Monthly. Photographer Greenb... Read More


The irony is that if animals were treated the way Greenberg treats her toddler subjects, animal rights activists would be up in arms.

One of the comments to the Malkin article had it right. If a "conservative" photographer had done the same thing, it would have been a major issue, and undoubtedly would have been covered by CNN.

Sometimes when I do a quick post like this, the more I think about it, the more I see other sides of it...this one gets worse the more I think about it. Sick, sick, sick.

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