
Saturday, August 12, 2006

...but we all knew that already, and that's another reason why no ceasefire will ever really work -- there's no one in the Lebanese Government with the will or the ability to stand up and make Lebanon work.

Siniora accepts deal, praises Hizbullah

...The UN resolution, unanimously adopted in the Security Council, calls deployment of 15,000 Lebanese soldiers along the Israeli border with an equal number of UN Peacekeepers. That force would stand between Israeli forces and Hizbullah as Israel withdraws completely from the south of the country and Hizbullah ceases all military activity.

Praising Hizbullah guerrillas, the prime minister said: "The steadfastness of the resistance fighters in the field was very important, as was the steadfastness and unity of the people," he said...

Those "resistance fighters" just managed to get a whole bunch of your people killed for no good reason, Mr. Prime Minister.

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