
Sunday, September 3, 2006

From the Berkley [California] Daily Planet, where all ideas are worthy of space: Kurosh Arianpour, "an Iranian student studying in India" writes, Commentary: Zionist Crimes in Lebanon

... Perhaps the usual folks who attack Berkeley Daily Planet are right: There is, after all, anti-Semitism in the world. One can argue that the genocide of Lebanese people in the past few weeks has fueled anti-Semitism. But this is not the only reason. One should ask why anti-Semitism has persisted throughout the centuries.

Let us go back to 539 BC, when Cyrus the Great, King of Persia, went to Babylonia and liberated Jews. One can ask why Jews were enslaved by Babylonians. Also, one can ask why Jews had problem with Egyptians, with Jesus, with Europeans, and in modern times with Germans? The answer, among other things, is their racist attitude that they are the “Chosen People.” Because of this attitude, they do wrong to other people to the point that others turn against them, namely, become anti-Semite if you will. Since they think they are the Chosen People they can murder Lebanese and Palestinian children at will. Do you not remember the scene where a Palestinian father was screaming to stop Israeli soldiers shooting his son? But, the soldiers killed the boy mercilessly. Perhaps, Americans are so busy to amuse themselves with their iPods, lap-top computers, or cell phones. They do not have time to see the murders committed by the Chosen People. The Chosen People have become the Chosen Murderers. So long as the Zionists have no regard for the lives of others, people around the world will turn into anti-Semites, regardless of their religions. Even some Jews are condemning the atrocities of the Zionist regime...

Chip Johnson of the SF Chrinicle asks, Why did Berkeley paper run anti-Jewish column?

...The Anti-Defamation League's Northern California chapter sent O'Malley a letter demanding a public apology for the article. It carries the signatures of more than a half-dozen elected officials from the East Bay, including the mayors of Oakland, Berkeley and Emeryville.

The letter described the author's words as "a racist attack on all people of Jewish descent when he asserted that Jews have been the cause of every tragedy that has befallen them -- from slavery in Egypt to the Holocaust.

"We are not surprised when hate-mongers make such statements or when neo-Nazi publications print them. Vulgar and hate-filled statements are written all the time -- editors choose whether or not to publish them. We were, however, surprised, to find them in a Berkeley 'community' newspaper since racism of any kind violates all that our city and region stands for," it read...

Well, you know, the grown-ups have been asleep at the switch for a long time...all ideas are worthy of publication and debate on an equal field don't you know. Thought this was interesting:

..."All kinds of racist nonsense gets printed in the Planet -- and for good reason -- since racist thinking pervades American culture," wrote Joanna Graham, a reader who defended [editor] O'Malley's decision...

Interesting dynamic there. You think the worst, so you look for the worst and you find the worst...even if you need to, as in this case, import it from Iran.


Yet another example of the left and its alliance with islamofascists. The key to this alliance is a visceral hatred of the Jewish people. Consider Kurosh Arianpour's usage of the term "Chosen People"; sounds like he's jealous to me.

It's no surprise at all to me that this came from Berkeley. Hatred of Israel there is rivaled only by that found in, say, Iran or Syria (and, oc of course, the academia of most colleges and universities)........

I am always amazed by how the "left", the "progressive mental illness" types goosestep with Koran believing, Koran thumping, Sharia Law Islamofascists BUT relentless enemies of Christians and Jews.

Seems that Judaism and Christianity is the "opium" of the masses but Islam is OK.

Seeing that "chosen" has once again offended a Muslim, maybe he should read Augean Stables and its fisking of Jostein Gaarder
"Open Letter to Jostein Gaarder: Fisking Crypto-Supersessionism"

It's in three parts:

"In any case, derision aside, this particular comment leads us to a discussion of the nature of chosenness that can be very difficult and touchy… a discussion that Jews normally do not challenge Christians and Muslims about because these later monotheistic religions do not come out well in the comparison. But since this matter of chosenness seems to lie at the core of your complaint, Mr. Gaarder, let us grab the nettles."

I wonder if anyone really bothers to read anything anymore.

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