
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Looks like Pajamas Media is going to be giving good coverage to the upcoming Al Durah trials, starting with this blog post, The Father of All Fauxtography, and this essay: A Scent of Dreyfus: A Trail of Jihad

...The Al-Dura trials begin this September 14th in Paris. The mainstream media may not deem the story fit for coverage (which in and of itself is intriguing and worthy of investigation), so I guess it’s up to us concerned and informed folks to push this issue into the headlines.

Perhaps it’s the public’s love affair with the macabre, and their lust for the sensational which enticed France 2 Television to recklessly release footage reportedly depicting the shooting to death of a young boy, and the wounding of his father - at the hand of the Israelis (at least that’s what the voiceover said). In the rush to air 55 seconds of exclusive footage, which was rushed to France 2 by their Palestinian cameraman who filmed the scene; 27 minutes of rushes (unedited footage) were deliberately left on the editing room floor. France 2’s Charles Enderlin was so anxious to get the news out, that he generously distributed the 55 second clip free of charge to the global media.

Despite the incredible questions surrounding the case, France 2 has persistently refused to release the unseen footage to the general public. However, those few who have seen the footage report that it’s rather embarrassing, as it essentially records 24 minutes of youths feigning injuries, and ambulances evacuating the uninjured...

This is a truly interesting case -- both the Al Durah incident itself and the current round of defamation suits by France's Dan Rather, Charles Enderlin -- where the MSM is completely uninterested. Hopefully the blogosphere can have an impact.

1 Comment

Someone ought to sneak into France2 and steal that footage, then hold viewings throughout Paris and wherever else they can. 24 Minutes! I didn't realize that there was that much footage in existence.

Is there a potential mole at France2? Maybe someone who could be bribed?

If the footage is that embarrassing, it should be gotten and shown somehow, especially in France.

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