
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Just got back from a sort of launch party/intro to the new blogging service from Six Apart (the people behind MovableType, TypePad, etc...) called Vox. It was held, appropriately enough, at a restaurant called Vox Populi in Boston's Back Bay. Some of the folks from Six Apart were there, including founder Mena Trott.

They were showing off the new free service, and I'd say it looks pretty spiffy. Definitely good for those who want to establish some personal space on the web without going into coding...or paying money. It's a little like a cleaned-up version of MySpace (as I understand MySpace to be -- never used it), where you can establish links to friends and choose to make your postings available to the entire web-surfing public or create content viewable only by those people you choose to allow to view it -- good for keeping in touch with friends or posting personal stuff you don't want the world to see. It also integrates well with YouTube, Flikr and allows you to upload your own photos and stuff with no storage limits (so far).

And I'm not just saying all this stuff because they plied me with an open bar and tasty hors d'oeuvres. Met a bunch of bloggers and folks considering getting into blogging. Bloggers are always interesting people (and so are blog readers!). Met this guy, and this guy and this guy...and some others...can't remember their sites.

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