
Friday, October 13, 2006

Have you read Martin Kramer's piece that explains the US/Israel relationship from a "realist's" perspective? Oh you really should. It's really quite good: Is Israel in America’s Interest?


garbage and more garbage. Who's pays these people to write? Ugh.

I might have been a bit casual here, but I did actually mean to sincerely recommend the Kramer piece (not sure if you're talking about him or W&M). It is very good -- as opposed to the Walt and Mearsheimer piece it criticizes. Kramer's site is a good resource.

I didn't read the whole thing. You caught me. I read the first paragraph and said "I've heard all this before." It is a good piece. Next time I won't jump to conclusions.

This is the difficulty the Republicans are having right now. The country has tuned them out, just as I've tuned out the Left.

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