
Saturday, October 14, 2006

I have posted on former PC(USA) Moderator Rev. Fahed Abu-Akel -- one of the front-men pushing divestment in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Will Spotts at Truth in Love has some very interesting entries reporting that Abu-Akel "is scheduled to speak at a potluck dinner and Iftar hosted by the Presbyterian Church of the Master in Omaha and sponsored by Al Awda":

What could be problematic about a PC(USA) former moderator being the guest speaker at a potluck dinner at a Presbyterian Church? The fact that it is an Al Awda event. Al Awda styles itself the Palestinian Right of Return Coalition. Its “Points of Unity” are creative to say the least. Al Awda advocates “the formation of an independent, democratic state for all its citizens in all of Palestine.” [It is important to note that the single state is not a state of Israel. The word “Israel” is always used in quotation marks – and is referred to as the “settler state of “Israel””.] “This Coalition supports the struggle for the liberation of Palestine and views it as a struggle against all forms of colonialism.” [The “Points of Unity” do not specify what type of struggle they support – whether violent or non-violent. The implication is that they support violent struggle.] Al Awda does not acknowledge a Jewish state – which is the existing state of Israel. As one of their affiliate sites phrased it: “We are for a unified democratic Palestine that encompasses all the territory of historic Palestine. We oppose the existence of the colonial-settler state of Israel.” They refer to a sixty year occupation – confirming that by opposing “the occupation” they mean opposing the existence of the current state of Israel...

...Former Moderator, Rev. Dr. Fahed Abu Akel can surely choose where he eats. The Presbyterian church involved can surely host whomever they want. But as a former moderator of the PC(USA), Rev. Dr. Abu Akel’s presence at an Al Awda event – unless he makes clear his rejection of their profoundly unfair and unchristian philosophy – signifies endorsement. Once again, the PC(USA)’s credibility as an honest broker working for the peace and well being of Palestinians and Israelis is harmed by such an action.

Spotts receives a bit of a troll infestation from some names some careful readers may find familiar, each defending Al Awda, and handles it all extremely well. He has further informative postings: In Defense of Al Awda and Regarding Al Awda. Will is a real Godly man. He doesn't lose his temper once, and the series actually constitutes a pretty good primer on what Al Awda is about, and what it's defenders really stand for.

1 Comment

Thanks for the link and comments.

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