
Friday, November 10, 2006

And she ain't bad at all...


All filmed in Lebanon, btw.

MEMRITV: "Guantanamo" - American Officer Tortures Prisoners and Murders Investigator in an Iranian TV Drama

On November 4, 2006, the Iranian channel Al-Kawthar TV (formerly Sahar 1 TV) aired a drama called "'Remember Your Dreams' or 'Guantanamo.'" The film purports to show how the Abu Ghuraib photos were made public,and how the evil of the fictional U.S. Army Major Rosenthal [Say, isn't that a Jooish name?] was exposed, through the efforts of fictional characters: former Guantanamo detainee Dr. Mustafa Nasser, U.S. Army Corporal Jennifer Smith, Lawyers Without Borders activist Andre Mahfuz, Mahfuz's former fiancée, journalist Christine Lemoine, and a helpful Beirut hotel receptionist. The story is set in Guantanamo and in Beirut. The film's credits state that the film was shot in Lebanon and thank IRIB offices in Beirut, Al-Manar TV in Beirut, Lebanese Ministry of Defense, Lebanese Ministry of General Security, Lebanese Interior Ministry, Beirut International Airport and Customs, Beirut Municipality, UNESCO Beirut, and others...

1 Comment

I hope that that iranian drama shows that when the President of the Islamofascist Republic of iran gets deposed, he ends up in a cage in Guantanamo.

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