
Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Valley Patriot unloads with both barrels:

The anti-Semitic hate group “Wheels of Justice” was recruited to speak to the children of Andover High School by their equally anti-Semitic physics teacher, Ron Francis. And when the principal canceled the group’s visit because no opposing views were being represented, these so-called “peace activists” had to be escorted out of the building by police because they refused to leave “peacefully.”

Now, Francis and Andover Teachers’ Union President Tom Meyers are threatening a lawsuit, saying they do not want opposing views represented. (So much for freedom of speech!)

But who can oppose peace and love? A quick trip to the Web site reveals that Wheels of Justice is a group which seeks to “educate” people on the evils of the United States and Israel. They seek to educate people about the Jewish conspiracy in this country to support Israel. They portray America and the Jews as the root cause of all the violence and turmoil in the Middle East. In short, they cloak themselves under the cover of being “anti-Israel,” but not anti-Semites or anti-Jewish.

Furthermore, Wheels of Justice claims that Israel committed “ethnic cleansing” against Palestinians, that the Jews are “illegally” occupying land and oppressing poor Palestinian terrorists, and that the Jewish conspiracy in America is responsible for all of this. The group’s Web site stunningly equates the Jewish “occupation” with Nazi death camps in WW II. (Didn’t Hitler use this same type of propaganda?)

Wheels of Justice sought to bring maps of the “occupied” Palestinian land to Andover High to show just how victimized the Palestinians are at the hands of the evil Jews. But nowhere on its website or in its speeches do they condemn suicide bombings, terrorist acts against civilians, Palestinian support for terrorist groups such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbolah, or even al Qaeda’s 9/11 attack on the U.S.

In fact, Ron Francis himself makes excuses for all of these terrorist acts by saying that, if he lived in “Palestine,” he “would probably be a suicide bomber too.”...

It goes on.

And, showing that this issue has legs, History News Network has reprinted BU Professor Richard L. Cravatts's piece, originally printed at Israel Insider: Indoctrination Parading as History at Andover High

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» Wheels Of Jew Hatred at the blog Red Alerts

Solomonia links to a great article in The Valley Patriot about the anti-semitic “peace group” causing a disturbance in a school. Here’s the website of one of the “peace speakers” who this vile group want to indoctrinate ch... Read More


Francis's remarks are revealing for with them he suggests that were he to to be badly treated it would be within his characteristics to murder the innocent, including, perhaps deliberatly, children, and might, if the circumstances were grim enough, send his own offspring as weapons.That someone so morally distanced from the society he lives in should be in a position of trust over students is disturbing. He should seek help.

The Chechen Muslim terrorists who Physics teacher Francis probably supports because they are "poor mistreated Muslims", murdered 344 civilians, 186 of them children, in the Beslan School massacre in Russia on 9/1/04.

Only Chechnya? ..... Through the whole world.... !!!!!!!

I heard he was recently hired by Marlborough school in LA to improve their physics results.
It is very interesting...

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