
Friday, January 26, 2007

I was just reading this review of former New York Times journalist Chris Hedges' new book, American Fascists – The Christian Right and The War on America: The Times, "Fascists," and the Religious Right, by Don Feder, and I was reminded of the time in 2003 when Hedges was booed off the stage while trying to deliver the commencement address at Rockford College in Illinois. The original video links are dead, but I've found them posted at YouTube and have added them into the extended entry below. Look out for train wreck. (Best headline description of the event: Speaker disrupts RC graduation)

1 Comment

I had Rostenkowski (D-IL-jailbird) speak at mine, hot, blathered on, don't not vote for me because you didn't like the way I voted, I represent all the people.

It's not about him, it was about me and mine and how wonderful and energetic we were.....

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