
Monday, February 5, 2007

I just added a widget over there in the side bar that lets folks vote in PJ Media's Presidential Straw Poll right on this site. This is an unscientific "good for conversation"-type of thing. What's interesting about this widget is that it will actually track votes that originate from this site, so you can see how people in the "Solomonia district" are trending. I don't know how many folks will actually click it, but feel free to have at it. You can vote once a week from any particular IP address, once in each party. I believe the vote count resets each week, and, for any of you damn foreigners who aren't permitted to vote in real American Presidential elections, you are perfectly welcome in this one.

I may move the widget around a bit...not sure where it looks good on the page...I'm so picky.

Have at it!

1 Comment

Pajamas Media poll is Fixed. I watched the vote totals decreasing.
Then they decided just to remove some canidates from the poll.

We are suckers for believing any of these polls are honest.

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