
Friday, March 16, 2007

Miss Kelly has a look at a report on Ingrid Mattson, President of the Islamic Society of North America, an offshoot of the Islamist Muslim Students Association, and her recent speech at Harvard: Ingrid Mattson: "[the Christians] are really anti-Semitic. They do not like Jews"

Nice try, Lady, but it won't work. From today's Boston Globe about Ingrid Mattson's lecture at Harvard yesterday:
"The president of the Islamic Society of North America warned last night that American Jews who ally with right-wing Christians to oppose Muslim organizations are pursuing a high-risk strategy that could backfire. Ingrid Mattson....said that many American Jews have an existential fear that Muslims are anti-Israel."

Golly gee willikers, I wonder where they get that crazy idea??? Maybe from the endless stream of anti-Israel material that comes from the Muslim American Society, Muslim Student Associations, CAIR and countless Islamic websites?...

Have a look at the rest of Miss Kelly's informative entry. Mattson is nicely on message as this is a common tactic on the part of the Islamists in America -- isolate the Jews from the Christian community, while simultaneously trying to get the Jews to assist in their own lynching by convincing them that they were really much happier as good Dhimmis, here and in the Middle East.

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