
Sunday, March 25, 2007

Back to the fringes. Thought readers might be interested in some of the discussion among Boston's anti-"Zionist"(Semitic) community concerning the Islamic Society of Boston's lawsuit against The David Project and a number of individuals, news outlets...and pretty much anyone with the bad taste to question the ISB's apparent connections and fascination with Middle Eastern extremists like Yusuf Qaradawi (Qaradhawi).

The ISB has been pounding the pavement trying to get every Tom, Dick and Harry to sign on to an amicus brief supporting their case, so far mostly managing just some fringe Leftist groups. The Leftist Jewish group, Workmen's Circle, recently decided not to sign on, instead apparently substituting their own petition calling for both sides to go to mediation.

That's the background on one foot.

A recent exchange on the email list of the radical anti-Semitic, anti-American web site, Rule 19 is interesting for what it says about the people signing on to these things, and who they are. This stuff has been forwarded to me from someone who received it forwarded who received it forwarded...

Local disturbed terror-supporter David Rolde has been knocking on lots of doors. He's just gotten the Green-Rainbow Party (a political party which holds as a basic principle the dismantling of the State of Israel) to sign on to the amicus (see messages entitled "ENDORSEMENTRe: [adcom] Fwd: ISB/GRP"). He's also been working the radical Rule19's:


After my last email about the Workmen's Circle petition I received several emails from people concerned that it seemed like I was advocating signing the Workmen's Circle petition but that there are other actions that would be more supportive of the ISB. So I want to clarify that I am not signing the WC petition. I am working to get the organizations I belong to to sign on to the ISB's amicus brief supporting the ISB's lawsuit.

ISB has asked groups to sign on to the amicus brief. They asked Workmen's Circle to sign on. But Workmen's Circle decided to initiate the petition instead. Since ISB - the aggrieved party in this case - has always been open to dialog, they have no problem with the petition. But still it is more supportive of the ISB to support their lawsuit.

This in response to a post from

I would suggest that we understand the petition to be for the people in the progressive Jewish community that want to draw a line between themselves and Charles Jacobs. The petition (Workmen's Circle) is for people who don't have the courage to support the ISB but they want to help in an indirect way to shame The David Project. Those of us who want to support the ISB fully can do so by having other groups sign their court document and don't bother signing the Workmen's Circle petition.

From other messages, it's clear that Karima4483 is none other than Karin Friedemann (aka Maria Hussain), one half of Boston's Karin Friedemann/Joachim Martillo crazy Jew hating husband/wife team. This is quite a roll of honor these various briefs and petitions are coming to be. I look forward to the growing rogues' gallery in the petitions supporting the ISB.

You'll find "Karima4483" prominent on the oddly title email list "togethernet" which is apparently the email list for a web site called "Deir Yassin Remembered." You'll see other luminaries (and lunatics) like Israel Shamir and Paul Eisen.

Der Yassin Remembered was too overtly anti-Semitic for even a group of far anti-Zionist Leftists to stomach, as we looked at if you follow the links in this post: British anti-Zionists Purge the anti-Racists. Sue Blackwell, the British anti-Zionist who spends most of her time trying to blacklist her Israeli colleagues, actually (perversely) comes out looking like a good guy in that one, as she does here, where she is purging Friedemann hubby Martillo off of one of her email lists. A snip that gives a flavor of what the happy couple are about:

You are upset with me because I threw you off the Forensic-Linguistics list and banned you. I did this because of your long off-topic rants, for which I had repeatedly warned you. The last one included the following:

"Palestinian partisans that blow themselves up in an attack on Zionist colonizers are heroes, and all decent human beings should support them. Zionist colonizers, their racist ethnic Ashkenazi supporters throughout the world, and non-Ashkenazi supporters of Zionism are not only enemies of Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims but of all decent human beings."

I agree with the second sentence on the whole, though you seem a bit obsessed about "racist ethnic Ashkenazim". (But you told the list you are of Ashkenazi origin yourself. So that's all right then.) I profoundly disagree with the first sentence. Suicide bombings are a tragedy for all concerned. And it is not at all clear who you mean by "Zionist colonizers": I and other list members suspected you were including Israeli civilians as legitimate targets. Far from banning you for opposing Zionism, I banned you for off-topic and offensive postings which appeared to condone what amounts to terrorism by any definition of that term.

So, anyway, there it is. "The petition (Workmen's Circle) is for people who don't have the courage to support the ISB but they want to help in an indirect way to shame The David Project." Those are the words and feelings of the wacky left, but have no doubt, many of those chomping at the bit to sign these things are signing on for just that reason -- to stick it to what they perceive to be a "Right Wing" group -- The David Project -- and that's all they need to know.

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