
Thursday, April 5, 2007

YNet: Terrorists endorse Pelosi's 'good policy of dialogue'

Palestinian terror group members call US House speaker's visit to Damascus 'brave' and hope for talks with Iran; ‘I think the Democratic Party can do things the best,’ Islamic Jihad member says

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Syria Wednesday – in which she called for dialogue with Damascus – was "brave" and "very appreciated" and could bring about "important changes" to America's foreign policy, including talks with "Middle East resistance groups," according to members of Palestinian terror organizations whose top leaders live in Syria.

One terror leader, Khaled Al-Batch, a militant and spokesman for Islamic Jihad, expressed hope Pelosi would continue winning elections, explaining the House speaker's Damascus visit demonstrated she understands the Middle East.

Pelosi's visit was opposed by President Bush, who called Syria a "state sponsor of terror."

"Nancy Pelosi understands the area (Middle East) well, more than Bush and Dr. (Condoleezza) Rice," said Al-Batch, speaking to WND from Gaza. "If the Democrats want to make negotiations with Syria, Hamas, and Hizbullah, this means the Democratic Party understands well what happens in this area and I think Pelosi will succeed. ... I hope she wins the next elections."...

...Al-Batch expressed hope Pelosi and the Democratic Party will pressure Bush to create dialogue with Syria and Middle East "resistance movements" and prompt an American withdrawal from Iraq...

..."Pelosi's visit to Syria was very brave. She is a brave woman," Jihad Jaara, a senior member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group and the infamous leader of the 2002 siege of Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity, told WND.

"I think it's very nice and I think it's much better when you sit face to face and talk to (Syrian President Bashar) Assad. It's a very good idea. I think she is brave and hope all the people will support her. All the American people must make peace with Syria and Iran and with Hamas. Why not?" Jaara said...

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(Appeasement works!) Islamic Jihad expressed its support for House Speaker Pelosi and her recent trip to terror sponsor Syria calling the move “brave” and declaring that they believe the Democratic Party to be more in sych with middle east... Read More


Sipping coffee as I took in the heading of this post. Close call.

More seriously and germane to similar types of Islamic/Islamicist interests and initiatives along Western social/political and ideological fronts, this post at The Terror Finance Blog - covering the Muslim Brotherhood, also Tariq Ramadan - highlights some of those initiatives along with reciprocal sympathies as reflected in Western editorial writers and other commentators.

I'm still not sure what to make of the speaker, but I read a interesting post here as well.

I bet the Republican party is just salivating over this press. Maybe Barak and Hillary will join Nancy on her next visit?

A concise view of the mess the Shadow President made is here at Across the Bay with several links:
A Fool's Errand in Damascus

On a related note, Pelosi apparently not only lied and distorted Israel's message to Syria (which actually was that Assad must first abandon support for terrorism before any peace talks resume -- she left out that part), but she made an incredibly hilarious statement about Syria helping in "moderating" Hamas's position!

When a dilettante takes on Hizbullah
We can thank the US speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, for having informed Syrian President Bashar Assad, from Beirut, that "the road to solving Lebanon's problems passes through Damascus." Now, of course, all we need to do is remind Pelosi that the spirit and letter of successive United Nations Security Council resolutions, as well as Saudi and Egyptian efforts in recent weeks, have been destined to ensure precisely the opposite: that Syria end its meddling in Lebanese affairs.


I know that it could never be the case, but I would hope that Speaker Pelosi understands at some level the harm she is doing. I doubt that she does, though, and frankly, even if she did, I imagine that her thought is that it is much more important to score political points at home than anything else.


She will score points only with those as ignorant as herself and unfortunately this is a high percentage of Americans who rely on the MSM for their "facts"

I see that there is another example in Texas where an ignorant Representative learned nothing about Iran from Carter to Jewish Community Centre in Argentina to Lebanon.
The Texas State Senate invited a Khomeini supporting Imam to give an invocation.

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