Monday, April 23, 2007
There are many condemnations of terrorism in the Arab press. It just depends on what your definition of terrorism is: MEMRI: Cartoons Condemning the Terrorist Attacks in Algeria and Morocco
The cartoons presented the terrorists who perpetrated the attacks in Morocco and Algeria as bloodthirsty murderers destined for hell; the spread of terrorism in the Arab world was characterized as a worrying and threatening phenomenon; terrorism was presented as a distortion of the commandments of the Koran; and there was criticism of the clergy's acquiescence in the face of terrorist acts.
The following is a sample of the cartoons...
Here are a couple of other examples (more at the link above):
"Cartoon No. 3: The caption reads, from right to left, "Over there [i.e. in the West] and over here [i.e. in the Arab countries].""
"Cartoon No. 4: The caption beneath the figure says "Al-Qaeda.""
Sheesh, why don't they produce more of this stuff?
We could all certainly use it!