
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Go Fred Thomson: Living in Terror

Let me ask you a hypothetical question. What do you think America would do if Canadian soldiers were firing dozens of missiles every day into Buffalo, N.Y.? What do you think our response would be if Mexican troops for two years had launched daily rocket attacks on San Diego -- and bragged about it?

I can tell you, our response would look nothing like Israel's restrained and pinpoint reactions to daily missile attacks from Gaza. We would use whatever means necessary to win the war. There would likely be numerous casualties on our enemy's side, but we would rightfully hold those who attacked us responsible...

...The Palestinian strategy is to purposely target and kill Israeli civilians. Then, when Israel goes after those launching the attacks, Palestinians claim to be the victims. If Palestinian civilians aren't hurt in the Israeli attacks, they stage injuries and deaths. Too often, they garner sympathy and support from a gullible or anti-Semitic media in the international community.

Israelis, themselves, are often incapable of facing the damage they inflict in self-defense. Knowing this, Islamic extremists are using their own populations as human shields...

And big ups to Duncan Hunter for doing a guest post at LGF:

...I strongly support the wall that the Israelis have built, which has greatly reduced terrorist attacks — and believe that it’s very important for the United States to help Israel improve its missile defense in order to prevent the sort of attacks that country suffered during its war with Hezbollah last year. Incidentally, I’ve been encouraging Israel to build up her missile defense since back in 1987 as well as supporting the funding of joint missile defense technology programs such as the Arrow program.

Additionally, while the United States should do what it can to resolve the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, it’s simply not possible for the Israelis to make peace with people who refuse to recognize their existence, kidnap their soldiers, and blow themselves up in crowds of Israeli civilians. So, until the Palestinians renounce terrorism and stop their attacks on the Israeli people, peace will be out of reach. Let me also add that I’ve been to Israel, have seen the importance of regions like the Golan Heights to their security, and believe that Israel should not be asked to give up any more land in order to make peace with the Palestinians...


Fred Thomson says it better ... Duncan Hunter sounds too much like a politician. On the other hand, Rudi actually kicked Arafat out of the Lincoln center. I'm hoping to see some strong Iran action from some on Democratic presidential contenders ...

Hunter Thompson - "Fear and Loathing in PaleSWINE".

Imagine life with Thompson as our president and Hunter as our VP; wouldn't that be nice! No more pandering special interest groups who want to outlaw our Judeo values and replace them with Sharia Law. Illegal Aliens actually arrested and sent back instead of getting free passes to every social service thanks to Legal Americans. Also, consider the fact that Mr. Thompson isn't in bed with the Saudi's like Bush is since the 70's so perhap's we can even make some headway on the war against terror; that being Islam

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