
Thursday, June 14, 2007


MEMRI TV: Jawad Nasrallah, Son of Hizbullah's Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah: The Most Honorable Death Is at the Hands of the Murderers of the Prophets

Following are excerpts from an interview with Jawad Hassan Nasrallah, son of Hizbullah's secretary-general, which aired on NBN TV on June 11, 2007.

Jawad Hassan Nasrallah: The Prophet said: The most honorable death is to die for the sake of Allah... or something to that effect. The most honorable death is when one gets martyred for the sake of Allah, especially if it is at the hands of the Zionists, the murderers of the prophets, the violators of the covenants, with all their evil characteristics.


Interviewer: People get the impression that many of those who join Hizbullah are children. The West criticizes this phenomenon. Is it recommended to raise children on a certain ideology, which some claim resembles that of the Nazi Party?

Jawad Hassan Nasrallah: First of all, can 15 or 18 year olds be called children? Besides, when you talk to these people about Israel – what would you say about it? That it loves us? We saw pictures of [Israeli] children writing "gifts to the children of Lebanon" on missiles and shells. They teach their children that they are the "Chosen People," that no other people are human beings, and that the whole world is enslaved to them. It wasn't us who came and attacked others. They attacked us.

Are we supposed to tell the [children] they should surrender to the Israelis? What are we supposed to tell them about the people who were killed – that they were electrocuted? That their death was due to force majeure? What are we supposed to say? You should be dealing with them, rather than asking what we tell our children and what our parents told us. We have seen with our own eyes that what our parents told us was true. We will tell our children the same thing, and, Allah willing, when they grow up, they will not have to see it with their own eyes, because [the Israelis] will be gone, eradicated.

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There's a remarkable discussion going on back in this thread over a single Hebrew word and whether an Israeli functionary implied that Israeli troops were going to perform a genocide. Native Hebrew speakers and a professional translator are having no... Read More


Aside from the intense bigotry, I cannot fathom the stupidity of what he says, and the vast holes in his logic. It's really a mental illness.

One thing, however: There was also a paragraph in the transcript about how the Israelis "raise" their children. It was nonsense, of course, but he refers to those children in the north of Israel who during the war last year wrote messages on missiles. This was done at the urging of foreign reporters and with the cooperation and even urging of their parents.

HOW STUPID COULD THESE PARENTS BE?!! Yes, I know they had been trapped in shelters for a long time. But the parents should've been savvy enough to know that the European media (I believe the reporters were Portuguese) are not their friends. These idiots have provided another iconic photo--almost as famous as Al-Dura's--that has been flashed around the world and that has been used against Israel around the world.

I don't care what these parents suffered. They gave Israel a black eye. They should've known better. Every time I see that photo, I mentally curse them.

The Palis choice of furniture, like the chair the moron is sitting on, is NOT Danish Modern.

It's that glitzy crap you see in dictators palaces, Hip Hop videos and brothels.

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