Friday, July 11, 2008
This is just a quick link to follow -- an "aside." These are links to interesting things that, for one reason or another, I didn't place into a full posting. Click the link to visit the full article. Go to the blog index for a regular listing of posts.
MEMRI TV: Former President of the Constitutional Court of Turkey Blasts Turkish Government over Veil Dispute - '...The kind of hijab that the court banned [in universities] is the kind that religious groups force on girls. They cover their faces and raise the edge of the hijab. Each color indicated a different religious faith. The traditional hijab, which my mother wears in her village, leaves the forehead and the ears uncovered. It is the same as the headdress she wears in order to protect herself from the sun and to keep the dust out of her hair. But the hijab that they want to permit in universities is the kind that differentiates between students on the basis of the religious groups to which they belong. This is the hijab that is used as a symbol of political Islam, which is hostile to secularism...'