
Thursday, September 11, 2008

This is just a quick link to follow -- an "aside." These are links to interesting things that, for one reason or another, I didn't place into a full posting. Click the link to visit the full article. Go to the blog index for a regular listing of posts.

M. Zuhdi Jasser: The Unfought War on Islamism - '...It is time to heed Thomas Jefferson’s advice. We must begin the process of addressing and teaching our children the real causes of Islamist terrorism, so that by the time they become adults, they will not only be capable, but morally empowered to defend America and our freedoms against the Islamist ideology, which is bent on their destruction.'


Serious problem here.

when your opinion is based on bogus history and a misunderstanding of the contemporary world, you get these type of people.

so how will you teach children who on several times showed they dont recognize their own history, teach them those big questions that even bush cant understand.

let it be put to the point, those terrorists are the illegal sons of Israel and israel palestain case is a major reason for their rise. and rational people understand that and time will come when it will be clear to all people. Palestian is a major arabic case and in every thosand words its mentioned at least once.

so why terrorsiist will hit america that lies thousands of kilometers away? seriously .

its nt a case that needs thinking, its a case that needs bravery and respect to 1.3 billion people.

Be hypocritical and you will be respected, say the truth and you will marginalized.

ofcourse in the end, 11 september is a terrorist attack and nobody thinks its brave. but to terrosts its like israel.

israel destroyed lebanon for a silly matter, and those terrorsits do the same thing. their barbaric.

"There is no single unifying threat along the same lines as the Soviet Union to bind the United States and other nations together in seemingly permanent alliance. The world today looks more like that of the nineteenth century than like that of the late twentieth. Those who imagine this is good news should recall that the nineteenth-century order did not end as well as the Cold War did."

"Is this about American power, or is it about democracy?" If it was about democracy, he believed, the United States would "have a broader base of support at home and more friends abroad."

"There was no escaping the reality of the post-9/11 situation. What had happened to the United States had happened only to the United States. In Europe and most other parts of the world, people responded with horror, sorrow, and sympathy. But Americans read more into these outpourings of solidarity than was really there. Most Americans, regardless of political party, believed that the world shared not only their pain and sorrow but also their fears and anxiety about the terrorist threat and that the world would join with the United States in a common response. Some American observers cling to this illusion even today. But in fact, the rest of the world shared neither Americans' fears nor their sense of urgency. Europeans felt solidarity with the superpower during the Cold War, when Europe was threatened and the United States provided security. But after the Cold War, and even after 9/11, Europeans felt relatively secure. Only the Americans were frightened."

Americans are more enlighted than you Mr.Mr.Zuhdi,
by the way see your name and see what happend to barak hussian obama. the passport is not a big deal.

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