
Monday, April 6, 2009

This is just a quick link to follow -- an "aside." These are links to interesting things that, for one reason or another, I didn't place into a full posting. Click the link to visit the full article. Go to the blog index for a regular listing of posts.

Raymond Ibrahim: Textbook Lies About Islam - 'Political correctness and fear have led to the whitewashing of Islam in books used by American students...Worth heeding is former top Pentagon official William Gawthrop’s 2006 lament that "the senior service colleges of the Department of Defense had not incorporated into their curriculum a systematic study of Muhammad as a military or political leader. As a consequence, we still do not have an in-depth understanding of the war-fighting doctrine laid down by Muhammad, how it might be applied today by an increasing number of Islamic groups, or how it might be countered."...'

1 Comment

Fear, whitewashing, political correctness - foremost among academe's and media's priestly caste, in the salons and halls of the politically powerful as well. Fear playing a central role, rarely acknowledged as such; Kabuki theater playing itself out in the real world. We needs must entertain ourselves, no matter the price to be paid.

And this: "... defense analyst Mark Perry concluded, 'It’s worse than you think. They have curtailed the curriculum so that their students are not exposed to radical Islam. Akin to denying students access to Marx during the Cold War'" is indicative on several levels since a great deal that was momentous/pivotal in Marx was elided during the entirety of the Cold War, since the October Revolution in 1917, which of course took over from the democrat Kerensky, not from the Czar.

The motives behind those historic elisions varied greatly, yet virtually all of it reflected foundational deceits, elisions, delusions and various levels of complicity.

Iow and with no less regret, what is happening presently in terms of the illusions being adopted may be no worse than the illusions promoted and adopted during the seventy year reign of Marxist/Leninist power seeking.

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