Thursday, April 2, 2009
This is just a quick link to follow -- an "aside." These are links to interesting things that, for one reason or another, I didn't place into a full posting. Click the link to visit the full article. Go to the blog index for a regular listing of posts.
Tehran aims to create Gaza missile base that can cover whole of central Israel - '...Based on foreign reports, the Air Force bombed about two months ago, in Sudan, a shipment of medium-range rockets with a range of 70 kilometers (roughly 40 miles,) apparently the Fajar 3 model. This is not a small missile. In fact, it is a missile that the Iranians are manufacturing especially for the Gaza Strip, so that it can be dismantled to several pieces and smuggled in through the Gaza tunnels. This is also the way they produced the special Grad rockets for Gaza: Disassembled models, made in Iran, and designated for smuggling...'
This too is something that is simply not being acknowledged forthrightly. To say it forthrightly lends the appearance of desiring to sound jingoistic, but that is simply not the case because the underlying reality is:
Iran is already at war - via Hamas and Hezbollah and other proxies/conduits, and arguably more directly - with Israel.
What to do with that fact is of course the question, but the fact is there, to be faced or to be variously denied and glossed over. Whether Germany's rearmament itself, the Rhineland 1936, the Sudetenland in 1938 or Poland 1939 or some other analogy still is the better analogy, I don't know given the different ideological, geographic, strategic and other "landscapes." But the facticity itself is what it is, and that facticity cannot be merely imagined away, whether out of fear or out of any other underlying motive, whether conscious or unconscious.