Wednesday, October 14, 2009
This is just a quick link to follow -- an "aside." These are links to interesting things that, for one reason or another, I didn't place into a full posting. Click the link to visit the full article. Go to the blog index for a regular listing of posts.
Miami Herald: End wretched charade over human rights, Goldstone report on Gaza incursion unfairly condemns Israel - ' Rarely has the United States had as much good reason to exercise its veto in the U.N. Security Council as it will have today when a controversial report condemning Israel for its campaign against Gaza terrorists is slated to come up for consideration. The report, issued by a commission headed by jurist Richard Goldstone, has been denounced by the Israeli government and criticized by U.S. officials as deeply flawed and unbalanced. It accuses Israel of possible war crimes in the defensive action launched last December. The Israeli raid followed eight years of relentless rocket attacks against civilian targets in Israel by Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups. The Goldstone commission was appointed shortly after the fighting ceased but Israel wisely refused to cooperate with the panel because it was tainted from the start as a creation of the outrageously biased U.N. Human Rights Council, based in Geneva...'
Note the comment thread. Judging from several posts the propaganda against Israel is unfortunately succeeding. The defense of civilian populations isn't allowed since Israel de facto is the aggressor with the entire Palestinian People as the Intended Target.
Obviously people have forgotten or never learned basic, even recent basic history.
Worse - the facts have been turned upside down.
The actual victims and survivors of deliberate industrial homicide, nearly 2 millenia of religious and cultural bigotry, many mass expulsions, including national destruction, and of course several wars against modern Israel with the express purpose of annihilating state and people are now the aggressors.
One group of people who have attacked them repeatedly are now the "intended" victims.
I don't get it.