Friday, October 30, 2009
This is just a quick link to follow -- an "aside." These are links to interesting things that, for one reason or another, I didn't place into a full posting. Click the link to visit the full article. Go to the blog index for a regular listing of posts.
Yossi Klein Halevi: The Return of Israel's Existential Dread, In tabloid cartoons and dinner conversations, Israelis brace themselves for war with Iran - '...Israelis still believe in their ability to protect themselves—and many believe too in the divine protection that is said to hover over the fragile booths. Both are expressions of faith from a people that fear they may once again face the unthinkable alone.'
20 Heshvan 5770 November 7, 2009
Lights at the End of Tunnels Provide Reassurance
An eventful weekend began Friday at a B'nai B'rith luncheon, with Kosher offerings, at Il Fornetto Restaurant, in Brooklyn, featuring the Order's distinguished, and honored executive vice president Daniel S. Mariaschin reporting on the scourge of global anti-Semitism, while Marna Schoen, the organization's associate director for planned giving outlined the manifold ways one can make lasting contributions to programs that have world-wide effect!
Several scores of diners, and our Lodge friend Brian King, saw a brief video on the rescue work of B'nai B'rtih, active in more than 50 countries, and the only NGO (non-governmental organization to be accredited to the United Nations, continually since its founding in San Francisco in 1945. Dan's remarks were pointedly directed: the fatally-defective premised Goldstone Report on Israel's Gaza Operation Cast Lead, biased, and presenting inside its more than 500 pages prejudicial evidence without providing context, in blaming Israel in extremis; Iran's continuing attempt to become a nuclear-weapons nation; the rise of anti-Semitism, with the noxious twist of promoting an academic boycott against Israel in an unlikely quarter, Norway; the rising, and threatening collaboration between Venezuela, where 11,000 Jews reside, and Iran (B'B' has four offices in Latin America, including Caracas); and the promising resolution of Holocaust-era restitution of assets.
It is a matter of concern that the United Nations General Assembly accepted the Goldstone Report on Thursday, November 5, oblivious to the soon-to-be-observed Kristallnacht, paving the way for Security Council action, even referral to the Hague International Court of Justice. 114 states voted for it, Arab and Moslem states, of course, but, sadly, Cyprus, Turkey, and several Latin American countries. 17 states were absent, and 44 nations abstained; surprisingly, depressingly, Greece, Russia, France, and our closest ally, the United Kingdom!
A special honor roll must be accorded to the 18 countries voting against this unhelpful, potentially another war-igniting resolution: Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Netherlands, Palau, Panama, Poland, Slovakia, FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), Ukraine, and the United States.
After a wonderful Oneg, delight, with the Avitans, welcoming Raquel's grandmother and namesake visiting from Kiriat Malachi, Israel, Anna and I were ready to join Congregation Beth Sholom, for Shaharit, morning, worship, Parasha Vayeira, and attentively listen to the message delivered by guest speaker Yossi Klein HaLevi, a fellow at the Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem, and a contributing editor to the New Republic.
Two topics were broached: first, Israel, Iran, & Washington, followed in the afternoon with The Jewish People Today: Golden Age or 1930's Again? The speaker forcefully warned against demonizing President Obama, in his early attempts to jump-start the Middle East process, being wrongfully tagged by too many in the Orthodox Jewish community as both anti-Israel and anti-Semitic. He is neither; indeed, he is a friend, even if was off target in his graceless attempt at moral equivalency between the Holocaust, the subsequent inception of the modern Jewish State, and the quest for Palestinian sovereignty. Such ongoing rhetoric, he fears, marginalizes observant Jews, and leave them without a meaningful role in the political process. Still, for him, too, the prospect of a nuclear Iran may yet prove the defining issue for President Obama.
Similarly, there is a disquiet that Yossi detects in the rise of the J Street Project, a liberal counterpoint to the heretofore undisputed sole role and power of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), made up in the main by Reform and Conservative Jews, who nevertheless are valuable Israel supporters. It would be strategically short-sighted of the Orthodox contingent to seek a rupture to the unity that is both necessary and desirable. In a private repartee, I brought up the unseemly state of local journalism --- the divisive Jewish Star(less) and the misnamed, vanity Five Times Jewish Times. Yossi readily acknowledged that he was both keenly aware, and sadly distressed, that this condition persists, for it is detrimental to Jewish interests! (Hello! Are the Fertigs, Gordons, Richners listening? Do they care? Surely, all thoughtful people should!)
Israel continues to be challenged with existential dangers: from the north, Hezbollah; from the south, Hamas, both tied to Iran. More, the 1948 establishment of Israel did not bring universal aliyah, migration, while the Diaspora Jews, with the exception of Iran's remnant, choose to remain outside the Land. Normalcy, to the extent of wider world recognition of Israel, was achieved 20 years ago, as the Berlin Wall fell, then the Soviet Union disintegrated, and Eastern Europe democratized. Oddly, Israel's martial prowess has not brought it peace; its citizens debate, and are of contradictory minds --- split as to the efficacy of Palestinian statehood, and whether long-term border security is possible with such neighbors in the West Bank and Gaza.
Intense impromptu mini-discussions commenced, even as we greeted and were welcome by old friends: the most gracious Rabbi Ken Hain, Danny Hiller (hosting the speaker, and chanting the afternoon Torah portion); Mora Shoshana Adams, Vicki Fishof, Dr. Aaron and Geri Gindea, Murray Horowitz, Dr. Hillel Marans, whose daughter Tamar was just betrothed to Joseph Nussbaum); also, Selwyn Karp, emeritus Rabbi Gilbert Klapperman, Gina and Dr. Jack Levenbrown, Matthew Maryles (who so expertly chanted the Haftara), Dr. Stan Newhouse, Dr. Eugene Stricker, Jeffrey Weintraub, and many others in the capacity crowd. We were saddened to learn of the passing of a gentle soul, congregant Melvin Metzger, z"l. In his memory, and to honor the widow, our sweet Gloria, Anna and I made the trek to Lawrence. I knew him from the 5T Jewish Council Adult Education Institute, and I was privileged to have him enroll in my AARP Defensive Driving course at the Peninsula Public Library.
Returning from shul, I was soon engrossed in C-Span's coverage of the final House debate and vote on the landmark, century-long in the making bill The Affordable Health Care for America Act. At 11:07 PM, lusty applause was heard on the floor as the critical 218 majority was reached, and passed, with 220 (including the heroic Joseph Cao of Louisiana, the lone Republican, who thusly puts our Party to shame!). This Obamacan (Republican for Obama) is thrilled, and eager for the battle that will surely be waged in the Senate before our country eradicates the scandalous illness in our health care system that causes 14,000 daily to lose coverage; 120 each day to die from such a lack, 44,000 annually; and the awful knowledge of 47 million living beyond any insurance company's purview! Was this not the pernicious existence of the Biblical Sodomites who, living with ample sustenance, refused to share their bounty with others? Our nation is better than that, and our Representatives acted honorably! Shavua tov, Buena semana, a good week, καλη εβδομαδα.
Sincerely, and with fraternal affection,
Prof. Asher J. Matathias
[address and phone number snipped by blog owner]