
Monday, November 2, 2009

This is just a quick link to follow -- an "aside." These are links to interesting things that, for one reason or another, I didn't place into a full posting. Click the link to visit the full article. Go to the blog index for a regular listing of posts.

Wall Street Journal: Palestine's Missing Critics, Where's the outrage for Ramallah's atrocities? - 'Israel's harshest critics claim to champion the rights of Palestinians. So we're curious about the fallout, or lack thereof, from revelations that the Palestinian Authority regularly brutalizes its own in the West Bank while enjoying a steady flow of dollars and euros. Senior PA official Haitham Arar was quoted in the Daily Mail more than a week ago openly discussing the abuses. That follows a Mail On Sunday report in January that detailed the Authority's regular use of beatings, whippings, attacks with electrical drills, and other methods of torture doled out to anyone seen threatening the authority of Fatah, the party of President Mahmoud Abbas. Murder and rape are also commonplace...'


The MailOnline's headline was
British police and intelligence officers sent to tackle UK-funded torturers on West Bank

Support for the new department follows the disclosure by The Mail on Sunday in January that Britain spends £20million a year funding the forces responsible for the abuse.
‘We had to bring these people to order. But there were violations because not all the security officers were aware of human rights standards. We need oversight over the security forces’ actions.’

The last paragraph is laughable as the Muslims have a different standard for The International Human Rights bill as defined by the UN (but applied in an ad hoc fashion):
The Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam (CDHRI).

So which version will be applied? Anyway, given the makeup of the UN HRC I don't suppose it makes much difference.
That oversight will have to be applied 24/7.

The number of Palestinians murdered in the fights between Palestinian's rival groups is by far much more that died in Israel-Palestine conflict, and nobody in the world is saying anything about that.

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