Wednesday, May 12, 2010
This is just a quick link to follow -- an "aside." These are links to interesting things that, for one reason or another, I didn't place into a full posting. Click the link to visit the full article. Go to the blog index for a regular listing of posts.
Debbie Schlussel: Miss USA Contestant is Shi'ite Muslim Who Supports Hezbollah; Hezbo Taqiyyah Allows Bikinis? - '...Rima Fakih, Miss Michigan USA, who will compete in Sunday Night's pageant broadcast on NBC, is a Dearbornistan Shi'ite Muslim who is a supporter of Hezbollah. Her devout Muslim family comes from the Hezbollah stronghold of South Lebanon. Intelligence sources confirm that at least three of Fakih's relatives are currently top officials in Hezbollah and that at least eight Fakih family members were Hezbollah terrorists killed by the Israelis in past Israel-Lebanese wars and incursions. Some of her family members were originally in Harakat Amal [the Shi'ite Amala militia], which is now essentially a part of Hezbollah. There's a reason that even Al-Manar TV-Hezbollah's official TV network-is high on Fakih in the Miss USA pageant...'
I don’t know who is sicker, Debbie Schlussel or all of us who waste any brain cells on her.
In my opinion she is akin to what is commonly referred to as an “Internet Troll”. However there is one basic difference. The Internet Troll just makes outrageous postings on blogs, websites, etc. with no facts just to get a rise out of readers with lots of sparks flying. Schlussel is like the liar who mixes half-truths, or even the truth, with lies so it sounds plausible at times, but still gets the sparks flying shocking the conscious of sane people.
Schlussel should be treated like any common Internet Troll should be and that is to be totally ignored. She is an attention seeker besides being one sick puppy. If people will not respond to her diatribes, lies, etc., then she will eventually die out like a fire with no air. Speaking of dying, she has even received death threats in the past. This is also absolutely insane since this would be a waste of a good bullet.
For more of my detailed comments on her as it relates the 2010 Miss USA Pageant and winner Rima Fakih, please view my blog David Lee hosted by on their CC e-magazine at:
"She is an attention seeker"
"please view my blog David Lee"
"david lee", you clueless imbecile, you don't see the irony in your little post here?
It's all about british compassion for libyan oil contracts.