Friday, July 9, 2010
This is just a quick link to follow -- an "aside." These are links to interesting things that, for one reason or another, I didn't place into a full posting. Click the link to visit the full article. Go to the blog index for a regular listing of posts.
Melanie Phillips: Lynch-Mob Justice - Leftist ideology is replacing the rule of law in Britain and America. - 'In both Britain and America, ideological prejudices are coming to undermine the rule of law. In a number of incidents, people who have committed criminal acts have been acquitted or had their cases dismissed purely because they represent a politically correct cause or belong to a "powerless" victim group...'
Phillips' opening graph:
"In both Britain and America, ideological prejudices are coming to undermine the rule of law. In a number of incidents, people who have committed criminal acts have been acquitted or had their cases dismissed purely because they represent a politically correct cause or belong to a "powerless" victim group."
Again, we live is a pervasively ideological age. Phillips' only error is that her phrasing suggests this is a relatively recent phenomenon. It is not. To one degree or another the underlying dogmas of the age, the era, will always govern how "rationality" is applied in the public arena. Always.
Phillips, here, is hi-lighting an absolutely critical/pivotal erosion, or undermining, of institutional foundations. Those with ears to hear, let them hear, and heed.
Sew the wind, reap the whirlwind; sew the whirlwind, reap the abyss.
As Phillips puts it:
"This is an abuse of power and the antithesis of a free and liberal society. Furthermore, what is under assault is not some minority creed but the moral codes that lie at the very root of British society and Western civilization."
... and that is no exaggeration in the least, not remotely so.
"Sew"?!?! Let's try "sow". Geesh.