
Monday, September 6, 2010

This is just a quick link to follow -- an "aside." These are links to interesting things that, for one reason or another, I didn't place into a full posting. Click the link to visit the full article. Go to the blog index for a regular listing of posts.

Helping American Jews learn to give Sarah Palin the love she deserves - 'Israel has no greater friend than Sarah Palin.  She has shown repeatedly that she has a deep and abiding respect for the Jewish state, and that she understands the existential stresses under which it survives. Benyamin Korn gets this and, despite incredible derision from Jewish Democrats, has begun working to build a Jewish coalition recognizing Sarah's myriad virtues vis a vis Israel. As part of Korn's effort, he has started a blog site called Jewish Americans for Sarah Palin. The website needs a bit of polishing, especially since the newest posts seem to be appearing at the bottom, not the top, which makes the site look stale, rather than vital...'


If Israel has no greater friend than Sarah Palin, then Israel is in deep trouble.

Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful when anyone supports Israel, but I prefer to see that support coming from someone I can respect.

Sarah Palin indeed deserves a lot of respect, despite the non-stop dissing and dismissing from the chattering class and lame-stream media, not to mention the recent hatchet job in Vanity Fair or the "Who's Nailin' Paylin" porno released with much fanfare on Election Day, 2008. (The thought of a "Who's Ridin' Biden" really creeps Nappy out.)

Sounds like you listen more to the snark the left says about her than what she has said. The sound bites you hear on the news are not an accurate characterization. (Need it be pointed out that neither is Tina Fey's caricature on SNL? There are plenty of folks who attribute some of Tina Fey's lines in comedy sketches to Sarah Palin, as if she'd actually said them herself.)

That you can't respect a self-made woman who's been successful in business, as a mayor and as a governor, who is devoted to her family, including a Down's syndrome baby, and who says promotes so many sensible views on the vital issues of our time says more your distorted views and skewed values than it does about Sarah Palin. The hypocrisy of Maureen Dowd (who calls her Caribou Barbie) and the jaded, cynical feminazis at Ms. magazine and NOW is disgusting.

Instead of being apprehensive about Sarah Palin's support for Israel, you should be embarrassed and worried by the lack of support from so-many self-styled "progressives."


If you read this Jpost story
The Palin Puzzle
you will wonder at how some minds function.
Ideology and dogma rule.

Yup. Thanks for the link.

Proudly ignorant, emotionally unstable, famously undisciplined, allergic to news conferences and interviews with the mainstream press, habitually unprofessional, rapidly name-calling, an undependable quitter, infamously vindictive, personally alienating, deceitful about even hilariously inconsequential details of her life, and a genius at only self-promotion.

Gee, what's not to like? I can't fathom why even among Republicans only a minority say she's sufficiently competent to be president someday...

No thank you. I prefer leaders who are disciplined, cautious, skeptical, religiously moderate, civil, highly educated, cosmopolitan, worldly, temperate, self-critical, emotionally stable, professional, rigorously empirical, pragmatic, technocratic, appalled at populist demagoguery, and who actually believe that it's wrong to cut taxes without simultaneously and equally cutting spending.

You know, true conservatives, once upon a time. Are there any of those left?

Uh, friend of Israel. Is that why she supported Rand Paul in Kentucky when he wasn't the only candidate. Is that why Buchanan and his sister seem to love Palin. Why was her husband be part of the independence party in Alaska that wants to break away from the US and form their own country and turned to Iran to try to do this as this is what Joe Vogler did. This party claimed that Sarah Palin was one of them and it is great she has infiltrated the Republican party.

What has she ever done to support Israel. Chabad Rabbi's like her but many Rabbi's had a good relation with Hillary Clinton too. The Orthodox Union was a big fan of Hillary Clinton. That doesn't mean you love Israel because Rabbi's like female politicians. Hillary is no friend of Israel either.

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